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Mary Tierney painting
Mary Tierney Paintings

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Teddy Roosevelt versus the Dinosaurs

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Genzoman Cirsova #5 cover

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Michael for Maumelle City Council

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Manta Ray - Flower Gardens, Gulf of Mexico 2000.
See the Dive Logs for more.
All photos & illustrations © copyright 2002 through 2018 by Michael Tierney



"The Battle of the Rages"

first publication in:
The Mighty Sons of Hercules

Review from Tales of Trinity City:
"A Mighty Read, Indeed!
Herc’s sons go all around the world as wanderers and fight for what is right. Every story was intriguing and I love them all."

Selected by the Independent Fiction Alliance as one of the 25 Best Indie Books of 2023!

Funded on Kickstarter in August 2023, The Mighty Sons of Hercules recaptures the spirit of over-the-top macho heroes
from Saturday afternoons in decades past. Made in the mold of those matinees that gathered sword-and-scandal movies under the banner of Hercules,
the eight tales collected in this anthology revisit a time when the bravest and most powerful men alive faced evil forces that no mortal man could survive.
The kind of heroes who, when surrounded by enemies, might taunt them by pulling his short blade first in a sign of disrespect.

In my "Battle of the Rages," one of the sons of Hercules learns the lesson about there being no fury greater than the wrath of a woman scorned.
When that woman is a powerful sorceress, who employs the aid of another, even greater, wielder of mystic might--then you know that this Son
will be faced with daunting challenges no one else might attempt. A pair of revenge-crazed dragons complicate matters even more.

The Mighty Sons of Hercules was released September 2023 in paperback and hardcover.
The hardcover was a limited edition Kickstarter exclusive, and featured a back cover/flip cover by Michael Tierney.
Michael signed and numbered 10 of these.

This edition was intended to never be reprinted, but as you can see by the ad below, Cirsova is bringing it back into print!

"A young man plotting patricide draws unexpected attention."

Her link to the Wild Stars will not be revealed until Wild Stars 10: War of the Gods!

Cirsova V2 #9 winter 2021

5-Star Review on Amazon:
"This short beautifully written non-fiction article by Michael Tierney is an absolute gem."

Now available:

Gods & Service anthology paperback

"Who is God?" is a social science-fiction short story released December 2019 in the paperback anthology "Gods & Services",
edited by R. J. Carter. A mysterious shop appears out of nowhere with a sign that reads Goods & Services, but one of the "O"s has fallen off.
The inventory is unusual: lost or forgotten gods who perform services for a price.

Jack's Basement

Cirsova #9

Cirsova #9, Fall 2018, contains Jack's Basement, a horror humor story with a twist ending that should appeal to fans of comic books.

The Criteria for Admission Into the Galactic Community

Cirsova #7

Cirsova #7

This issue includes The Criteria for Admission Into the Galactic Community, a science fiction story with a twist.

The Bears of 1812

Reprinted as "Grass Maiden" in the book edition of Wild Stars 3: Time Warmageddon,
but that story's Wild Stars link was not revealed until Wild Stars 8: The Superior Griefs.

5 Star review on

"... it was really interesting. I like what he did with Sacagawea ... very satisfying ... (one of) my favorites."

Shark Fighter

Cirsova #2
Featuring Michael Tierney's new short story, Shark Fighter,
Shark Fighter is a tale of horror beneath the deep blue sea, see if you can guess the Wild Stars connection.
It's tenuous, but it is there. The answer was revealed in Wild Stars 5: The Artomique Paradigm.
For more information about this issue, visit this link.

Another Cirsova contributor mentioned my Shark Fighter story during his YouTube GeekGab podcast (visit this link).
Check it out starting at the 25 minute mark and continuing through when the host shouts:
"Stop the bus! A guy's fighting a shark!"
"Stop the bus!"
I'll take that review!
"Well written and there is a powerful emotional punch at its core."

"...not light fare, but .... meaty and gripping adventure"

"a grim sort of redemption"

Who is Michael Tierney?

michaelphoto1 Beyond the Farthest Star
Michael Tierney has been involved in comics and the publishing industry since the 70s. Owner and proprietor of both The Comic Book Store and Collector's Edition, Michael was a Finalist for both the Star*Reach Comics Retailer of the Year Award in 1985 and the Will Eisner Spirit of the Comics Retailer of the Year Award in 1999, has been an Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide Advisor since the 1990s, and is a staple of Central Arkansas' comic scene. A former journeyman printer and printing division manager, he's written, published, and at times even penciled, inked, and printed his own comics. He is currently writing, lettering, and coloring Edgar Rice Burroughs' Beyond the Farthest StarTM online, and his four volume Edgar Rice Burroughs 100 Year Art Chronology was published by Chenault & Gray in 2018.
His four volume Robert E. Howard 100 Year Catalog Art Chronology was published by Chenault & Gray in 2023.

Michael has been a regular contributor to Cirsova Heroic Fantasy and Science Fiction Magazine, who released the 2019 35th Anniversary set of Michael's Wild Stars comics and books. Cirsova Publishing is a Central Arkansas semi-pro publisher of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Its flagship publication, Cirsova Heroic Fantasy and Science Fiction Magazine was a 2017 Hugo Awards finalist for Best Semi-Pro Zine.

They also published Michael's posthumas collaboration with Edgar Rice Burroughs on Young Tarzan in 2019.

Cirsova magazine 2 Cirsova magazine 5 Cirsova magazine 7 Cirsova #9 Young Tarzan Wild Stars 5 in Cirsova 5 Wild Stars 5 in Cirsova 5 Wild Stars 5 The Artomique Paradigm Part 2 of 3 Wild Stars 5 Artomique Paradigm part 3 >Cirsova 8 Cirsova V2 9 winter 2021 Wild Stars 6 part 1 Cirsova 10 Wild Stars 6 part 2 Cirsova 11 Wild Stars part 3 Cirsova Fall 2022 Wild Stars 7: The Gold Exegency Wild Stars 7 Part 2

For Information:
Michael Tierney/Little Rocket Publications:
Cirsova: / Twitter: @cirsova

To read what the critics think of the WILD STARS, visit the REVIEWS PAGE.

Michael Tierney's bibliography can be found here!
