Over the previous four decades of publication, the Wild Stars have received many accolades from reviewers and publishers: with "Beautiful... Tremendous... Superior... treasure... Super cool...
engaging... crackling... intelligent... satisfying... compelling... epic... Innovative... brilliant... Excellent... heroic...
game-changing... the gold standard... will put hair on your chest... incredible... almost incomparable"
being some of the highest (see the review page for links to the full reviews).
Those positive reviews continue to come in with the newest, 35th Anniversary set of
Wild Stars Books 1 through 4 released by Cirsova Publishing.
Amazon.com review of the Cirsova edition of Wild Stars 1: "A fun, crazy sci-fi story
There are many different layers to the story...
Overall, a really fun read"
5-Star Review on Amazon for the Cirsova edition of Wild Stars 1: "A Fantastic Fantasy!
Amazing series, the absolute definition of great fantasy!
Top tier writing, wonderful art and imagination, a truly gripping tale spun to keep you coming back more."
5-Star review on Amazon for Cirsova's 2nd edition of Wild Stars 3: "
The Wild Stars series is built for people who want a story that is rich with drama, thick with story...
Michael does a good job of making this a stand-alone story or jumping on point for the series.
If you're looking for well developed original content then this is a book series you need to check out."
5-Star review on Amazon of the Cirsova 1st edition of Wild Stars 4: "This is the must have book no matter where you are in this series.
...strong character arcs and drama alongside galaxy-spanning space battles...
The Wild Stars series is built for people who want a story that is rich with drama, thick with a story...
it gives you everything you could want in a story and still leaves you wanting more."
Jon Mollison did an in depth review (here) about Cirsova's first edition of Wild Stars 4:
"The seamless merger of sci-fi and fantasy... crackles,
and the adventures leap... with a relentless pace that's a joy to follow along.
New characters step on scene fully formed, and fully described for newcomers to the series,
and Tierney doesn't shy away from jerking the rug out from the reader's expectations
in a way that is both fun and inspiring."
""Wild Stars Rising"... makes for a great introduction to the world.
In many ways, the Wild Stars universe reminds me of the Lensman series,
and if you've ever read that classic series by the old master Doc E. E. Smith,
you'll recognize that for the compliment it is."
Below is what those four back covers look like when combined.
Click on it to get the story of the unique packaging, with virgin front covers and a unified back cover,
or click on any of the images above to be taken to the listings on Amazon.
The Wild Stars 35th Anniversary Omnibus hardcover is available for order on Lulu.
This 726-page, 8 1/2" x 11" hardcover features an incredible wraparound cover by Anton Oxenuk,
and contains everything from the entire 35 year history of the Wild Stars!
5-Star review on Lulu for the Omnibus: "A stunning and enjoyable read - the omnibus is worth the investment to ensure completeness of the read,
along with the immensity of the tome. The wraparound cover... would make a dynamic poster!
I recommend this work for anyone who is a fan of pulp sci-fi or space opera -
along with anyone who is a fan of non-derivative works."
All of these books were released at the very end of 2019,
which means that first new Tierney publication in 2020 was actually done in a different set of Stars:
is a weekly comic strip that adapts the work of Edgar Rice Burroughs and is published exclusively on their website.
Here's the teaser from this week's strip. Click on it to be taken to their subscription service.
The first episdoe of 2020 is a tense one!
Tangor had been convinced that Balzo Jan is indeed Balzo Maro's brother,
but Tangor's new friends, the Punisians, are less than convinced.
In fact, these cannibals are completely confused, angry, and very hungry.
The adaptation of Beyond the Farthest Star wrapped up with episode 52 on February 29, 2020.
On March 7 the adaptation of The Return of Tangor began!
Episode Fifty-Five Teaser Image!
March 21, 2020
Tangor takes Morga Sagra for a romantic evening stroll.
When she leans to whisper into his ear... what could go wrong?
Hold on! What did she suggest?
Released Summer 2020!
Released by Troll Lord Games(who forgot to put my name on the cover)
as part of their Amazing Adventures 5E role playing game system, this magazine-sized trade
paperback provides details about the characters, races, places, ships, and everything else a
dungeon master needs to know to conduct your own persoanl adventure anywhere and at any
time in the Wild Stars universe!
July 7th, 2020 Announcment!
Robert E. Howard
Art Chronology
Created by Michael Tierney
Published by Chenault & Gray
under license by Cabinet Entertainment
The contracts between the Conan Properties and Robert E Howard Properties, and publisher Chenault & Gray
were finalized over the Independence Day weekend.
Sold the 1st serial rights for my latest novel, Wild Stars 5: The Artomique Paradigm,
to Cirsova Publishing yesterday. It will be serialized in Cirsova Magazine of Thrilling
Adventure and Daring Suspense in 2021. The book release will follow later.
July 10th, 2020 Announcment!
My Young Tarzan and the Mysterious She, posthumously co-authored with Edgar Rice Burroughs,
was the featured topic of dicussion for the latest issue of the Gridley Wave, published by the Burroughs Bibliophiles!
Wild Stars 5: The Artomique Paradigm is going to be three-part serialization in Cirsova Magazine before the
book edition, and Cirsova had gone all out for their 5th Anniversary edition by commissioning TWO Wild Stars covers!
The main cover is by Anton Oxenuk, who created a fantastic cover for my posthumous
collaboration with Edgar Rice Burroughs on Young Tarzan and the Mysterious She.
Anton's cover is available in both paperback and hardcover.
The Kickstarter exclusive cover is by Genzoman from Udon Studios,
and both covers occur sequentially--which is something I'm not sure had been done before on
magazines or book covers.
Genzoman's cover is available in paperback with the trade dress text on the cover-- and as a Virgin Cover in hardcover!
This issue of Cirsova is also their first to contain a comic book pages: Reprinting Badaxe issue
#1 from 1989, which I digitally restored for Cirsova.
The three issue of the fantasy adventure Badaxe will run concurrently with my Wild Stars,
and feature some very nice black-and-white artwork that has been out of print for over thirty years.
But that's not the only interior art in this issue.
Dark Filly created several full page illustration for the prose stories.
Here's one of her illustrations for Wild Stars:
Thank you everyone for your support--past, present, and future!
Here are some shortcut links for your convenience:
There is an Edgar Rice Burroughs fanzine, titled The Minunian (a tip of the hat to the Ant Men from Tarzan and the Atn Men),
that I've been writing articles for over the last few years.
It is an extremely limited, but well made magazine edited and published by Jason Hardy,
that is filled with interesting articles and excellent arwork.
In the debut issue, I contributed an article about the making of my Edgar Rice Burroughs 100 Year Art Chronolgoy.
Starting with Issue Three and running in every issue through the just released, January 2021, #12 issue,
is my feature; Tierney's Treasures.
In this column I provide more information and artwork that didn't make it into the Chronology,
primarily concentrating on the black-and-white interior Pulp artists who didn't get a lot of discusion previously.
Here's a list of the Tierney's Treasures contents through the current issue:
Issue #1: The Making of the ERB 100 Year Art Chronology article. October 2018.
Issue #3: Frank Hoban--The Prominent ERB Artist in the 1930s article. February 2019. Feature becomes Tierney's Treasures with the next issue.
Issue #4: Tierney's Treasures Part 2--The Untamed Art of Charles Livingston Bull article. April 2019.
Issue #5: Tierney's Treasures Part 3--The Header Art of Roger B. Morrison article. June 2019.
Issue #6: Tierney's Treasures Part 4--The Sidewalk Art of Samuel Cahan article. August 2019.
Issue #7: Tierney's Treasures Part 5--Milk Carton Artists article. October 2019.
Issue #8: Tierney's Treasures Part 6--John Coleman Burroughs--Voyage to the Bottom of the World article. December 2019.
Issue #9: Tierney's Treasures Part 7--The Header Art That Time Almost Forgot article. February 2020.
Issue #10: Tierney's Treasures Part 8--The Lion and the Disguised Men article. May 2020.
Issue #11: Tierney's Treasures Part 9--Virgil Finley--Master of Pen and Ink article. July 2020.
Issue #12: Tierney's Treasures Part 10--C. A. Murphy's Western & Jungle Adventures article. September 2020.
Issue #13: Tierney's Treasures Part 11--The Drama of Krupa and Watson article. Junuary 2021.
Wild Stars 5: The Artomique Paradigm On Sale Now!
Because of delays and getting the artwork so late in the campaign,
Cirsova has decided to scrap the Kickstarter solicition,
and put the Spring 2021 issue ON SALE NOW for early shipping March 31!
This change of plan has resulted a change in what will be available.
The main cover by Anton Oxnuk is available in both paperback and hardcover.
The Genzoman variant cover is availabe in paperback with the traditional trade text, and as a virgin cover in hardcover.
Publisher Alex Alexander's Chen cover is available in both paperback and hardcover.
So to recap, here are the paperback covers (again, Chen is NOT an Artomique),
click on any paperback cover to be taken directly to Amazon:
Here are the hardcover editons:
Part Two of The Artomique Paradigm is now available:
The Fall 2021 issue #8 of Cirsova Volume 2, features
the final, Part Three of The Artomique Paradigm, and a Bad Girls of Cirsova cover as (from left to right)
the Red Queen from the Wild Stars joins Tanree from Paul O'Conner's Badaxe (with artwork digitally restored by Michael)
and Kat from Too Many Mangos, the latest installment of Mongoose & Meerkat by Jim Breyfogle.
Artwork by Raven Monroe!
Sometimes science fiction becomes science fact.
Back in my 2002 Force Majeure: Prairie Bay comic sequel, I populated a spaceship with scientists who
all had lower limb disabilities. It seemed like a logical opportunity to me, given that the muscle
atrophy problems associated with spaceflight would not affect them.
Another prediction that was 20 years ahead of its time was the use of rotor to fly the skies of mars,
when that same Force Majeure: Prairie Bay comic postulated the use of helicopter rotors as an emergency descent device.
Now NASA is using helicopter rotors to explore Mars.
Who knows what the other event the more recent Wild Stars books might predict in the future?
NASA has already acknowledge that the concept of water/ice ships, similar to the ice ship used
in the Force Majeure: Prairie Bay sequel would protect interstellar travelers from radiation.
This is a concept that no one has yet acted upon.
Other predictions made in the Force Majeure: Prairie Baycomic that have already
come true includes the existence of water on Mars, years before NASA made that discovery.
But what was so uncanny about this was how the cover of the comic showed water gysers
exploding on Mars in almost the exact same pattern that a Mars rover would catch in a snapshot-- eleven years later!
The Force Majeure: Prairie Bay comic, and previously unpublished sequel pages
were folded into the Wild Stars 2: Force Meuere
novel in 2014, with again made new predictions. An object called a Marzanti spike was
described as a mode of transpermia colonization, containing the blueprint for aquatic creatures
whose biology would act to reform life on a planet in their own image.
Three years after that book was published, the interstellar rock spike scientists called
Oumuamua passed through our solar system.
Even Harvard students have speculated on this
space rock's potential as a vehicle to carry life across the galaxy.
A side project has blown up into a new book imprint:
Since the Kickstarter goal of $10K was surpassed, I'll be collaborating with Cirsova Publishing
and SF writer Robert Allen Lupton to form a new book imprint: Cirsova Classics!
It started with this revival of a lost SF Classic from the pulp shelves of my library:
The Cosmic Romance
A Science Fiction Classic That Was Lost For Over 100 Years!
March 12, 2021 Press Release On Sale Now!
Cirsova Publishing is proud to announce that it has partnered with Michael Tierney and
Robert Allen Lupton to restore and reprint Julian Hawthorne's The Cosmic Courtship, a
never-before-collected pulp Planetary Romance by the son of famed American author Nathaniel Hawthorne.
The Cosmic Courtship was serialized across four issues of All-Story Weekly magazine.
July 24, 2021 Update
For those of you who missed out on the sold out Kickstarter release of Cosmic Courtship, fear not.
You don't have to pay the marked up prices on the secondary market, as all four versions will be made available to the public in September.
Why September? That was the original release date, the books shipped early.
While they are available on Amazon, they won't link all the different versions, so here's a site
that carries all the fine Cirsova Publications, including Wild Stars, on one page: https://shop.aer.io/Cirsova_Publishing
Remember, the pocket paperback does not include all the bonus material that is available
in the Hardcover, trade paperback, and magazine versions.
For more details, visit HERE.
Style Section of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Newspaper
May 16, 2021
Sean Clancy of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette wrote a nice article about the Cosmic Courtship project, with photos by Cary Jenkins.
Click on the image or this link to read his article.
Wild Stars 6: Orphan of the Shadowy Moons
June 8, 2021 Announcement!
Michael Tierney and Cirsova Publishing agreed on terms today,
and Wild Stars 6: Orphan of the Shadowy Moons will be serialized in four parts in the 2022 issues of Cirsova Magazine of Thrilling Adventure and Daring Suspense.
Revealing the origin of the mysterious immortal, the Ancient Warrior,
readers will finally learn his long-forgotten name,
the details behind his doomed romance with Phaedra,
and the nature of the immortals from another universe!
In 2022, the Wild Stars Universe goes through another major expansion with Wild Stars 6: Orphan of the Shadowy Moons!
If you can picture one of the best Marvel time travel stories mixed with Doctor Who, Star Wars, Dune,
and Flash Gordon, then you would have an accurate image of this latest installment in the Wild Stars* universe.
The worlds explored by the story are rich, varied, and feel very lived-in. If Star Wars is a space opera
appetizer while Flash Gordon and Dune are main courses, then Wild Stars is a very sweet dessert.
... this writer found The Artomique Paradigm quite enjoyable.
Reading Wild Stars proper is definitely on this author's list of things to do in the future."
"Tierney's novel reads like Dune with the introspection on tyranny and freedom replaced with ... action.
As the first of three parts, the story does not resolve itself; however, it does reach a significant
minor shift in the starting situation so is unlikely to leave readers who were enjoying it in utter
agony until they can read the next part.
This story is set in Tierney's Wild Stars universe and ... will draw the reader deeper into the world."
"... feats of heroism, and quick-paced twists worthy of the classic Argosy magazine."
"... this second set of chapters settles into a wild dash across a pirate planet.
The locales are ambitious and pulpy,
setting a backdrop for a plot that movies at the speed of Max Brand's historic adventures.
An internal logic to the gleefully over-the-top names reveals itself ...
This portion of The Artomique Paradigm ends with a masterful cliffhanger."
"Tierney weaves multiple vast and complex schemes by various groups
with fast-paced brutal combats and ultra-technology."
July 21, 2021 Update!
Today is the Kickstart launch for the Robert E. Howard Art Chronology
and early bird pledgers get a host of bonus materail!
All the details are HERE!
This is your key to unlocking the fantastic worlds of Howard's many creations:
November 14, 2021 Update!
Cirsova has just issued a new 3rd printing of the Wild Stars Volumes 1 through 4 paperback set,
with some packaging tweaks that includes upgrading the paper to 70 lbs!
This is the best possible way to view the nearly 300 pages of the Volume One graphic novel!
The front covers are virgin covers, with the combined back covers creating a unified image.
November 15, 2021 Update!
Making it four issues in a row after the Wild Stars 5 serial, I'm back in Cirsova Magazine of
Thrilling Adventure and Daring Suspense for the Volume 2 #9 Winter 2021 issue.
But this time my entry is not a work a fiction, but rather an essay on the evolution of the
science fiction genre: The Creation of Science Fiction.
And in this case, reality almost sounds almost like a case of science fiction.
February 26, 2022 Update!
Wild Stars 5: The Artomique Paradigm
Collected edition coming soon in hardcover and trade paperback!
Cirsova Publishing's release of Wild Stars 5: The Artomique Paradigm in both hardcover and
trade paperback through Kickstarter FUNDED IN JUST OVER FIVE HOURS!
This promotion includes a KICKSTARTER
EXCLUSIVE VARIANT with a vigin cover by Dark Filly and color by Raven Monroe!
Click any of the images above or THIS LINK to discover the other exclusive content
that will be offered!
Wild Stars 6: Orphan of the Shadowy Moons
"The first installment of Wild Stars 6: Orphan of the Shadowy Moons is now on
sale and cover featured on Cirsova Magazine of Thrilling Adventure and Daring Suspense #10,
the Spring 2022 issue! Whenever I talked about the making of my Wild Stars, I always mentioned
how the series was based on a set of Wild Stars novels I wrote back in the 1970s. This is one of
those novels. I never showed it to any editors, and (surprise, surprise) the concepts still remain
unique today, 45 years later, although some ideas like people battling it out on weaponized
jet skies and controlling massive machines remotely with a tablet might not be as
radical now as they were back in the mid-seventies, when most people hadn't even
heard of such things. This novel is the perfect jumping on point for new readers because it
gives the origin of The Ancient Warrior and Phaedra. As the editor notes, if you are new to Wild
Stars, skip the framing introduction and go straight to Chapter One. This is the beginning I've
been building to over the last five novels."
Review by Caroline Furlong: "
If you can picture one of the best Marvel time travel stories mixed with Doctor Who, Star Wars, Dune,
and Flash Gordon, then you would have an accurate image of this latest installment in the Wild Stars* universe.
The worlds explored by the story are rich, varied, and feel very lived-in. If Star Wars is a space opera
appetizer while Flash Gordon and Dune are main courses, then Wild Stars is a very sweet dessert.
... this writer found The Artomique Paradigm quite enjoyable.
Reading Wild Stars proper is definitely on this author's list of things to do in the future."Review by Nathan on Castalia House:"Tierney is always a welcome sight.
This raygun star opera certainly lives up to its name..."
4-Star review by Dave Higgins on Good Reads: "Tierney's novel reads like Dune with the introspection on tyranny and freedom replaced with ... action.
As the first of three parts, the story does not resolve itself; however, it does reach a significant
minor shift in the starting situation so is unlikely to leave readers who were enjoying it in utter
agony until they can read the next part.
This story is set in Tierney's Wild Stars universe and ... will draw the reader deeper into the world."
"... this second set of chapters settles into a wild dash across a pirate planet.
The locales are ambitious and pulpy,
setting a backdrop for a plot that movies at the speed of Max Brand's historic adventures.
An internal logic to the gleefully over-the-top names reveals itself ...
This portion of The Artomique Paradigm ends with a masterful cliffhanger."
5-Star review by John E. Boyle on Amazon: "...a new Wild Stars novel by the great Michael Tierney (with artwork by DarkFilly) ...
More of the good stuff from Cirsova!"Review by Dave Higgins: "Tierney weaves multiple vast and complex schemes by various groups
with fast-paced brutal combats and ultra-technology." Review on Castalia House: "... audacious space opera ..."
Illustrated Arkansas: The Art of Comics
The Wild Stars comic series, the Beyond the Farthest Star online comic strip, and the Edgar Rice Burroughs 100 Year Art Chronology are represented in the Illustrated Arkansas: The Art of Comics exhibition.
The exhibition opened Friday, October 14th at the Bobby Roberts Library of Art and History in Little Rock, AR.
Many thanks to Dr. Randy Duncan, Director of the Center for Comics Studies at Henderson State University for proposing the idea and helping
Central Arkansas Library System Art Director Colin Thompson bring it to fruition.
The exhibit runs October 14, 2022 through January 28, 2023 in the Underground Gallery at Library Square, Arkansas History & Art/CALS,
401 President Clinton Avenue, Little Rock, AR 72201
An original page of Wild Stars artwork is also on display at Maumelle City Hall, right next to the Blue Room!
A recent “First Amendment Audit” by a videographer was distracted by the display of Wild Stars comic art at the 8 minute mark.
Wild Stars 7: The Gold Exigency
In 2022, Wild Stars 6: Orphan of the Shadowy Moons revealed the origins of the star-crossed lovers, Strazis, the Ancient Warrior, and Phaedra, completing the first half of the 12 volume Wild Stars saga.
In the Spring issue of Cirsova Magazine, the second half of the saga begins with Wild Stars 7: The Gold Exigency!
This story features the return of Constable Conrock, a tough-as-nails law officer on a distant colony planet, who was first introduced back in 1977 in The Multiversal Scribe Magazine's "The Boundaries of Discision" (check out the 2022 book release of Wild Stars 5: The Artomique Paradigm, which includes a reprint of "The Boundaries of Decision" as bonus content). With an unshakable moral compass, Conrock is once again confronted by the predatory humanoid-lizards, the Black Star Reavers, on the cover of Cirsova #14. Their last confrontation cost him his job, but a man of his determination and skills is quickly approached about other employment--by the alternate reality fascists: Achilles Hister and the Artomiques.
This installment has a trio of shock events that happen in rapid succession, and surprised even Cirsova's editor. The Wild Stars will never be the same again!
Check out all the excitement and drama happening in the ever-expanding Wild Stars!
"By the master of pulp extravagance, Mr. Michael Tierney.
"...It’s all action at this point, with some outrageously-imagined locales and violent combat.
I think this may be my favourite Michael Tierney story. It’s tightly plotted, with a kind of fight and run rhythm.
I found two of the characters very engaging, one of them being Conrock. Spoiler control prevents me naming the other.
"Tension-wise, important actors are loose in the galaxy, for good or evil, who knows? Episode 1 and it’s already a wild story.
Looking forward to the next episode."
"The Spring 2023 Cirsova is out and it has some great stuff. There is the first part of a Wild Stars story by Michael Tierney ..."
April 9, 2023 Update!
The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette ran a nice article in today’s Easter Sunday newspaper about my recent publications.
Reporter Sean Clancy did a fantastic job!
Wild Stars 7: The Gold Exigency--Part Two:
Part Two in the Cirsova Magazine of Thrilling Adventure and Daring Suspense #15 Summer 2023 issue featured cover art by Apriyadi Kusbiantoro.
Available in hardcover and trade paperback editions, the color cover art arrived in the 11th hour the night before this issue's release.
As a result, there are a total four pre-release copies of the hardcover in existence with the original sketch art on the dust wrapper.
A young man plotting patricide draws unexpected attention in this horror story by Michael Tierney,
with an assit by Abraham Strongjohn in the Fall 2023 of Cirsova Magazine of Thrilling Adventure and Daring Suspense.
This issue is also a Tierney Twofer, including part three of the serialization of
Wild Stars 7: The Gold Exigency
John Boyle: "More Adventure, Suspense and a dash of Weird Fiction from Cirsova Magazine
This issue has the 3rd installment of 4 of Michael Tierney's The Gold Exigency"
Nasar Rabadi: "Great collection of stories"
Kindle customer 4-Star Review: "An eclectic mix of stories from talented authors with a horror slant appropriate for a spooky season release.
A very good entry point for someone looking to dip into the indie "neo-pulp" scene."
Funded on Kickstarter in August 2023, The Mighty Sons of Hercules recaptures the spirit of over-the-top macho heroes
from Saturday afternoons in decades past. Made in the mold of those matinees that gathered sword-and-scandal movies under the banner of Hercules,
the eight tales collected in this anthology revisit a time when the bravest and most powerful men alive faced evil forces that no mortal man could survive.
The kind of heroes who, when surrounded by enemies, might taunt them by pulling his short blade first in a sign of disrespect.
In Michael Tierney's "Battle of the Rages," one of the sons of Hercules learns the lesson about there being no fury greater than the wrath of a woman scorned.
When that woman is a powerful sorceress, who employs the aid of another, even greater, wielder of mystic might--then you know that this Son
will be faced with daunting challenges no one else might attempt. A pair of revenge-crazed dragons complicate matters even more.
The Mighty Sons of Hercules was released September 2023 in paperback and hardcover.
The hardcover was a limited edition Kickstarter exclusive, and features a back cover/flip cover by Michael Tierney.
Michael signed and numbered 10 of these.
This edition will not be reprinted.
At th same time when I authorized Cirsova to release Wild Stars V1: The Book of Circles--Recalibrated on Amazon's Kindle,
and it spent a whole week ranked #1 in one or more categories,
Bud Plant's Art Books latest catalog gave my Robert E. Howard Art Chronology their Gold Ribbon and Highest Recommendation!
It was a great week!
In December 2022, the softcover and hardcovers editions of Wild Stars 6: Orphan of the Shadowy Moons were released!
The softcover featured new artwork by Anton Oxenuk, and the hardcover featured new artwork by Michael Tierney.
In 2024, the Wild Stars celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the first Wild Stars publication!
February 20, 2024 Update:
To promote the release of Wild Stars 8: The Superior Griefs in this year's issues of Cirsova Magazine of Thrilling Adventure and Daring Suspense,
Cirsova Publishing has released the first ever Wild Stars Trading Card Set!
And they're FREE!
Here's all the details for Free Women of Wild Stars Trading Card that Cirsova posted on February 19, 2024.
"We’re giving away sets of four Wild Stars trading cards FOR FREE while supplies last!
Each of these cards features a portrait of one of the Women of the Wild Stars by Zienu with backgrounds by Michael Tierney.
Rosetta Stonewolf – The KanZe shamaness who helped defeat the Artomiques in their own timeline.
Daestar – The powerful psychic spy who created the Book of Circles but fell in love her mark, Erlik, and married him.
Atlanta – The granddaughter of Erlik and “Most dangerous (unlucky) woman in the galaxy”.
Red Queen – The notorious space pirate leader and shapeshifting daughter of the God Father.
Send a self-addressed stamped envelope (A1 3.625 x 5.125 recommended) to the address below, and we’ll send you a complete set of trading cards!"
Cirsova Publishing
P.O. Box 56023
Little Rock, AR
Cirsova will also be sending out singles with kickstarter orders and other giveaways throughout 2024, while supplies last.
Wild Stars 8: The Superior Griefs
The Superior Griefs begins its serialization in the Spring 2024 issue of Cirsova Magazine. Atlanta (aka: Nyree Shawnee) is back--front and center!
Reputed to be the "Most dangerous woman alive," and blamed for the Force Majeure event that occurred on Mars in Volume 2, the Dire Grief she saved is also back.
The Griefs are a product of the intergalactic Marzanti's planetary bio-engineering, and variations of their species appear on all the worlds still in the
first stage of this process--which includes Earth. Ruling over the Griefs on each world are the Superior Griefs. The fate of three worlds hang in the balance
as three Superiors vie for dominance, and one world will not survive.
The new book edition of Wild Stars 7: The Gold Exigency launches on Kickstarter July 15, 2024.
Click the image below to access the pre-launch page and be among the first to be notified!
Here's a link to Manuel Guzman's video about creating the new cover for the Kickstarter trade paperback edition: