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Maumelle City Council 2020

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Maumelle City Council

March 6, 2025 Update

Click the image below to download the PDF for the proposed redesign of the Club Manor corridor.

March 3, 2025 Update

Tonight’s meeting of the Maumelle City Council had a full quorum in attendance.

Public Works Director addressed the Council. He discussed the snow event that he felt went “very well,” but hopes was the last of this year.
Around 3000 feet of walk paths were redone around Lake Willastein. Upcoming projects include street striping, which include Arnold Palmer.
The Shanna Lane drainage issue will hopefully start work in the next couple of months. There are street lights that they have been able to
repair, needing heads changed out, so another firm will soon be contracted. That firm has been unable to pinpoint the problem on South Odom,
so a new line will need to be run to replace the very old one. A streetlight at Millwood was just repaired today. His department is still
short staffed and hoping to hire some new people.

Council Member Shinn asked about the work do be done on Carnahan. It is in the planning stages. Champs Boulevard is also being looked at for future
repairs. The last snow event “chopped (the asphault) up pretty good.”

Mayor Norris added that Carnahan is the City’s top project. One problem is that the budget for overlays is half of what it was the previous year,
last year was unique in that one time budget, but Carnahan would cost $200K more than the reduced budget, so a resolution will need to be
made to cover the shortfall.

Member Gardner commented about the road being “wafflely” and asked if it had a deeper foundation problem. Director Hogan said some areas would need
to be reworked before an overlay was done. Champs has held up better than Carnahan, but there are a lot of trucks using those roads.

Member Shinn gave the planning commission report, and several items will soon be headed to the Council. There will be a conditional use variance for
the area surrounding the old Krogers, another around Stoney Mountain, and Entergy is asking for a variance to allow overhead power lines in one location.

The first reading of Resolution 2025-06 approves an Economic Development Service Contract between the City of Maumelle and Metro Little Rock
Alliance (MLRA). A representative named Jack spoke to the Council about the activities that MLRA does, and how the metro Little Rock
region has a lot more to offer than other areas of the state. This focus is on bringing in new jobs and capital investment in the region,
which includes promoting Maumelle in Trade Shows. He complimented the job Diredtor of Economic Development Courtney Dunn has done working
the booth in such endeavors.

Communications Coordinator Cydney Thompson then presented a video that showed the work of the MLRA.

The annual cost of the contract is $5,128. The resolution passed unanimously.

The previously tabled Planning Commission interviewed an excellent selection of talented Appointment candidates for the opening on the Planning Commission:
1. David Finnie 2. Greg Biggs 3. Mary Wnek 4. Hannah Allen 5. Desi Hunter

David Finnie has an extensive construction background that includes the airport.

After Mister Biggs was interviewed, the YouTube livestream failed, and had to be restarted.

Member Williams asked Mister Biggs about his community service to helping provide shelter and meals to out-of-work individuals.
He typically hires people after they are released from the Pulaski County jail, and helps them reestablish themselves in the workforce.
An admirable service.

Mary Wnek had been the only person in attendance at the previous meeting, and it was her seat that had expired, so she has reapplied.
She discussed her work with the Commission.

Hannah Allen was unable to attend.

Desi Hunter has worked for Entergy for 25 years, with duties that include project manager.

All five had excellent resumes and were great candidates. We thank them for their interest in serving the community.

Mary Wnek was re-elected on the second, runoff ballot.

The Council then converted to the Board of Sign Appeals, and considered Pinnacle Signs Variance Request

Director of Planning and Permits Scott Grummer explained the denial on allowing a second pedestal sign. City Ordinance only allows for one per lot,
but this is a unique situation since the lot straddles between two roads. While the ordinance required the rejections, but the unique situation
compelled the Staff to recommend that the Council approve the variance. It was approved unanimously.

Resolution 2025-07 approved the sale of a 2018 Dodge Durango for the Police Department.
Council Member Booker asked about where the estimated value came from. The police made their best estimate. The resolution passed unanimously.

Resolution 2025-08 approved the sale of a 2000 Tractor and a 2011 Front Loader for Parks & Recreation. The resolution passed unimously.

Resolution 2025—09 amends the 2025 Street Fund Budget For Vehicle Accident For Maumelle Center On the Lake. A vehicle servicing the Senior Center
was totaled and needs to be changed. The cost will be split between Capital Donations, Miscellaneous Income, and Vehicles Capital.

Director Nicole discussed how the incident was a no fault accident, but insurance was not covering the full cost of the replacement.
Currently they are unable to provide rides.
This will cost the City 0 dollars outside of the insurance money, thanks to generous donations by the Counting On Each Other organization.

Member Williams asked if they have a car already picked out. It’s a Ford White Escape SUV, that they managed to secure extra coverage for.

Mayor Norris spoke about the Gateway Park groundbreaking. The old building is now demolished.

I asked Mayor Norris about providing better images for the proposed Club Manor remodel.
He said they had already responded to the person who had asked for this and would be providing better images.

Council Member Williams asked everyone to tune in on Sunday to watch her niece Clara compete in the 2025 season of American Idol.

Member Gronwald talked about a corridor study that preceded the City’s formation that ARDOT reference in a recent refusal to permit an intersection
traffic signal to be installed. Mayor Norris and Mayor Hartwick of NLR have asked the Municipal League to approve another corridor study including
the Mount Pellier intersection. This was approved, now we are waiting on approval from ARDOT.

Member Booker discussed South Odom traffic backing up on Maumelle Bouldvard. Mayor Norris said that this would also be addressed in the corridor study.
Flashing yellow lights that do not require ARDOT approval are in the process to be installed by Inline, along with other repairs that include the
string of South Odom problem lights discussed earlier by Director Hogan. Other areas are to be assessed for repairs.

I discussed improving the visibility of street signs along the boulevard. Director Hogan said that ARDOT had put up the previous signs, which the City
does not control, A request will be passed on to them, while Director Hogan said they could spruce up some of the faded signs.

Member Booker asked about a pair of traffic lights that required an outside firm, In-line, to fix when they both turned steady red. It is fixed now.

City Attorney Thornton said that land on the White Oaks Crossing that had been taken in an eminent domain action many years ago has had a legal
action called Quiet Title on a property stradling Maumelle, NLR, and the County. This may not be a concern for Maumelle--but more information
will be forthcoming.

February 28, 2025 Update

Today we did the groundbreaking at the new Gateway Park, which will be located on the site of the old Police Station and Fire Department,
at the corner of Maumelle Boulevard and Millwood Circle. (first picture shown by Communications Coordinator Cydney Thompson)
Former Police Chief Sam Williams opened the ceremony with a historical perspective, Parks and Recreation Director Phillip Rayborn gave
the current prespective of constantly improving the amenities available to Maumelleans, and Mayor Norris concluded with hisotrical
recollections about how this project came to be and what the future holds.

February 24, 2025 Update

Tonight’s meeting of the Maumelle City Council had a full quorum in attendance.
It had been delayed until this week by the ice storm last week.

The start time was delayed due to technical difficulties with YouTube.
The Mayor said it appeared to be recording but would not show on the monitors.

Director of Finance Ms. Sousa gave the January financial review.
January was a month were a lot of income and expenditures are mixed with the last month of last year.
The City still has unassigned funds of $6.7M in the General budget, well above the minimum net balance of $5.9M.
The need for the recently enacted sanitation fund increase was expressed to cover shortfalls in that department.

The process of the 2024 audit starts next week.

Resolution 2025-06 approves an Economic Development Service Contract between the City of Maumelle and the Metro Little Rock Alliance (MLRA).

Representatives who were scheduled to discuss this were not in attendance, so the Resolution was tabled until the next meeting.

The planning commission had four applicants for Mary Wnek’s expired Term. Candidates included David Fannie, Greg Biggs, Mary Wnek reapplied,
Hannah Allen, and Desi Hunter. Brent Ashcroft withdrew his application. No applicants were in attendance, and the concern was expressed
that not all of them replied to emails notifying them of the change.

I made a motion to table this matter until the next meeting.
Council member Williams agreed.
Member Shinn confirmed that there is a single opening with five applicants.
Member Booker also agreed with tabling the matter.
Member Holt said he had heard from one candidate who was very sincere and showed “major interest” in the opening, but was not in attendance.

Member Gardner confirmed that this would apply only to applicants who have already applied.

The motion to table passed unanimously.

The Board of Signs Appeals was convened to hear the Pinnacle Signs Variance Request. They were appealing a rejection of a sign.
The first step for us as a board is to set the date for the next meeting. This measure passed unanimously.

Mayor Norris announced the groundbreaking ofthe Gateway Park this Friday morning at 10AM.

I asked Mayor Norris about trash pickup after the ice storm threw last week into chaos.
I was told that they will be back on a normal schedule this week.
The mayor was unaware that many neighborhoods had still not been picked up.

Member Shinn asked about street repair at Carnahan and Champs.
Mayor Norris said he would get him the plans for repairs.
Member Shinn said the recent overlay was already deteriorating.
Mayor Norris said he would take a closer look at that area.

City Attorney Thornton said the public domain lawsuits settlement has been accepted on what had been a roadblock to the construction of
the White Oaks/Club Manor intersection roundabout.

February 13, 2025 Update

Today was the first visit to Maumelle by the Arkansas Mobile Health Unit.
This was the first of what will be monthly visits to probide free health screening services to residents.
You can get your blood tested, have an EKG done on your heart, and other heath screenings at no cost.

This service was provided to Maumelle thanks to the efforts of new City Councilman, Wes Booker (seen to the right in the photo above).
Councilman Booker was able to bring this service to Maumelle thanks to his also serving on the Arkansas Minority Health Commission.
His other activities include being an SEC football referee. He even brought a penalty flag to his first Council meeting!
All of Maumelle welcomes his contributions in his many different capacities, and thank him for his efforts to add services to our citizens!

The first visit was held ont he shared parking long between the Maumelle Police Station and Fire Station One.
So I took todays visit as an opportunity to tour Maumelle's Fire Station One.
A kitchen remodel had been approved by the Council, and the Station reduced about 60% of the cost by doing much of the work themselves.
Chief Beau Buford discussed how Maumelle has plans already in place should Mumelle ever be exposed to a hazardous train accident.
A potential trouble spot location has already been identified where rail crosses with gas lines.
We also discussed the water availability in the case of emergency demand.
The wild fires that scorched Los Angeles should never happen here.
Maumelle's water supply tested as the strongest in the metro area.

February 3, 2025 Update

Tonight’s meeting of the Maumelle City Council was one member short, so all unanimous votes will be recorded as 7 to 1, since absentees count as a No vote.

Director Chris Davis of Animal Control addressed the Council to recap 2024 and lay out his plans for 2025. Last year they took in 900 animals
and had a 96% safe rate of homing animals and returning strays to their owners. The were very active in operating outreach programs, from
seniors to children’s playgrounds, as well as other adoption focused activities. They are also busy generating new registration tags and violators.
They have hired another officer who starts in February. This year starting in may they well be taking animals to the parks and Splash Pad on Saturdays.
They will also be visiting the Senior Center by the Lake. They are stepping up activities to curtail strays. One recent adoption event saw every
cat they had adopted. He thanked the Council for their continue support.

Council Member Gardner gave the planning commission report. There were only two items with activity. The You Storit on the corner of Millwood and the
Blvd is looking to expand. Since the neighboring property is zoned residential, there will need to be public notices sent out. Stoney Mountain
sub-division was approved to be extended.

The third reading of Ordinance 1141 amends the Maumelle City Code Concerning Storm Drainage. This requires future drainage to be built to handle
flooding up to 100 year events, as opposed to the previous 20 year event requirement. The Ordinance passed unanimously.

The third reading of Ordinance 1142 To Amend City Code to reassign the duties of the Tree Board to the Department of Parks and Recreation. The board was
previously having trouble finding volunteers, so this moves the duties to the Parks and Rec department. The Ordinance passed unanimously.

Resolution 2025-03 requires an annual audit to be performed in accordance with the guidelines and format prescribed by the Governmental Accounting
Standards Board. This is a standard resolution that is normally done very year. The Resolution passed unanimously

Resolution 2025-04 amends the 2025 General Fund Budget to allow for litigation expenses related to the City of Maumelle v. Scott Hall lawsuite.
This is the funding needed to pay for closing the legal services on the recent Eminent Domain offer that was accepted. This dealt with the White
Oaks Crossing roundabout. The Resolution was passed unanimously.

Resolution 2025-05 amends the 2025 General Fund to cover cost for increased cost in insurance premium.
This adjusts for invoices that came in higher than anticipated.

Member Gardner asked when the policies will renew. His concern was future increases.

City Clerk Timmons said we did not budget for liability insurance when the annual bills came in. This also covers unexpected liabilities, since we
have a $10,000 deductible should a snow truck hit a car or some such. She also pointed out that paying a resident without a claim because it is
below the deductible would count as a welfare check.

She also pointed out that February 13 is the deadline for applications for the opening on the Planning Commission.

Mayor Norris discussed meeting with contractors for the Gateway Park. There will be a groundbreaking ceremony at the end of the month—the date has
not yet been determined.

The Mayor then suggested a naming contest for an official name for the park to replace the working name of Gateway Park.

I mentioned we need to discuss the final choice. We don’t want to end up like when the UK named a boat Boaty Mcboatface.
We don’t want to end up with a park named Parky Mcparkface. A discussion the Mayor and I had after the meeting considered the possiblity of
someone paying for the naming of the park. All they have to do is pay for all the construction expenses.
Got $1.5M to put your name on a park?

We agreed to use the public to do suggestions, but the final decision will probably be made by the Council.

At the next meeting we will determine the process for name submissions.

Kellie Walls of the Maumelle Chamber had member Gardner announce that the latest issue of their magazine features the new Chamber membership.

City offices will be Closed Monday, February 17, in observance of Presidents Day.
The next City Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 18.

January 21, 2025 Update

For anyone watching tonight’s meeting of the Maumelle City Council on YouTube, we on the Council were all dressed more formal than normal
because tonight was picture night. Before the meeting began, a photographer took the elected officials photos that will hang on the walls of City Hall.

John Knight made a public comment to the Council about residential road clearance. His concerns were sand and salt clearance.
He proposed establishing a working group to establish a mission plan.

Miss Souza gave the preliminary end of year financial report for 2024.
Total fund balance is $7.3Mil, which is $5.2M above the required minimum.
We were aligned with the 2024 budget. The Street Fund had a shortfall as street repairs and street equipment were nearly $1M over budget,
but this was balanced out by City Street Aid Program which compensated the difference with State turn back. Sanitation Fund expenses
were also in excess of the budget, but this should be compensated in 2025 by a scheduled rate increase. The 2024 audit will being in March 2025.
The budget and auditors are already in place.

Council Member Gardner asked when the sanitation fee increase will take place.
Mayor Norris was told that when the January usage is billed in February, the rate increase will take effect then.

The Second Reading of Ordinance 1141 amends the Maumelle City Code Concerning Storm Drainage.
This will require developers to provide drainage based on 100 year events, as opposed to the previous 20 year requirement.

The Second Reading of Ordinance 1142 to reassign the duties of the Tree Board to the Department of Parks and Recreation.
There will still be opportunities for residents to join and participate in events like the Arbor Day celebration.

There was a discussion about a new counter-offer received from landowners’ attorney re: City of Maumelle v. Scott Hall et al., 60CV-23-365.
This deals with the imminent domain holdout that has delayed the building of the White Oaks roundabout. Our appraiser valued the
property value at $40K. The owner is asking $140K.

City Attorney Thornton said expenses for going to trail would be around $40K.
The last offer made by the City was $100K. The owner counter offered $125K.
If the jury were to split the value between the two appraisals, that would put the expense above the newest offer.
He suggested upping the final counter offer to $112.5K.

Mayor Norris said some of the funds might be regained by grant monies, but we won’t know until later what percentage that recovery might be.
The split between Maumelle and North Little Rock is 75/25. If the City did accept, then it would require a budget resolution to fund.

A motion to make a final counter offer of $112.5K to the landowner passed unanimously.

Resolution 2025-02 amends the 2025 General Fund Budget to allow for litigation expenses concerning the City of Maumelle v. Scott Hall legal issue.
This resolution is to provide funding to pursue the legal case in the event the offer is not accepted.
This also reinforces the City's stanch that our last offer will indeed be final. If declined, we settle this in court.
The Resolution passed unanimously.

Mayor Norris announced about how Maumelle won 3 awards from the Municipal League, as we celebrate the 40th anniversary.

This is the 17th time in those 40 years has won the award that is given annual to the 7 best communities in Arkansas.

We also won two Friendship awards and acknowledgements for our other community activities.

Mayor Norris also complimented the work done by the Street crews during the recent snowfall. He received very few complaints,
and acknowledged the excellent work of department head Mike Hogan.

Director Hogan addressed the Council, explaining how they do their big pushes at night when the road have less traffic
and they can accomplish more. They start out with the main roads to assist emergency responders, and then move to the commercial areas.
Next they concentrate on getting sanitation routes running again. Then they start on secondary roads and neighborhoods. He discussed
certain roads that are so hilly that they create a danger not just to his crews, but the possibility of putting a truck into someone’s living room,
so they try to avoid that. They use salt calcium and sand as a hot mix. The Highway Department has another chemical mix that they
use to pretreat the interstates.

City Clerk Timmons takes the Chamber of Commerce for their participation during recent events.

January 6, 2025 Update

There was a lot of swearing at tonight’s meeting of the Maumelle City Council, as the last election cycle winners were sworn into office,
welcoming in new members LJ Wesley and Wes Booker. The Council was one member short, so all unanimous votes will count as a 7 to 1 vote,
since all absentees count as No votes

Since Mister Booker ran an unopposed campaign, Mayor Norris afforded him the opportunity to introduce himself. A football official,
he stated his appreciation of the opportunity. “I am here to serve the City.”

The First Reading of Ordinance 1141 Amends the Maumelle City Code Concerning Storm Drainage. Director of Planning and Permits Scott Grummer
explained that this update deals with the wording to describe 100 year storm flow and better protect at risk areas.

Council Member Booker asked how long the project will take. Mister Grummer explained that this is not a project, but an update to City Code
to establish new rules of law whenever new plans come in for development that will have to comply with the new language.

City Attorney Thornton spoke about how in years past developers did not take 100 year flows into account.
This change will require they make those considerations.

The First Reading of Ordinance 1142 to amend the City Code and reassign the duties of the Tree Board to the Department of Parks and Recreation.
I commented about how one resident had expressed an interest on being on the board that was about to be abolished. The Mayor and City Clerk said
that here had been a sign up page for a long time that no one had used. The five member board is currently vacant.

Resolution 2025-01 A Resolution Listing City Departments to eliminate or consolidate departments of the City of Maumelle by voice vote.
This deals with separating Animal Control into its own department, and provides a published list of the departments currently operating for the
City and their administrators. The motion passed unanimously.

The mayor shared the active transportation plan with the Council, the final version of the 2025 operating budget, and the contract for combining
Maumelle’s 911 call center with that of North Little Rock.

Member Gardner wish Kellie Wall, director of the Chamber of Commerce, a happy birthday and expressed his appreciation for her attendance on her personal day.

There is an opening on the Planning Commission. If you’ve ever thought about serving your community, here is an opportunity to do so.
The Maumelle City Council is accepting resumes from residents and will make an appointment to Position 1 for a four year term ending January 31, 2029.
Resumes should be submitted to Tina Timmons, City Clerk/Treasurer, and 550 Edgewood Drive, Maumelle, Arkansas 72113 no later than 4:00 p.m. Thursday,
February 13, 2025. Resumes can also be emailed to All applicants will be interviewed by the City Council at the Council meeting
scheduled for Tuesday,February 18, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. The City Council will appoint immediately following the interviews. For additional information
please call Scott Grummer at 501-851-2500.

Here is a link to all my notes pertaining to Maumelle's City Council during 2024.

Maumelle City Council

Maumelle City Council
2023 Notes:

Here is a link to all my notes pertaining to Maumelle's City Council during 2023.

Maumelle City Council 2022 notes.

Here is a link to all my notes pertaining to Maumelle's City Council during 2022.


Maumelle City Council 2021 Notes.

Here is a link to all my notes pertaining to Maumelle's City Council during 2021.

Maumelle 2021

Maumelle City Council 2020 Notes

Here is a link to all my notes pertaining to Maumelle's City Council during 2020.
Maumelle City Council 2020

2019 City Council Notes:

Here is a link to all my notes pertaining to Maumelle's City Council during 2019.
Maumelle 3rd Entrance under construction

Here is a link to my 2018 Campaign page.
Michael for Maumelle City Council

photo by Shannon Odom


proposed rezoning map


Click on the map below to find your voting ward:

Maumelle Ward 3 Map

The State of Arkansas has it's own long-range planning, called Long Range Intermodal Transportation Plan (LRITP), with a vision that reaches to 2040. You can access the public record of this plan on the following link:

Here is Maumelle's current long-range plan.
All images and text are © 1984-2018 Michael Tierney.
Wild Stars ® is a Registered Trademark of Michael Tierney
Little Rocket Publications TM is a Trademark of Tierney Incorporated