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Manta Ray - Flower Gardens, Gulf of Mexico 2000.
See the Dive Logs for more.

Tarzan is a ® Trademark of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.

The cover for Young Tarzan and the Mysterous She is © Copyright 2019 Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.

The covers for the Edgar Rice Burroughs 100 Year Art Chronology are © Copyright 2018 Edgar Rice Burroughs, inc.

All other Cirsova covers are © Copyright Cirsova magazine

Wild Stars III is © Copyright 2018 Michael Tierney

Wild Stars is a ® Registered Trademark of Michael Tierney

All dive photos © copyright 2002 Michael Tierney


Weekly online comic strip Adventures!

Beyond the Farthest Star

Exclusively available via online subscription service with Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.

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($21.99 annually for all weekly new releases and full access to the entire library)
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Beyond the Farthest Star Ace 1st Beyond the Farthest Star Ace 2nd

Created by Edgar Rice Burroughs:

The final Burroughs Blue Book story was Beyond the Farthest Star, run in the January 1942 issue, again without cover art, but with an interior illustration by Grattan Condon. Originally intended as the first segment of a novel, like Tarzan and the Champion, it would also later be compiled with other stories in 1964 in Tales of Three Planets. Written while living in Honolulu and serving as a war correspondent during World War II, this tale opened as a war story when an aviator was blasted out of the sky by a synchronicity of explosions that flung him beyond the farthest star. It also employed a device most likely borrowed from the unfinished Ghostly Script, with the story being told by the touch of a ghostly hand upon the keys of Burroughs' typewriter.

Text and images from Volume Two of The Edgar Rice Burroughs 100 Year Art Chronology.

Beyond the Farthest Star-- Book Five featuring The Land of the Dead is an original story by series scripter Michael Tierney,
bridges the gaps between the four previous stories and resolving all the inconsistencies caused by three other writers who all had
different visions of life Beyond the Farthest Star!

Beyond the Farthest Star

Michael Tierney signing the Wild Stars

Scripts and Lettering by Michael Tierney:

Michael Tierney has over 1,000 published works of fiction and non-fiction. His most notable non-fiction works are the highly-acclaimed Edgar Rice Burroughs 100 Year Art Chronology and the Robert E. Howard 100 Year Catalog Art Chronology. The fiction work he is best known for is his long-running science fiction opera: Wild Stars--which consists of novels, portfolios, and comic books. One of those comics he not only wrote, penciled, inked, and lettered, but also printed in his garage. It was the first comic to be foil stamped and have a die-cut cover, and remains the only comic to ever have a die-cut back cover. With Beyond the Farthest Star he accomplishes a personal first. This was his debut as a colorist on the first 100 episodes, until there was a change in artists.

Michael is also a master certificed scuba diver who hunts sharks with a camera.

Artwork by Silvestre Szilagyi:

Silvestre Szilagyi was born in 1949 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. From 1968 to 1970, he studied comic art, known then as “Histoieta,” under Alberto Breccia at the the interdisciplinary art school I.D.A. (Instituto de directores de Arte). In 1970, he opened the Estudio Geminis with Gaspar Gonzalez. Fellow artists Mulko, Gil, Leopardi, and many more worked there regularly, sharing opinions and critiques. From 1974 and on, he worked for Record, the second largest publisher in Argentina, on such books as Skorpio, Corto Maltés, Pif Paf, and Tit Bits. Around 2007, he began doing work for Moonstone Books, completing around 450 pages of The Phantom, as well as working on other characters. He has published over ten thousand pages, and still loves drawing. Silvestre was also an artist on The Mad King online comic strip for ERB, Inc.

BTFS t-shirt3

This Week's Teaser!

Episode Two Hundred Ten Teaser Image!

March 22, 2025
Tangor's love life beyond the farthest star has been nothing but star-crossed.
He was too distracted and dense to read the signals when the first woman on Poloda to see him naked
switched from the lavender of a married woman to the gold of a single and made herself available to him.
Then his lover, Morga Sagra, was murdered by the Kapar secret police.
Now reincarnated Abraham Lincoln has just stolen his latest girlfriend!
Don't expect Tangor to be joining in a group hug with the dragons.

Book Five Teaser Images -- Weeks 172 through current!

This Book adapts Michael Tierney's original story; The Land of the Dead

Book Four Teaser Images -- Weeks 127 through 171!

This Book is the first of a two-part adaptation of Lee Strong's novel; A Soldier of Poloda

Beyond the Farthest Star--Book Four

Book Three Teaser Images -- Weeks 101 through 126!

This Book adapts Todd McCaffrey's sequel; "To the Nearest Planet"

Beyond the Farthest Star--Book Three

Year Two Teaser Images -- Weeks 53 through 100!

This year adapts Edgar Rice Burroughs' sequel; "The Return of Tangor"

BTFS Year Two header

Year One Teaser Images -- Weeks 1 through 52!

This year adapts Edgar Rice Burroughs' original story of "Beyond the Farthest Star"

Beyond the Farthest Star

Beyond the Farthest Star Michael's Ad 4

Beyond the Farthest Star


Three different Beyond the Farthest Star T-shirts
are available in both black & white,
plus a variety of sizes for both men and women.
BTFS t-shirt BTFS t-shirt BTFS t-shirt3

Virgin cover art for the British Tandem edition of Beyond the Farthest Star provided by Jim Burns,
who confirmed with ERB-Superfan Laurence Dunn that he was the previously unknown artist for this edition.
Thanks, Jim!
Thanks, Laurence!
Beyond the Farthest Star by Jim Burns
Joe Jusko's trading card artwork from the 1994 FPG trading card set
based on the works of Edgar Rice Burroughs, and illustrating a
scene from Beyond the Farthest Star.

Jusko Beyond the Farthest Star trading card art

Other Edgar Rice Burroughs-related material by Michael Tierney:

Young Tarzan
For more details click the picture above or this link.

It's an old question of: Who you would visit from the past if you could?
Take that question a step further and ask if you could collaborate with literary giants on their greatest creation, who and what would it be?

Here's Michael Tierney's answer: Young Tarzan and the Mysterious She.
Released March 2019 in Cirsova Magazine of Thrilling Adventure and Daring Suspense.

ERB Art Chronology ERB Art Chronology ERB Art Chronology ERB Art Chronology

Who is Michael Tierney?

michaelphoto1 Beyond the Farthest Star
Michael Tierney has been involved in comics and the publishing industry since the 70s. Owner and proprietor of both The Comic Book Store and Collector's Edition, Michael was a Finalist for both the Star*Reach Comics Retailer of the Year Award in 1985 and the Will Eisner Spirit of the Comics Retailer of the Year Award in 1999, has been an Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide Advisor since the 1990s, and is a staple of Central Arkansas' comic scene. A former journeyman printer and printing division manager, he's written, published, and at times even penciled, inked, and printed his own comics. He is currently writing, lettering, and coloring Edgar Rice Burroughs' Beyond the Farthest StarTM online, and his four volume Edgar Rice Burroughs 100 Year Art Chronology was published by Chenault & Gray in 2018.

Michael has been a regular contributor to Cirsova Heroic Fantasy and Science Fiction Magazine, who released the 2019 35th Anniversary set of Michael's Wild Stars comics and books. Cirsova Publishing is a Central Arkansas semi-pro publisher of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Its flagship publication, Cirsova Heroic Fantasy and Science Fiction Magazine was a 2017 Hugo Awards finalist for Best Semi-Pro Zine.

They also published Michael's posthumas collaboration with Edgar Rice Burroughs on Young Tarzan in 2019.

Shown below are Michael's book releases from 2018 through 2024, which includes some, but not all, variant covers.
Below that is a display of the issue of Cirsova Magazine containing Michaels appearances, with links to the individual issues.

Cirsova magazine 2 Cirsova magazine 5 Cirsova magazine 7 Cirsova #9 Young Tarzan Wild Stars 5 in Cirsova 5 Wild Stars 5 in Cirsova 5 Wild Stars 5 The Artomique Paradigm Part 2 of 3 Wild Stars 5 Artomique Paradigm part 3 >Cirsova 8 Cirsova V2 9 winter 2021 Wild Stars 6 part 1 Cirsova 10 Wild Stars 6 part 2 Cirsova 11 Wild Stars part 3 Cirsova Fall 2022 Wild Stars 7: The Gold Exegency Wild Stars 7 Part 2
