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Maumelle City Council

October 21, 2024 Update

Tonight’s meeting of the Maumelle City Council was two members short.
All absentees count as No votes, so any unanimous votes will be recorded as a vote of 6 to 2.

Beatriz Sousa, Director of the Finance Department gave the City’s Financial Statement.
Expenditures are higher in 2023 in most departments. Repairs and increased in computer services contributed to this.
Payments for the new Pickleball Courts were finalized this year. Our General Fund currently stands at $9.5 Million,
$5million above the minimum balance required by City Code.

Sanitation is currently showing a positive balance, but is still operating at a loss.
Right now that loss is -$441,400.00 for the calendar year to this point.
The 2023 audit is getting close to delivery “Very soon” as soon as the auditors validate it.
Police and Fire are also showing a loss of $166,420.00 year-to-date.

Council Member Mosley asked for more details about the audit. He confirmed that a draft of the audit should be be delivered to the Council by
early November, and a final draft is anticipated by the end-of-the-year.
Director Sousa said she has every single question and that she is the one pushing them for completion.

The third reading of Ordinance 1132 ammends the fees for residential solid waste pickup.
The Ordinance passed unanimously.

The third reading of Ordinance 1133 approves a communications network franchise agreement with Uniti Fiber LLC.
Member Mosley emphasized that he is only voting for this because it is non-residentialal, and should not affect neighborhoods.
The Ordianance passed unanimously.

The third of reading Ordinance 1134 authorizes the payment of certain municipal bills via electronic funds transfer.
Mayor Norris said the City has been conducting business with electronic funds for a while, but the City Attorney found a passage in the City Code that
required the passage of an Ordinance in order to continue do so.

Member Mosley asked how the electronic funds policy was created.
Director of Finance Sousa explained that she had reviewed the process and studied how other city handled this.
North Little Rock, Sherwood, and Bryant were the colleagues that helped her. They do not currently had such a document and may be adopting
Maumelle’s new policy in their future.

City Attorney Thornton said he had not yet reviewed the policy to make certain it adheres to state law.

Member Mosley said he was disappointed how the City has handled some third party payments. He feels more controls should be in place.
Director Sousa said that is her job. She wrote this policy so she could operate more efficiently.

The ordinance passed by a vote of 5 to 1.

The third reading of Ordinance 1135 amends the city code to adopt a code of ethics for all City Boards and Commissions.
The Ordinance passed unanimously.

The second reading of Ordinance 1136 amends the zoning map for 35.7 acres, along White Oak Crossing.
There was no discussion.

The second reading of Ordinance 1137 amends the Land Use Plan and Map for Tract III, 103 Audubon Drive.
There was no discussion.

The second reading of Ordinance 1138 amends the Master Street Plan as requested by Staff and Planning Commission.
Member Mosley ask Director of Planning and Permits to discuss the matter with the Council.
Director Scott Grummer explained these are updates being coordinated with updates being done by Pulaski County.
There are updates to Smalling Road on the North side of the City to coordinate it into becoming a Collector Road.
Other areas along Highway 365 is also important for future growth and connecting Maumelle with 365.
Improvements are being made along White Oaks and close to the interstate, adding in roundabouts and Collector Roads.
Other improvements around White Oaks Crossing are being done in coordination with North Little Rock.

Member Mosley asked about a proposed road along the White Oak possibly giving Maumelle another entrance.

Director Grummer said a previous proposed road across the bayou was considered impractical and Tractor Supply was built on the land instead.
So they picked the narrowest part of the Bayou, which aligned itself well with Short Marche Road, and would give better access not just to
Short Marche but Oak Grove as well, giving them an avenue to shop in Maumelle.

Member Mosley asked if that location could be made into a new interstate entrance. Mayor Norris said “Yes.”
That area is going to build out and we want to tie it into central Maumelle. He called it the logical next place for a fourth entrance,
but conceded that it will probably not happen during his lifetime.

Resolution 2024-38 sets the Date for a Petition Hearing to form a Maumelle Property Owners’ Multi-Purpose Improvement District for the
Stone Canyon Project. Member Mosley said this is a hearing of an improvement district that sets up a special improvement tax on homeowners
who buy into the property will be paying for sewer and other improvements. Mayor Norris said since the hearing has not yet happened, he does not know.
The Council will sit in an administrative capacity over the improvement district, which will have a power to levee fees in a stronger manner that
a Property Owner’s Accociation.

City Attorny Thornton said these are for the very typical purposes of recreational and other improvements. If the Council finds that not all the
property owners want to do this, by law we should deny it. If there are no objections then the Council by law must approve it.

Member Mosley worried that they might be able to roll out unlimited improvements, and did not feel that a lot of homeowners will understand it.
Mayor Norris indicated that this is the direction that the City is now encouraging developers to pursue.

This Resolution is to set a date for the hearing only, not to approve it, but simply to give public notice and was approved by a vote of 5 to 1.

Resolution 2024-39 sets the Date for a Petition Hearing to form a Maumelle Property Owners’ Multi-Purpose Improvement District for the Cypress Bend Project.

Member Mosley asked where it was located. Director Grummer said it is located in White Oaks Crossing.

The Resolution passed by a vote of 5 to 1.

The first reading of Ordinance 1139 establishes Municipal Property Owners’ Improvement District 2024-01.
This coordinates with the previous Ordinance 1138.

Mister Jackson spoke for his wife who is the attorney for the developer. While he is an attorney, she was out of town so there were details that
he was not familiar with. He mentioned he did not anticipate an issue from the owners who are all private or LLCs, and expected them to unanimously
support the project. City Attorney Thornton clarified that the approval has to be 100%. Anyone who declined could be carved out of the district and
lose access to the recreational facilities.

The first reading of Ordinance 1040 establishes Municipal Property Owners’ Improvement District #2024-02.
There was no discussion.

Resolution 2024-40 certifies to the Pulaski County, Arkansas County Clerk the rates of taxation to be levied by the City of Maumelle on
taxable real and personal property. This is an annual process and the rates of taxation will remain unchanged from last year.
The Resolution passed unanimously.

Mayor Norris shared a post from the County that said one of the top two polling stations was the Jesse Odom Municipal City.
It is time to vote.

Mayor Norris confirmed that another grant was received for the remodel of Club Manor. It ranked as the Number Two road project in
the proposals received by Metroplan. The Four Million dollar project at this time will only cost residents $800K.
In bad news a roundabout at White Oaks Cross was turned down for another grant, which will now be filed with Metroplan.

Workshops will begin next Tuesday night to establish next year’s budget.

Member Mosley discussed the language dealing with allowing public comments in a limited forum, and made a motion to remove the comment that
the mayor may intercede in the event of inappropriate language or comments. Mayor Norris felt the language is non-binding and has never encountered
an incident where it was required to revoke such a privilege. There was no second on the motion.

Member Mosley made another motion to change the language to add “in a limited forum.” There was a quick side discussion between the Mayor and
City Attorney about what any recommendations on what the language should look like. City Attorney Thornton said that as best we can tell the original
language did not come from an ordinance and has no weight of law. He suggested other language to make it into a limited public forum—keeping the
focus on City matters. The point is to avoid someone using the platform for an “open mic” comedy routine or to make other non-related statements.

Member Mazzoni said he kind of likes having the line in there about denying inappropriate language and clarifying the need for decorum.

City Attorney Thornton said that someone could still discuss city matters and use bad language. You cannot shut someone down because of their language.

Mayor Norris said the Mayor’s authority does not derive from this paragraph, nor is it limited by it. Removing the language changes nothing,
but the legally significant change would be making it into a limited public forum dealing with City matters only.

The First Ammendent protects the right to use bad language.

The motion failed by a vote of four to two.

Member Mosley then asked to have the Director of Economic Developments, Courtney Dunn speak during the next department report.
He also mentioned how a resident requested a speed trap to be set on Club Manor around Nicholas Loop.
The resident said he’s seen people doing around 60 miles an hour in the area.
While speed traps themselves are illegal, paying close attention to a problem area is allowed.

October 5, 2024 Update

Tonight’s meeting of the Maumelle City Council was fully attended.

Resident Charlie Stutz addressed the Council about the stop lights on the boulevard being run while red. He suggested have the red light be continuously
red for around eight seconds before a green light allows traffic to move. He recounted several instances where people have run red lights and one that
had a near miss with his daughter, and another family member who was put into Intensive Care by a driver who eventually died from his injuries.
“It’s a very important issue.”

Communications Director Cydney Johnson addressed the Council about events her department is conducting. Her department has generated around
18 stories in local media. She had made a video montage of the different news stories that was played for the Council.

Council member Gardner gave the Planning Commission report for last month. Several items were passed on to the Council on tonight's agenda.

The second reading of Ordinance 1132 amends the ordinance to reset the fees for residential solid waste pick-up.
Mayor Norris said he watched the council meeting that discussed this during the last meeting, and tried to answer
Member Mosley’s question about how long until the money runs out. Right now we have open purchase orders that will consume half the current revenues.
We have an unencumbered balance of $300K. Year to date so far we have a deficit of half that amount.

Member Mosley discussed how the two new trucks currently on order will take two to three years to arrive.

If we were able to get all the open position in the Sanitation department filled, then the revenues would disappear quickly.
The 50% rebate increase being proposed would cover all the expenses should Sanitation become fully staffed.
It is the Mayor's hope that this increase will resolve the shortfalls for a year or two.

Member Gardner expressed his support for the proposal.

Member Shinn mentioned how CAW is also about to hit customers with an increase in rates. A representative from CAW will be visiting the Council
in the next few weeks to discuss this.

The second reading of Ordinance 1133 approves a communications network franchise agreement with Uniti Fiber LLC.
There was no discussion.

The second reading of Ordinance 1134 authorizes the payment of certain municipal bills via electronic funds transfer.
Member Mosley expressed his opposition until he sees a written procedural proposal. This is something the State requires.
City Attorney Thornton said that Director of Finance Sousa has drafted a proposal which will be circulated soon to the Council.

The second reading of Ordinance 1135 amends the city code to adopt a code of ethics for all City Boards and Commissions.
Member Mosley commented about how the Council can already remove a board member with a two-thirds vote.

Resolution 2024-37 approves a conditional use permit for a utility substation at Lot 1A, Maumelle East Industrial Park.
City Attorney Thornton mentioned how there was extensive discussion about how Four Paws Lane is a private drive, which is no longer allowed
for new construction, but the existing road was built to city specifications.

Member Shinn asked about new construction being done on the opposiite side of the cul-de-sac.
It was determined that he was talking about another property.

Member Mosley talked about how this area has limited access because of railroad tracks.

Attorney Thornton mentioned how only a small area would not be improved in this area.

Member Mosley expressed his support.

The Resolution passed unanimously.

The first reading of Ordinance 1136 amends the zoning map for 35.7 acres, along White Oak Crossing.
Member Mosley called this “A win-win-win deal.” He expressed his support.

The first reading of Ordinance 1137 amends the Land Use Plan & Map for Tract III, 103 Audubon Drive.
Member Mosley said neighbors had expressed a concern about drainage, but the development looked like it would address this.
“Looks like a great place for a church.”

Attorney Thornton said there will be a preliminary development plan in due coruse.

The first reading of Ordinance 1138 amends the Master Street Plan as requested by Staff and Planning Commission.
Member Mosley said he would be asking about details when Director of Planning and Permits is in attendance during a future meeting.
He also asked about if the City is required to build the roads in the plan. Mayor Norris said No. The plan is there to make certain that
builders will build according to City standards and design roads according to the uses designated in the Master Street Plan.

I shared about how Directo Grummer of Planning and Permits does an excellent job of dealing with problems from the digging being done in
the City and causing problems. I had one resident who was very upset when she contacted me, and when I shared with her information that
Mister Grummer shared with me, the resident expressed her appreciation for the good work the City does that residents are often unaware of.

Member Mosley asked about how the City is now running Park on the River. Director of Parks Phillip Raborn had told him that things were going
well and many rentals have already been scheduled.

Member Mosley expressed his mutual concerns about different traffic lights. Several areas were suggested for Mayor Norris to inspect.

Member Mosley asked about the language defining the Mayor's ability to restrict antagonistic comments during Council meetings.

Attorney Thornton mentioned how a Council in Florida requires all comments to be pertinent to the City.
Whatever is decided will need to be voted on by the Council.

Mayor Norris said he likes the idea of having something in place for the future, even though this has not been a problem in his twelve years
of experience. He advocated language restricting things unrelated to City business. He does not believe in shutting
people down for viewpoints, but did like that option should someone start speaking obscenities, or other crazy things.
I suggested limiting speech that is “”invasive to the rights of others.”

Mayor Norris and Mosley agreed things unrelated to the City, like discussions of football, should not be discussed.

Member Mosley suggested that we simply remove the language that says “This privilege may be revoked by the Mayor in the case of inappropriate
language or comments.”

Member Shinn discussed how traffic lights previously have red in both directions for four or five seconds before one turned green.
He also discussed a positive story about a young woman’s experience with the All Inclusive Playground. “Really proud to see the work the
City put in… and how it’s being used.”

Mayor Norris commented that if people think the All Inclusive Playground was busy, they should see how busy the new playground equipment is at
Lake Willastein. Member Norris concurred and shared his compliments.

I also complimented the Maumelle Police Department for conducting the Citizen’s Police Academy, and how it was an informative experience.

September 20, 2024 Update

Here's a couple of photos from the Maumelle Citizen's Police Academy that I've been attending. The first shows the 30 pound vest that officers wear all day.
The other was from a tour of the Pulaski County jail. I'm surprised some tabloid didn't jump on that one with the headline: "City Councilman in the company
of 12 women hauled off to jail." This program runs once a year, and I highly recommend it for anyone who wants to know more about how our police force operates.
I've learned a lot.

Maumelle isn't just a community.
We're a family!

September 16, 2024 Update

Tonight’s meeting of the Maumelle City Council was one council person short.
Mayor Norris was also away for a planned absence. I was voted as Mayor Pro Tem for this meeting.
Because of this, I was not able to take the extensives notes that I normally do.
I'd like to thank the other members of the Council for their confidence in selecting me, and their help to keep the meeting running smoothly.

There were no public comments and the monthly Finance report was given by Director Beatriz Souza.

The first piece of unfinished business was the second reading of Ordinance 1132, but Doug Ford of PMI, who intended to give a presentation
to explain his revised figures, was running late. So the Council approved moving this piece of business to the end of the agenda.

The First Reading of Ordinance 1133 deals with granting a franchise agreement with Uniti Fiber LLC to operate and build a commjnications network
in Maumelle. This would be a commercial service, and not residential. So this 4th possible communications company to possible be granted a license
to operate in Maumelle should not be digging up residential front yards in the manner that AT&T has.

The First Reading of Ordinance 1134 authorizes the city to pay certain municipal bills via electronic funds transfer
City Attorney Thornton had noticed that the City was lacking a policy on this.

The First Reading of Ordinance 1135 ammends the City code to adopt a code of ethics for all City Boards and Commissions.
City Attorney had noticed that while the City Council regularly renews such a code, one was lacking for the Boards and Commissioners.

Resolution 2024-36 ammended the General Fund to cover increased telephone and utility bills. It passed unanimously.

Ordinance 1132 ammending the City's solid waste collections fees was the agenda item moved to allow speaker Dee Ford of PMI to speak.
He never did show, so the Council moved on without him. One of the things he had intended to discuss was his revised increase to $23.17.
After much discussion, the Council voted to institute the new rate. This put Ordinance 1132 back to the first reading. A motion to
do two readings failed, so this will be on its second reading during the next meeting.

September 3, 2024 Update

Tonight’s meeting of the Maumelle City Council had a full quorum in attendance.

The meeting started with a clarification about which lanes would be closed with the narrowing of Club Manor proposals to two lanes,
using the other two lanes nearest to lake Willastein in new walking paths and green belt. I had thought that we would be using the
center two lanes in order to maintain the integrity of the crown of the original road to encourage rainfall flow in the original manner.
That is not the plan. The plan is to take out the two lanes on one side. There was discussion about how best to enter this new information
into the minutes, and whether or not to add them to the minutes from the last meeting. The unanimous decision was made to add it to this week’s minutes.

Chief of Staff Deb Rouse spoke about bringing art into the community. They will have an art exhibit called Maumelle Masterpieces where local
artists are invited to showcase their artwork. There will also be an art contest held with local schools. 7th graders will be coming tomorrow
to see the artwork of a Mister Ball that is currently on display.

Chief of Staff Rouse also talked about encouraging people to use See-Click-Fix. “It’s not just about reporting an issue, it’s also about engaging back and forth.”

Two events in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce will include a Food Truck event at Lake Willastein on November 7th.
Another is a Career Expo on October 2nd at the Community Center. Students will be coming in to talk with local businesses, followed by a job fair.

Council Member Shinn gave the Planning Commission report. There were only two issues, one a replat for an existing business and an extension to
the platt for another area behind U-Haul. Neither will be coming before the Council at this time.

The third Reading Ordinance 1131 adopts and enacts supplemental provisions of the Maumelle City Code. The Ordinance passed unanimously.

The first reading of Ordinance 1132 amends the ordinance setting the fees for residential solid waste pick-up. This increase was discussed
extensively in recent meetings. Mayor Norris said the new rate is based on actual expenses. The worry is that if the Sanitation Department
becomes fully staffed, then the increase might be insufficient. A new recommend rate would increase the monthly rate by nearly another dollar.
He discussed again about the Council’s decision last meeting to continue doing recycling in house. Mayor Norris advocated switching to
Waste Management, and asked Mike Hogan to discuss the matter.

The Director of Public Works commented about how Maumelle is the only City locally who was not using that program. He said the current program is good,
and he hated to let it go, but was worried about keeping the department staffed. The throwers on the back of the recycling trucks are the most difficult to staff.

City Attorney Thornton discussed building in automatic fee increases. He found four Arkansas cities that have done something like this.
He advised that the Council does not have that authority according to state statutes. So no provision was included.

Council Member Gronwald spoke about her support to switch to Waste Management, but was concerned about sticker shock from the raising of the rates.

Council Member Mazzoni discussed about how eliminating the recycling might improve the Sanitation’s staffing issues.

Council Member Mosley discussed with Director Hogan about how wages for his department need to be increased, which might be a cheaper solution
than turning it over to Waste Management. Member Mosley said he does not want to more trash bins sitting outside of houses.

Mayor Norris said that one of the things that don’t show up in the studies is the affect on the Sanitation department.

Member Shinn asked about any effect on the Transfer Station. Director Hogan said there would be none. Member Shinn said he is not certain an
increase in wages will help in staffing. Mayor Norris said an advantage to keeping recycling in house was the ability to handle any resident
problems in house, which would be lost by going to Waste Management.

After Maumelle recently did away with MMW's wastewater processing and contracted with the City of North Little Rock, the rates have increased
significantly since them. As a former customer of Waste Management, I can testify about how they will lure in new customers with low rates that
are folllowed by steady rates increases at the maximum the contract will allow. Cancelling with them was a nightmare. By contract you have to give notice
months in advance in a tiny window, and Waste Management tried to claim that notice wasn’t received, until I provided signature proof of the notice’s delivery.

Mayor Norris agreed, but said the counterbalance that the rate would be one negotiated with all the cities, but confirmed that the City would lose our
ability to control the costs of recycling.

Member Gardner asked what Public Works is advocating for. Director Hogan said we have a good program that we take pride in, but the biggest issue
they face is staffing. He did not advocate one way or the other. When pressed to make a choice, his concern is staffing, but also a decrease in
service and response time would be a negative experience for residents. If it wasn’t for the staffing difficulties, he would recommend keeping the
recycling as it is. The problem is; “Nobody wants to work. It’s the worst I’ve seen in my 21 years.”

Member Gardner felt this is something that needs to be addressed right away, but is uncomfortable with the changing numbers being given to the Council.

Mayor Norris felt the immediate concern is the rate increase. The recycling is a decision that could be addressed at a later time.
This part is not something we would need to use a consulting firm to help address, since we already do all this in house.

Member Mosley asked Attorney Thornton if we changed the rate, how it would need to go back to first reading. But the Council could elect
to waive subsequent readings.

Member Gronwald asked about how the reading would revert to first readings with a rate adjustment.

Member Gardner said it seemed everyone agreed that the rate needs to be increased, and supported a suggestion by Member Mosley to go ahead
and add the new consultant recommended number of $22.14 to $22.72.

Member Mazzoni agreed with Garner and Mosley. He also expressed his concern about how budget discussions will be coming up soon,
and worried about how delays might affect those projections.

Attorney Thornton found a typo in his language, and asked that this correction be added to the proposed amendment to the $22.72 rate.
The motion passed. City Clerk Timmons then did the first reading again.

Resolution 2024-34 approves the sale of a 2010 Side Load Refuse Truck and a 2002 Rear Load Refuse Truck for the Sanitation Department.
Director Hogan said these were trade in vehicles for truck replacements that are currently on order. These will not be traded until after
the new trucks arrive. The Resolution passed unanimously.

Resolution 2024-35 authorizes the Mayor to execute a Solid Waste Facility Financial Assurance Agreement. This had nothing to do with the
previous rate increase discussions. This is an annual requirement by state law that the City keeps money appropriated in the event that the
transfer station needed to be shut down. These monies are already appropriated in the budget. This is an annual measure that never gets spent.
The Resolution passed unanimously.

Mayor Norris said he will not be able to attend the next meeting, and called for an Election of a President Pro Tem for September 19th Meeting.
Member Mosley nominated me for the job, which passed unanimously.

Member Mosley asked Member Shinn about the extension of the platt behind the U-Haul facility.
Director of Planning and Permits discussed that the variance approved for that grading that was not completed in the allotted time because of a
change in engineers. This was an extension to give the new engineer the time needed to “get on board.”

Member Mosley thanked the Mayor for sending information on the Splash Pad and the information that it contained. He asked about some of the
tax deductible donations that were made. Mayor Norris said that if someone donated the money to the City for whatever intent, then the City Council
could do whatever they wanted with the money. That is why the Splash pad was organized in a manner so that any donations would go to that project.

Member Mosley asked if Member Gronwald if she wanted to set up an audit committee. She felt that at the time being we do not need it.

Member Mosley talked about how there were no signed agreements between the parties involved on the Splash pad, and felt that an audit
committee might help such future oversights “keep from happening.”

Member Gronwald said that a 501C3 tax deductible donation had to be used for the intent it was donated for, even it it was for “dog popsicles.”

Member Gardner expressed his appreciation of 501C3 donations. He also did not feel a need to audit their monies. He agreed that there should
be no dark areas when it comes to public funds. Member Mosley said he had not seen any suspicious expenses. Mayor Norris thought the extra
monies left over should be donated back to the City. Over half the expense of this project was leveraged by the committee who handled it.

August 19, 2024 Update

Tonight’s meeting of the Maumelle City Council had a full quorum in attendance.

Director of Finance Beatriz Sousa gave the financial report. Revenues are up thanks to an increase in building permits.
The auditors finished their field work and will return soon to finish up the 2023 audit. Everything is in their hands now.

Member Mosley asked about the Sanitation fund. Director Sousa confirmed that Sanitation will be in the negative by the end of the year because
expenditures exceed income. Fortunately we have enough funds already in the fund, and whil it is being rapidly depleted because of high expense,
$650K in new Sanitation trucks have been ordered and are already listed as an expense, even though they will show up until a later year.

The second reading of Ordinance 1131 Enacting Supplemental Provisions of City Code to amend code and set effective dates.

A new packet from PMI was delivered to the Council with correct numbers dealing with the Sanitation Fund operating at a loss.
Member Mazzoni confirmed with Public Works Director Mike Hogan that right now that department is running several employees short.
Today recycling was not picked up because of absenteeism in that department. The bins will still be picked up this week.
With this summer’s severe heat, no one is applying for jobs as sanitation throwers.

Member Mosley asked if community service offenders might assist the department. Director Hogan said the department had never put community
service offenders on the back of a truck. Member Mosley asked at what point would the Sanitation Fund run out of money. Mayor Norris said the
fluctuating numbers from the purchase of new equipment made that a hard date to predict.

Member Gardner agreed that we can’t continue to spend more than what we can earn.

Member Mazzoni expressed an interest in Option One and Four.

Member Mosley expressed a similar interest, with some interest in option three about adding a leaf vacuuming truck.

Mayor Norris talked about how the NLR sanitation and leaf removal rates are tied into their electric rates.

I expressed my support for Option One and Four, with an immediate increase and reevaluation of the rates every one or two years.

Member Shinn talked about pushing leaves to the curb could cause flooding in the event or rain happening before they can be vacuumed.

Director Hogan, said Member Shinn was “Exactly right.” He had found that the current system of bagging and putting the bags to the curbs are
working well. He said pushing leaves to the curb could “cause havoc” with drainage issues.

Member Gardner commented about how a lot of Waste Mamagement bins do get used as trash bins. In situations like this, Waste Management will simply
take the recycle bin away from repeat offenders and deny them service.

Right now Maumelle is the only city in the immediate area who does their own recycling pickup.

Member Gardner and Mosley both agreed that the proposed increase might be too low, and were in support of automatic adjustments.

Mayor Norris said he had heard the Council’s preference for Option One and Four and would start working up the new ordinance.

Resolution 2024-31 amends the 2024 General Fund Budget to appropriate funds to the Fire Department from a donation received from the Tractor
Supply Company for fire equipment. The motion passed unanimously.

Resolution 2024-32 expresses a willingness to utilize federal-aid transportation program funds and block grant for White Oak Crossing Access Management.
This is not a binding expense. This approves the City to begin the application process.

Member Mosley asked if one of the proposed roundabouts will partially be in the County.

Mayor Norris said this project is all about White Oaks accessibility. It will probably be a single roundabout in Maumelle.

Resolution 2024-33 expresses a willingness to utilize federal-aid transportation program funds and block grant for Club Manor Corridor Improvements.
This is similar to the previous ordinance, but this one focuses on a redesign of the Club Manor corridor.

Member Mosley expressed concerns about reducing Club Manor from four lanes to two lanes.

Mayor Norris discussed how government does social engineering to encourage a certain type of growth.

I expressed my opposition to tearing up a perfectly good 4-lane road to put in walking paths. Club Manor is considered the heart of the City, and with
the four-lane road we are set for growth in the future. If we reduce access we could be creating future log jams. This is something I've also discussed
with a number of residents online. Their reaction was unanimously opposed.

Member Gardner expressed his opinion that in the past Maumelle was overbuilt for future growth. He prefers making the City “much more walkable”
and considers that Club Manor was overbuilt.

Member Mosley proposed an alternative where the walking trail was built next to the existing road. He suggested tabling the resolution.

Mayor Norris said Member Morris’ suggestion to table the resolution did not draw a second because the paperwork has to be filed this month.
The Resolution passed by a vote of 6 to 2. I was one of the No votes.

Mayor Norris received this response from ARDOT:

“Your request to install a traffic signal at the Highway 100 intersection with Audubon Drive and Montpellier Drive is denied.”

The cost was budgeted and a study we had done before warranted a traffic light, but ARDOT feels it would be too close to the light at Odom South.
ARDOT referered back to a corridor study dated in 1981 as a reason for the denial. Mayor Norris plans to appeal their decision and will request an
updated corridor plan that is more current.

Mayor Norris also announced a blood drive at City Hall tomorrow starting at 9AM.

Member Mosley brought up the idea of an audit committee again.

August 5, 2024 Update

Tonight’s meeting of the Maumelle City Council was fully attended.

Fire Chief Beua Buford gave a presentation concerning the Maumelle Fire Department’s new Extrication Tool that enable them to cut and pop doors.
They have already used it twice to perform rescues from automobile wrecks. New cabinets have been built in tandem with Public Works.

Maumelle is the only City in Central Arkansas with a new, state-of-the-art Cardiac Monitor. The new machine controls how much air is being put
into a person who needs artificial resuscitation. Council person Chritstine Gronwald did a test application. “It’s like a video game.”

The Fire Department also received a $35K grant for equipment replacement.
Maumelle is ready to do the PSAP (9-1-1) Consolidation, but we are waiting for North Little Rock to finish their preparation.

New training guides with well-defined goals have been prepared. Three firefightres will graduate from paramedical school in the next month.
A proposal is being prepared for a burn tower for training purposes. As of today the Fire Department has handled 1305 incidents this year,
dealing with everything from angry squirrels to accidents and elevator rescues. Chief Buford added that the squirrel “was really angry.”

New Pulsara Technology enables the Fire Department to do follow ups on the care of any patients they have treated.
They can also tell relatives about the status and whereabouts of a loved one who has been involved in an incident.

Other recent awards were a Wildland Firefighting grant for fighting wildfires, a Firehouse Subs grand award, an AFG Grand for new portable radios, a FM Global
Fire Prevention Grant for the purchase of fire prevention materials. The Fire Department also received an award from Tractor Supply Company,
and are working on applications for three additional grants.

Working with North Little Rock fire to improve Tapid Intervention Team training, and sharing Active 911 technology with Mayflower and the
Oak Grove volunteer fire departments. A mutual aid agreement has been solidified with Mayflower’s Fire Department.

This year was the first time Maumelle has had an 8 person minimum on staff.

Member Williams gave the Planning Commission report. The Gateway site plans for the part and the food court were approved.
A Master Plan update that designated Collector Roads for the future growth of Maumelle were discussed.

A Civil Service Appointment between Eric Van Dyke and Harvey Durham was once again considered. At the last meeting we did not have enough members
present to achieve a majority vote. Both candidates once again interviewed with the Council.

Both candidates were excellent applicants. Harvey Durham was re-elected to the Civil Service Commission.

The first reading of Ordinance 1131 enacts supplemental provisions of the Maumelle City Code. This is a standard codified process
that happens at least twice a year.

Resolution 2024-29 Amending the 2024 General, Street & Sanitation Fund Budget to appropriating funds for the 2024 Arkansas Municipal League Vehicle
and Property Program. The City has received a rate increase for insurance on the properties and vehicles. A reassessment was done recently, with the
Municipal League reevaluating the estimated values, to make sure the values of the property was sufficiently covered. Resolution passed unanimously.

Resolution 2024-30 Regarding Surplus Property approves the sale of two 2016 Ford Interceptors and a 2011 Dodge Charger for the police department.
This allows the Police Fund to move the $7.6K raised into their budget. The vehicles were auctioned on the .Gov auction site. This is how most of
the City’s surplus property is sold, and it is open to the public. It works in much the same manner as eBay. The Resolution passed unanimously.

Mayor Norris said his office is hosting a blood drive on Tuesday at City Hall. He also congratulated Council members Terry Williams, Chad Gardner, and City
Communication Director Cydney Thompson, and Maumelle Chamber of Commerce’s Kellie Wall for completing a three-year Community Development course. New
attendees are the Mayor’s Chief of Staff Deb Rouse, and Nicole Vogler from Senior Services. This weekend is the final filing date for anyone planning to
run in this year’s election. Mayor Norris expressed his willingness to discuss the matter with anyone who had any questions.

Member Mosley asked about the adaptive signal lights. North Little Rock had originally been supposed to have a dedicated person to deal with the
administration of the adaptive lights, but backed out of it. Maumelle is now using some of the equipment, but not the adaptation part. “We are in a
better system than we did have, but not nearly as good as what was promised when it was launched.” If someone sees something that is not working the way
it should be, please file a notice with See Click Fixit.

Member Mosley asked about the plan to reduce the four lane Club Manor from four lanes to 2 lanes, and how it might cause traffic and parking problems
in the future. Mayor Norris advocated neighborhood parking. He said the City is also going to be applying for an additional grant to help pay for the
project. It will be on the next meeting’s agenda.

Member Mosley asked about the Newton Ridge Annexation. The Council signed an annexation back when Mike Watson was Mayor, but the residents are hesitant.
This is the area by the new third entrance where there is a large ridge that needs to be taken down. The City is also working with ARDOT, since the road
stops within the Highway Department’s right-of-way, and they are opposed to local community connectivity, and want it to connect with Highway 365, which
would be a good thing. But basically the situation is described by the mayor as “a giant jigsaw puzzle.” Right now the land owner is trying to land a
“big development” to help get this started. An engineering grant has been applied for. A roundabout will probably also need to be built where a large part
of an undeveloped part of the city intersects with White Oaks. This would also need to be vetted by ARDOT.

Member Mosley asked if the Economic Development Department would address the Council in the near future.

I expressed a concern stated by residents who felt their neighbors were using Code Enforcement to harass their neighbors, and are worried that the
system was being abused. Director Grummer said he does get repeat complainers and that they do try to identity first if there is a violation, but
that they refer those who are chronic complaints to the City Attorney. If anyone does feel they are being harassed, please contact Mister Grummer
so he can check into it.

Member Mosley followed up on my discussion, and expressed that he felt people should have their name posted with any complaints.
He has been a victim of similar harassment that required getting the City Attorney involved to stop it.

City Clerk Timmons mentioned that anything that can be done on the website can now be done at City Hall.

July 24, 2024 Update

Maumelle Parks and Recreation just released this statement:
We are pleased to announce that Maumelle Parks and Recreation will be managing reservations for Park on the River,
located at 11903 Crystal Hill Rd, Maumelle, AR 72113, starting October 1, 2024.

Reservations can be made in person at the Jess Odom Community Center, Monday through Friday, from 8 AM to 5 PM.
Please note that our office is closed for lunch from 12 PM to 1 PM. For reservations, you may contact Shatara Batemon and Laura Rendon-Jimenez.

Showings of Park on the River are available by appointment only, Tuesday through Friday, from 10 AM to 12 PM.

We are excited to welcome this facility to the Parks and Recreation Department and look forward to assisting you in planning your next event.

July 15, 2024 Update

Tonight’s meeting of the Maumelle City Council barely had a quorum, being three members short.

Doug Ford with PMI, an environmental consulting firm based in Little Rock, presented a Solid Waste Rate Study for the City of Maumelle.
Right now that part of the City’s servicess are operating at a loss, with a fee schedule that was last updated in 2006. So far this year
we have lost money in operational costs. Averaging the losses suffered from 2021 to current, we are looing on average $285K a year.
PMI took a look at our rates, and as expected, they determined that our expenses exceed our solid waste revenues. The monthly fee currently
being charged is less than half of what the City of Little Rock charges for the same services. The last time the fee was increased was with
Ordinance 583 on January 3, 2006, when the $12 monthly fee increased to $15.50, Quarterly fee increased from $36 to $46.50 per quarter.
These have been our rates for the last 18 years. Landfill tipping rates alone have the option of increasing their rates to Maumelle each year.
Right now we are using the Little Rock landfill at the rate of $19.63 per ton.

The cost of using a vacuum leaf pick up, as opposed to our current practice of treating them as yard waste was examined. The cost of doing
this would include the need to purchase a new leaf vaccuum truck, or a vacuum that was trailer mounted. The cost of doing this would be
approximently $20 per year per customer. Cities that do this have expressed concerns over the difficulties they’ve had trying to find crews
willing to do the work on a seasonal basis.

Recyclables were also examined. Having Wast Management handle this was considered. The cost for this would be $6.08 per month per house,
but should lead to a net savings of around $4 per customer per month.

Option One is a $6.64 increase from $15.59 to #22.14 per month.

Option Two would be a $4.38 increase per customer for Waste Management to pick up recyclables, which increase the rate to $26.52 per month.

Option Three would be add $1.30 per month for a leaf blower truck,

There was an option Four that suggested the City reevaluate our rate charge every two years.

It was also suggested that the City get back to having an Operating Reserve to cover future increases in costs, utilities, and labor.

Council member Gardner asked if Mister Ford had any recommendations for the City. He suggested that the City at least do an increase of $2 per customer.

Member Mosley congratulated Mister Ford for the clarity of his presentation. He also confirmed with Mayor Norris that our tipping fees have
been going up every year. Member Mosley advocated sticking with recycle tubs as opposed to cans.

Mayor Norris said if we made a change to cans, we would want to go the Waste Management route.

Member Shinn discussed how Little Rock picks up recycling every other week, and asked if that had been considered. It had not.

Mayor Norris said requests for bigger recycle buckets were something he gets a lot.

Edwin Barker made a public comment to the Council about how he lives behind Odom. After the ditch was rebuilt along Odom, rainfall now goes
through his back yard, and behind his neighbor’s house. He is worried the drainage is plugged.

Ms. Alma Jean Fourche spoke about a similar water problem.

Mr. Jay Coleman spoke on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. James Gouge about water overflow going from their ditch into their yard, making their property
unsalable. The City did speak with their neighbor, but no one had spoken with them, and they want to know what needs to be done to rectify their situation.

James Mackey spoke about the same problem, and “I know how the Gouges have labored with their problem.” One neighbor had made a concrete runoff
that caused problems for the other neighbors. He requested the City pay some attention to the problem.

Janice Johnson spoke about having been the realtor for the Gouges. During a recent bad rain, water was up to their porch. Legally she has had to
inform other realtors about this situation, and the decision was made to pull their property off the market until the issue was addressed.
She hopes to get the problem fixed.

Ronald Plice spoke about storm water problems in the same neighborhood, and that a hole has opened up and created safety concerns. He said when he
bought his house, the city had agreed to fix the drainage problem. He has had public works out to examine the problem, and the City has pledged to
fix it, but did not know when it would be done. It was requested that the city make this a priority.

Mayor Norris said this is not a new issue. Part of the problem is this is a private street. Recently it was discovered that the City does
have an easement and a city installed infrastructure that is failing. Right now the city is focusing on projects where water is entering people's homes.
The next priority is reappearing collapsing infrastructure. It will be repaired. All private streets now being built are required to be build to City
standards to avoid problems like this in the future.

Mike Hogan, Director of Public Works said he does not have a timeline right now. Right now he is trying to determine if this should be done in house,
which he would anticipate taking two months to complete, or possibly budget in the future to have a contractor bid on that. Mayor Norris urged him to
start taking bids now.

Jay Coleman added the comment about how the Gouges have been dealing with this problem for decades, and stressed how there is huge hole growing in
their yard which could create a structural problem.

Mayor Norris stressed that the City is battling failing storm drains around the City.

Brian Lob spoke about the same issue, and how a neighbor on Osage Falls has started having flooding problems in her basement “every time we get
torrential rains.”

Delores Gouge spoke about how she has been dealing with this for 25 years. She is disappointed that no one had been out to look at her house.
They want to move to her hometown, but right now the water problem has trapped them in Maumelle.

Beatriz Sousa, Director of Finance gave the Financial Report for June, which had “good numbers.” Building Permits are up, Camera systems have been
updated for the Police department and the Senior Center. Right now the Fund balance is $5.2M over the minimum required amount. Street Revenues are good.
Sanitation--not so much, as discussed above. Monies will have to be borrowed from the General Fund to make up for the Sanitation shortfall. “We need to
move fast on the Sanitation.” Auditors will be arriving in City Hall next week to start the 2023 audit.

Member Gardner asked about Sanitation revenues, and wondered how we lost so much revenue in previous years, and lost 20% of revenues last year.
“They don’t pay” is one thing. She felt increased fees affected the net revenue. Mayor Norris said they will take a closer look at this and will
get back to the Council.

Member Mosley confirmed everything is on track for the 2023 audit. He asked for an accounting for the funding of the All Inclusive Playground,
both City and non-profit. Ms Sousa said she would only have the City of Maumelle revenues and payments. The City does not manage the monies of donations.
Member Mosley is curious is there are any leftover monies that could go to the City.

The Third Reading of Ordinance 1129 accepts and confirms the dedication of certain streets and drainage in the development known as Maumelle Valley
Estates Phase XX and XXI Addition. The Ordinance passed unanimously.

The Third Reading of Ordinance 1130 to vacate a Plat of Lots 695 through 726 OS-1 of the Country Club of Arkansas Addition, Filed for Record as Book “F”,
page 116 (D), of the records of Pulaski County. The Ordinance passed unanimously.

A Civil Service Commission Appointment had two applicants; Eric Van Dyke and Harvey Durham. Each man took turns speaking to the council and answered
questions. Both were excellent applicants. Mister Durham has served on the Civil Service Board since 2012, and Board Secretary since 2015. Because
there were only five council members present, and a majority vote of five was required, two votes failed to make a selection. Mayor Norris delayed the
process until the next City Council Meeting.

Philip Raborn with Parks and Recreation talked about the expenses on the All Inclusive Playground. He gave some of the pricing to rent Park on the River
when it transfers to Parks and Rec in October.

I asked about the current state of Maumelle’s Tree Board. It is currently being run by Mister Raborn of Parks and Rec, and he will be filing the
application to maintain Maumelle’s Tree City USA certification.

Member Gardner asked about Ms. Timmons curent involvement with Park on the River, and asked if people booking the center will be paying an extra fee
for police protection. Right now the charge is $40 per hour, and $45 after midnight. Member Gardner was concerned that the City might now be able to
generate the same revenues that the property generated under the previous arrangement.

Member Shinn discussed wildlife problems along Stoneledge. Animal Control had said there was nothing they could do about how deer tearing up people’s yards,
and suggested we contact Game and Fish to help with the problem.

Member Mosley expressed his desire to see Park on the River rented out as much as possible, and suggested lower the rates for smaller events.
He also asked about upgrading areas in Lake Willastein that “are looking a little rough.” Mister Raborn said that this was something they would
be addressing next year.

Member Mosley then asked City Attorney Thornton about a letter written by the County attorney that considered it illegal for police officiers to use
their cars or uniforms for after-hours work. This resulted from a Deputy Sheriff moonlighting on another job. Attorney Thornton had looked to see if
there were an ordiance in Maumelle against this, but could not find one. He said that this kind of moonlighting is a very common practice.

City Attorney Andrew Thornton discussed Diamond Reflexotherapy, where an arrest was made for prostitution. He has informed the landlord about the
problem. Another individual was then later arrested in the same location for prostitution. If they do not evict the tenant, the City will.

July 1, 2024 Update

Tonight’s meeting of the Maumelle City Council had a full quorum in attendance.

Council member Mazzoni gave the Planning Commission report. There were two items before the commission that were both tabled.

The Second Reading Ordinance 1129 accepts and confirms the dedication of certain streets and drainage in the development known as
Maumelle Valley Estates Phase XX and XXI Addition.

The Second Reading Ordinance 1130 to vacate a Plat of Lots 695 through 726 OS-1 of the Country Club of Arkansas Addition,
Filed for Record as Book “F”, page 116 (D), of the records of Pulaski County.

Resolution 2024-27 authorizes the Mayor to execute a contract with FORVIS MAZARS, LLP to conduct the City’s 2023 Audit. Member Mosley
talked about the $77K cost of this service, which does include the $10K reporting solution license and the drafting of ACFR, the
Annual Comprehensive Finance Report, and asked if it should be bid. City Attorney Thornton said that professional services are not subject
to bidding. Mayor Norris discussed about how we do periodically to compare accounting services, but because of the learning curve
it was thought that doing so every five years would be most effective.

Member Mosley also confirmed that this was a one year contract. He expressed his satisfaction with the auditor’s previous service.

City Clerk Timmons said she does do requests of competitive bids on an annual basis by publishing the requirements and taking offers that relate
to the services needed. This was how we first obtained the services Forvis.

Member Gardner asked for details about the extra work Forvis had done on previous audits.

The Resolution passed unanimously.

Resolution 2024-28 amends the 2024 General Fund Budget to appropriating funds for the 2023 Fiscal Year Audit. This extra $26K to fully fund the
audit in Resolution 2024-27. The ACFR was previously not budgeted, both this year and to cover monies used to cover previous ACFRs that were
also not budgeted. This should have the City completely caught up with their audits.

Mayor Norris mentioned how the City will be closed on Thursday for the 4th of July celebration and urged everyone to enjoy the parade.

Member Mosley asked about the October 1st date for the changeover for the operation of Park on the River, and asked if any maintenance
needed to be done. Mayor Norris said roofers had looked at it and said the roof was in good shape, regardless of what some others might have said.
He was not aware of any repair problems.

Member Mosley asked about a shade structure being built. Mayor Norris responded that these were paid by donations, and the cost did not come out of the
budget of Parks and Recreation. There is some money left over, with the idea that the excess non-profit monies will eventually be turned over to the City.

Member Mosley confirmed that the oil change business is being built. There were questions about a blue-flashing light system, and Mayor Norris
confirmed that it belonged to construction company. They City instructed them to relocate the lights.

Member Mosley also asked about the progress with a senior center being built near to the old Kroger building. Permits have been filed and work
is progressing.

June 17, 2024 Update

In this week’s meeting of the Maumelle City Council was one member short, so unanimous votes will show a count of 7 to 1,
since all absentees count as No votes.

Lynnette Murphy spoke to the Council about her concerns over the mowing. She felt it was being allowed to get too tall, and worried
about how it might create a micro-climate favorable to fungal diseases, fire hazards, rodents, and other pests that might endanger
children at play. She felt if residents were required to not allow their yards to grow higher than six inches, then that rule should
also apply to the City’s public areas. She has lived in Maumelle for 30 years, but noticed this becoming a concern over the last 3 years.

Director of Finance Beatriz Sousa gave the financial report for the month of May. Sales taxes collected are up $120K over last year to date.
The City collected around $600K in insurance settlements for repairs that were needed after the recent hailstorm event that caused so much
damage across the city, which offsets the increased expenses for making those repairs. Animal Services was repainted, and the Police
Department bought new cars. Right now the City’s General Fund balance is $9M over the minimum required amount, but that will be dropping in
the near future as monies that are earmarked for different projects will be transferred out in the next month. Street overlays and striping
has run $400K so far this year, in addition to the purchase of a new truck. Sanitation continues to go in the wrong direction, since expenses
exceed current charges for this service. This will be addressed, with recommendations for adjustments being prepared.

Member Mosley asked if the 2023 audit will start in July and be completed by the end of the the year. Director Sousa confirmed this.

The third reading of Ordinance 1127 amends the city code to provide a wage penalty for council members who miss more than 20% of
Council meetings during a calendar year. The wrong version was placed in the packet, so the correct one was passed out to the Council before
the meeting started. The City Attorney said that this was fine to still hold a vote.

Member Holt felt that someone who has an issue beyond their control, that there should be an amendment to allow exceptions without penalty.
He wanted more options, including someone being able to appeal their case to the council.

Member Mosley expressed his opposition.

Mayor Norris commented about how “it feels awful personal if the rule wasn’t already in place” if someone had already been ill before the measure
was introduced. “This is by no means is aimed at any individual.”

I expressed my support. While the job of the Council is a lot more work than just attending the meetings, the meetings are where
votes are tallied. Since absentees are counted as No votes, two and a half months of absences in a calendar year amounts to quite a few No votes
on issues, creating a situation where one or two other No votes have defeated an Ordinance or Resolution that the majority present favored.

Mayor Norris said he had heard a lot of the same sentiment from residents as what I expressed.

Member Gardner asked City Attorney Thornton for a legal opinion. He did not foresee any problems.

Member Mosley indicated he might change his mind.

The Ordinance passed unanimously.

Resolution 2024-23 approves an Economic Development Service contract between the City of Maumelle and the Maumelle Area Chamber Of Commerce.
This is an annual contract that was already budgeted. Last year the contract cost was $2.5K, but double this year to $5K. There has been a year
or two, according to the Mayor, during the pandemic when there were no events planned and no contract. But with the recent Solar Eclipse their
services were used quite a bit more this year. He considered it to be "a bargain."

Kellie Wall with the Chamber addressed the Council, discussing different events and sponsorships that they participate in. The Blackout on the
Boulevard was something they were heavily involved in this year.

Resolution 2024-24 amends the 2024 General Fund Budget to authorize the expenditure of insurance monies received for repairs due to hailstorm
damage. This is a housekeeping step to move insurance monies to the department where the repairs were made.

Member Mosley confirmed what Director Sousa had said about there having been $600K done in hail damages.

City Clerk Timmons explained in greater detail that every building the City owns suffered damage during the storm. Fortunately the City only
had to pay for a single deductible. The damage “was an unprecedented number.” Mayor Norris added “A lot of hail damage.” There are still a couple of
outstanding claims on vehicles.

The Resolution passed unanimously.

Resolution 2024-25 expresses the Council’s view that the elected office of Mayor for the City of Maumelle should be a full-time position.

This was a Resolution proposed by Member Mosley, who explained that this was a recommendation made by the Salary Committee. The Municipal
League recommended that this be handled by a Resolution.

Mayor Norris asked the City Attorney to discuss this.

City Attorney Thornton discussed that if this had been done as an Ordinance, then there are very limited options by State Law if there were a
problem with a future Mayor. “State Law is silent on this” when it comes to part of full time. State Statute says the job of Mayor is not full
time--unlike administration jobs like the City Attorney and City Clerk. “As it stand now” there are few options if a Mayor is not doing their job.
The City Council can assign the Mayor more work.

Member Gardner observed that this is a statement of intent that is not enforceable. He was adverse to monitoring the Mayor’s work schedule,
and even with the Resolution there was nothing the Council could do to force a Mayor to put in more time.

City Attorney Thornton said that is correct. The Resolution is a statement of intent by the Council that the Mayor’s job should be a full time endeavor.

Member Mosley discussed how the Resolution would help the Council deal with a future Mayor who only wanted to work part time, but wanted full time pay.

Mayor Norris had no objection to the job being full time, but did object to the City Council telling him when he should be in the office.
He spoke about the other things the Mayor does outside of City Hall, and objected to being told that he has to be in the office during certain
time periods. He does not feel it’s the City Council’s responsibility to be a supervisor over the Mayor. As a manager he is more concerned about
the job getting done, rather than how it is done. He has asked the City Attorney to look this.

Member Williams agreed that everything should be equal to all, and if people are going to be required to punch in on a time clock, then they
should eligible for overtime pay.

Mayor Norris said being required to always be in his office would make him “a lot less productive” in his job. He felt it would be unproductive.

Member Mosley asked about the remote work the Mayor does.

Mayor Norris said half of his work is done outside the building, hanging out with residents so that they can share their opinions. “A lot of my
job is things done outside the building.”

Member Mosley felt the Mayor should be writing reports in the office, and available, rather than working remote. He asked the Mayor if he was
doing other types of work. Mayor Norris said No, but added that he felt that what he does in the evenings and his free time are his own business.
He has “made zero dollars and business sense” in 2024 based on his hobbies.

City Clerk Timmons said the culture at City Hall allows remote work, but 99% of them come into the office when they could have worked remotely.

City Attorney Thornton said the City Council can set duties for the Mayor or Clerk, but that there is a remedy under state lay called Non-feasance
when an elected official is not doing the job they are supposed to do. An official can be removed this way.

Member Gardner suggest striking the section of text mentioning the monitoring of the Mayor’s hours, and simply say the Mayor’s job is a full
time position. A motion was made to do this, and passed unanimously.

I asked the Mayor’s thoughts of the Resolution based on the changes made.

He indicated he might introduce an ordinance to rewrite the language in the future. He was fairly non-committal on supporting or opposing the
rewrite, feeling that it is fairly obvious that the Mayor’s job is a full time job.

The Resolution passed unanimously.

The first reading of Ordinance 1129 accepts the Dedication of Streets and Drainage of certain streets in the development known as Maumelle Valley
Estates Phase XX and XXI additions.

Member Mosley said he had heard “a lot of discussions” in the Planning Commission dealing with drainage.

Director of Planning Scott Grummer said the Commission was satisfied with the drainage and this was passed unanimously with one recusal.
There are still things they are looking at.

The first reading of Ordinance 1130 vacates the plat of Lots 695 through 726 in the Country Club of Arkansas Addition, filed for Record as Book “F”,
page 116 (D) of the records of Pulaski County.

Director of Planning Grummer said this plan had originally been done in the 1990s, and was later rezoned, but the plat remained as Residential
with the County. The property owner is asking to have all the lots lumped together to better present them as a merged lot with the new Commercial Zoning.

Resolution 2024-26 amends the General Fund Budget to authorize Parks and Recreation to repair the fountain as Lake Valencia. This was sponsored
by Member Williams, who explained how the fountain on the walking path has not been working for a while. It helps the fish, reduces odors, keeps
mosquitos away, and discourages algae. Parks and Recreation thinks it can be repaired by replacing the pump, as opposed to replacing the whole thing.

Member Mosley commented about how much cheaper the repairs would be this time as opposed to previous times the fountain required work.

The Resolution passed unanimously.

Mayor Norris addressed the mowing issues. The wet season this Spring has combined with shortages in staffing to put the City behind on grounds
maintenance. “There’s limits to what we can do in house” and the City is considering hiring outside services. Pubic Works maintains a lot of
grounds and areas that a most people might think are private areas. So they are considering concentrating on high visibility areas first.
It’s not a matter of needing more money. It a matter of finding people willing to work.

Public Works will also investigate hiring a company to help with “more stuff.”

Public Works Director Mike Hogan talked about having equipment that he can’t put people on because they need to be trained first.
It’s a matter of filling the positions with experienced people.

City Offices will be closed June 19th for Juneteenth.

Member Mazzoni spoke about the City’s Youth program, and teaching local youth about how a City runs, and how they do a lot of volunteer work.

Member Gardner asked when the Council will see the new proposed Rate schedule for Sanitation.

Mayor Norris said this would happen in July, and how different options were suggested that he felt were not yet clear. He is hoping that will
be resolved by the second meeting in July.

Member Mosley spoke about a resident who is very upset about Lake Willastein, and about how there is an invasive growth in the Lake that needs
to be dredged out.

Mayor Norris said the lake has not been dredged for ten years. He feels that it about time to do this again. As far as the growth that accumulates
around the edge--that has been being cleaned every year.

Member Mosley also talked about how the trails around Lake Willastein need to be repaved.

Mayor Norris said improvements are being considered for all the pathways around Lake Willastein, and some repairs are already in the path
improvement budget.

Member Mosley discussed Park on the River reservations that will switch to Parks and Recreation on October 1st. He is curious about the plan for
that switchover. Mayor Norris said that as far as he knows it is being rolled out.

Member Mosley talked about having played Pickleball three times already, and “It’s been a lot of fun.” The last couple of times he was there
the courts were all full.

June 6, 2024 Update

Maumelle had the ribbon cutting for the Grand Opening of our new Pickleball courts today!
They are located right behind the Jess Odom Community Center, next to the Charter School.

June 3, 2024 Update

Tonight’s meeting of the Maumelle City Council had a full quorum in attendance.

Jennifer Long with the Children’s Protection Center spoke about the work their organization has done with Maumelle Parks and Recration.
They have sponsored the Dragon Boat Races for the last nine years to help raise funding to protect abused children, and wanted to thank
the City of Maumelle for our support. This year's River Cities Dragon Boat Festival at Lake Willastein is on June 7 and 8, 2024.

Leonard Enron spoke about the an area of overgrown grass, how the Senior Center needs more parking, and that people are not properly using
the yellow flashing crossing lights. He also requested the police crack down on speeding along Maumelle Boulevard.

Mike Hogan, Director of Public Works, discussed efforts to deal with drainage and flooding around town. His department has been working
with Planning and Permits, and the City’s engineer, on drainage. Most of the recent problems have been system overload from sudden downpours.
They have also been slip-lining old lines to rehabilitate them and get them functioning again. The Street Department has also been staying busy.
They are currently installing two new crosswalks on South Odom. Highway 100 had a traffic light study done and is waiting on approval from the
Arkansas Highway Department. They do have several job openings if anyone would like to apply. He also discussed the needs to adjust the rates
for Sanitation. They have installed some GPS systems on several trucks that are giving them alerts dealing with malfunctions or a driver being
in the wrong area. He also spoke about the mowing and said the city is on a two week rotation, so they are trying to “keep us as best they can.”
Recent rains have caused some delays.

Director of Planning and Permits Scott Grummer spoke about being in the process of identifying drainage issues within the city.
Most of the problems identified have been ongoing for many years, and predate the current administration.
They are looking at modifications to help alleviate storm water accumulation.

Mayor Norris spoke about a couple of homes being in locations that “are just going to flood.” “You can’t make water flow uphill.”
The City is looking for grants that might help deal with their issues. Current newer infrastructure is seeing flood events that has been greater
than the 20 and 50 year events that the infrastructure was planned to handle. We have been having 100 year events in recent years.
Some homes have fences that are impacting whole neighborhoods by blocking the 100 year flow path.

Council Member Shinn asked about the street lights. Some have been reported multiple times that have been out for several months.
Mayor Norris said this is an ongoing issue that has been a struggle in recent years. The problem lights are handled by Entergy.
They no longer inform the City when they do repairs, so the City is contacting them every couple of weeks, and are being told
repairs have been done when they in fact have NOT been repaired. So we re-report that. Meetings have been held to discuss this.

Member Shinn mentioned an area that has been dark for five months now.

Member Mosley thanked the Directors for their attention to drainage. He asked about test drilling being done along Crystal Hill.
Director Hogan said the contract had nothing in it about drilling core samples. This was something not normally done in Maumelle.
Mayor Norris said inspections had been done, and one area that was a concern had been given extra attention.

I asked about changing energy providers from Entergy, citing Entergy's negligence to do proper maintenance that has been responsbile
for some of the outages that continue to plague our community. Mayor Norris said he had been looking at this, but had no good options.

A new sub-station is being built which should provide redundancy to reduce the City's frequent and persistent power outages.
Public Works has done a far better job repairing city lights, and he advocates the City handling more of its own lighting in the future.

I asked about forming a committee to consider options for making a change in our energy provider.

Mayor Norris discouraged the idea. Since we want to examine the legal issue first, City Attorney Thornton will be looking into this.

Council Member Gronwald gave her Planning Commission report. A replat and re-zoning was approved at 1205 Maumelle Boulevard, which will
probably be coming before the Council in the future. Another property had been previously approved, but so much time had elapsed that it
needed to be approved again.

The third Reading Ordinance 1120 amends the Master Maumelle Land Use Plan and Map for several areas in the city. Member Mosley expressed
his opposition to mixed use on three of the locations. The Ordinance passed by a vote of 7 to 1.

The third Reading Ordinance 1121 amends the Maumelle Land Use Plan and Map for the property commonly known as 101 Millwood Circle.
The Ordinance passed unanimously.

The third Reading Ordinance 1122 amends Zoning Map for the property known as 101 Millwood Circle. The Ordinance passed unanimously.

The third Reading Ordinance 1123 amends the compensation for the elected position of mayor. Mayor Norris discussed about how City Code requires
the compensation package be re-evaluated every even numbered year by a committee. The following Ordinances were all recommendations made by that committee.

I confirmed that all of these would not go into effect until January 1, 2025. The Mayor accidentally said 2024, and quickly corrected himself.

Member Mosley discussed how the city code does not declare the Mayor position to be a full time job. It is specified on the City Clerk and
City Attorney positions.

Member Gardner wondered if an elected position required stating the time required to serve.

Member Holt asked if Mayor Norris considered his job to be full-time. Mayor Norris said Yes, it was a full time job.

City Attorney Thornton said the job was already being treated as a full time job. But it was not impossible that someone in the future might
handle it differently.

Member Mosley said he would discuss it more with the City Attorney.

Member Williams spoke about having both hourly and salary employees, but mainly pays by the job. To her, getting the job done is what is
important, and she complimented the Mayor for doing what she felt was a good job.

Member Shinn talked about how some people will only put in the time required, and then walk away whether the job is done or not.
The Ordinance passed unanimously.

The third Reading of Ordinance 1124 amends the compensation for the elected position of city clerk/treasurer. The Ordinance passed unanimously.

The third Reading of Ordinance 1125 amends the compensation for the elected position of city attorney. Member Mosley mentioned how these salaries
are for the position, and not a specific individual. The Ordinance passed unanimously.

The third Reading Ordinance 1126 amends a the compensation for the elected position of city council. Member Mazzoni talked about how this is
an insignificant amount of money compared to the budget, and how the Council had not taken previous increases, he felt the percentage was a little
high. Member Gronwald said it was a high percentage, but felt the fact the Council not taking a raise last time was a mitigating factor. Member
Mosley said he might not run next time, and that there needs a fair amount of money to encourage people to run for office in the future.
Mayor Norris spoke about how he had not influenced any meetings, and that all jobs are eligible for a 3% increases plus inflation adjustments,
so the 12% is far lower than what City Staff have seen in increases. The motion passed 7 to 1.

Second Reading Ordinance 1127 amends city code to provide a penalty for council members who exceed five absences from City Council meetings
during a calendar year. City Attorney Thornton talked about a State Law that said an elected official cannot have their salary reduced mid-term.
His opinion was that this Ordinance would not run afoul of that law.

Member Norris discussed how some residents were upset about recent members having extended health issues that were still paid without attending.
There was some discussion about how this is a rampant problem across the state.

Resolution 2024-19 names the suspension bridge located at Lake Willastein in Honor of Robert D. Holloway. Member Gronwald discussed the
extensive contributions made to the city by Robert Holloway. Member Mosley discussed how there were a lot of other citizens who were very
involved in the formation of Maumelle who need to have things named after them. Member Gronwald spoke about how the City had generally named
things after people who were not State Representatives. The Resolution passed unanimously. A plague will be donated to post on the bridge.

Resolution 2024-20 amends the 2024 General Fund Budget to transfer funds from the capital expense subcategory of the Pickleball project budget
to the operation expense subcategory of the project for engineering construction and operational costs. This moves monies from operational to
engineering. It is all moneies previously approved. Member Mosley confirmed that the budget is $929,000 for this project. The Resolution passed unanimously.

Resolution 2024-21 approves the sale of a 2011 Dodge Charger for the police department. The resolution passed unanimously.

Resolution 2024-22 authorizes the Mayor to execute a right-of-way conveyance in favor of Entergy in the area of the Pickleball courts.
Member Mosley expressed reluctance to add resolutions at the last second, but that he did support the need for this one in order to get the
lights turned on at the Pickleball Courts. The Resolution passed unanimously.

A public comment was made by Ms. Timmons, who addressed the Council and made a presentation of her payment of the outstanding settlement for
Park on the River, in addition to the monthly payment. She felt that since it was a public matter previously, there should be a public resolution
to the matter.

The Pickleball Courts will have their grand opening this Thursday at 10AM.

Mayor Norris discussed the Police Academy is now being open for enrollment. Signup at

Member Gronwald discussed about getting traffic signals installed. Mayor Norris said he would follow up with people who have not gotten back with him.
She also asked about the roundabout at White Oaks. Mayor Norris said they had run into a delay with a mystery line, and are trying to get Entergy to
let us know if it was theirs before it was cut.

Member Mosley asked about the Indoor Swimming Pool study. Mayor Norris said meetings were ongoing and offered some discussion about them.

I explained my involvement in this project to this point. See my previous posts lower on the page for more details. Look for the picture of a pool.

Mayor Norris said these were not open, public meetings.

Member Mosley talked about fiber optics finally being installed on River Run, and how they installed it in his yard. They did sever a line to a
neighbor and his power, but Entergy repaired it right away.

Member Holt discussed his son retiring from the State Police after 28 years, and became a little choked up discussing the ceremony in his honor.

May 20, 2024 Update

Tonight’s meeting of the Maumelle City Council had a full quorum in attendance.

City Clerk Tina Timmons was at a conference in Canada, so Duputy City Clerk Christina Russell handled her duties.

Forvis gave a 2022 Audit Presentation. No issues were found and a clean opinion was issued.
The General Fund was up significantly with a net increase. Some other funds were down due to the paying off of outstanding Bonds.

Council Member Mosley confirmed that the City had been considered deficient in how some things were handled by a previous Finance Director,
lacking a system of double-checks, which has since been corrected. The deficient rating was the least serious that a concern could be,
and nothing was included about it in the actual report. Because of the change in the accounting system and formatting changes by Forvis
resulted in the audit taking 80 to 100 hours to complete.

The 2023 audit is scheduled to start in July, which should have the City caught up with all current audits by the end of the year.

Member Mosley discussed how he would like to see the City add an audit committee. “As long as you have strong internal controls,” the auditor
indicated that an audit committee might be too specific, suggesting that a broader scope Finance Committee might serve the City better.

The 2022 audit was accepted unanimously.

The Financial Statement Review was given by Finance Director Beatriz Sousa.
Sales Taxes collected in 2024 are currently below 2023, but this is not a unique situation for Maumelle. The City had big increases in the
costs of computer services and employee insurance expenses. All of our funds are in good shape except for the Sanitation fund, which is
currently showing a $1M loss due to a fee schedule that is out of date.

Director Beatriz talked about how much more separation of responsibility is now in place as opposed to 2023, which was flagged by the audit company.
A new computer system has also recently put in place to allow vendors to make electronic payments.

Member Mosley asked about the decline in the Sanitation fund. Director Beatriz explained that a study is currently being done that will likely
suggest a rate increase to the City Council. Mayor Norris said that the downward trend is probably worse than was is indicated in the audit.

Member Mosley asked if Team Summit has paid yet for the agreed settlement over the Park on the River's previously unpaid rent.
That settlement is not due until June, but the regular monthly payments are being made on time by Team Summitt.

Member Mosley also confirmed that the former Finance Director had returned all City equipment, laptop and cell phone and such,
back to the City.

Mayor Norris expressed his pleasure about getting the audits caught up.
Member Mosley confirmed that the target is to complete the 2023 audit by December.

The Third Reading of Ordinance 1118 Amends Chapter 94-1 of the Zoning Regulations to permit indoor amusement and recreation establishments,
which may include the preparation or serving of food or the sale of other merchandise related to other use of the property.
The Ordinance passed unanimously.

The Second Reading of Ordinance Amends the Master Maumelle Land Use Plan and Map for ten different areas in the City.

Member Mosley expressed his opposition based on how three tracts would allow higher density housing. (To clarify, these increases are
accompanied by required commercial use on the bottom floor of a building.)

The Second Reading of Ordinance 1121 Amends the Maumelle Land Use Plan and Map for the property at 101 Millwood Circle,
popularly known as the Old Police and Fire Station.

The Second Reading of Ordinance 1122 Amends the Zoning Map for 101 Millwood Circle.

The Second Reading of Ordinance 1123 Amends the Compensation for the elected position of Mayor.

Member Mosley confirmed with the City Atorney that the jobs of City Attorney, City Clerk-Treasurer are treated by City Code as full time positions.
City Code does not designate that the job of Mayor is full or part time.

The Second Reading of Ordinance 1124 Amends the Compensation for the elected position of City Clerk/Treasurer.

The Second Reading of Ordinance 1125 Amends the Compensation for the elected position of City Attorney.

The Second Reading of Ordinance 1126 Amends the Compensation for the elected position of City Council.

The Second Reading of Ordinance 1127 provides for the suspension of pay as a penalty after Council Members miss five consecutive meetings.

Member Mosley asked the City Attorney if there was a problem taking pay away.
Mayor Norris said it is against the law to reduce the benefits of an elected official’s salary during the term.
He asked the City Attorney to investigate any legal issue that this might create.

I made a motion to change the "consecutive" wording to five cumulative absences during a calendar year.
City Attorney Thornton read the new language of the proposal.

Member Gardner questioned how the $350 penalty per missed meeting after the sixth occurrence would be charged.
City Attorney Thornton explained it would charge against any future payments.

The suggested change was passed by a vote of 7 to 1. The first reading of the new language was made. It will be on second reading next meeting.

Member Mosley expressed a preference for the original language. He did not feel that absenteeism should affect a Council Member’s pay.

The open position on the Facilities Board was confirmed to be filled by Jeremy Oglesby. The public facility board makes nominations to the mayor,
who then introduced Mister Oglesby to the Council, who said “I believe I have a duty and responsibility” to the community where he lives.

Member Mosley expressed his appreciation of Mister Oglesby volunteering for the position. He urged him and another person in the audience to
run for office in the future.

His appointment was confirmed unanimously.

Mayor Norris reminded everyone about the Memorial Day ceremonies planned for next Monday.
The new surface of the pickleball court will have to be redone when someone decided to play a volleyball game on it the night it was laid.

Member Williams made everyone aware about a scam where people are calling and impersonating Pulaski County deputies and threatening charges
for failure to appear for jury duty unless a fine is paid immediately, Member Williams’ daughter was one of the people targeted.

Mayor Norris said he will never ask people to buy him gift cards while he is stuck in a meeting. This is a scam that I’ve seen dozens of times.

Member Holt talked about a new resident of Maumelle and asked him to introduce himself to the Council.

Sean Griffin works in Camp Robinson, this was his first council meeting “ever” and he was looking to get more involved.

Member Shinn talked about how people are illegally renting out empty houses without the knowledge of the real owners.

May 6, 2024 Update

Tonight’s meeting of the Maumelle City Council had a full quorum in attendance.
More details about past, chronic absenteeism is discussed in a new attendance Ordinance at the end of my notes.

Kellie Wall with the Maumelle Chamber of Commerce spoke to the Council about the work done by Courtney Dunn, Deb Rouse, Public Woks,
and so many others who contributed their volunteer efforts to the success of the recent Blackout on the Boulevard Festival.

Then the live feed on YouTube went down. An attempt was made to stream onto Facebook with a cell phone, and upload the full video later.

Mayor Norris previously issued a Proclamation that the week of May 6 through 10, 2024, is “Economic Development Week” in Maumelle.

I gave my Market Report as the Council’s liaison to the Planning Commission last month.

A multi-part Ordinance that is first on tonight’s agenda dealing with 11 changes to the Master Land Use Map. One of those changes dealt with
land bordering the Country Club of Maumelle was pulled for being too complicated. The other 10 passed unanimously.

A replat of 12805 Maumelle Blvd was deferred to May by request of the applicant.

A Conditional Use to allow Residential Use withing the PCD Zoning District in the proposed Carnahan Square Development passed unanimously.
This will allow towne homes with commercial ground floors much like those in the proposed Towne Center, with added limits to their residential density.

The proposed amendments to the Master Land Plan, Master Zoning Map, and a Conditional Use Permit for the proposed Gateway Park at
101 Millwood Circle all passed unanimously.

The Second Reading of Ordinance 1118 amends Chapter 94-1 of the Zoning regulations to permit indoor amusement and recreational facilities.

The First Reading of Ordinance 1120 amends the Master Maumelle Land Use Plan in multiple areas. An examination of the Land Use Map is done every
five years, and these are the resulting recommendations.

Director of Planning and Permit Scott Grummer was asked by Council Member Mosley to give an overview. The list of changes was prompted by evolving
use in the affected areas, and “lines out better” with the zoning and land use of adjacent properties. Some areas in the White Oaks Crossing areas
are suggested to be changed to Commercial. An area in Crystal Hill no longer conforms with single family use and is suggested to become SUR,
which will add other options. All the land owners were notified and approved “for the most part.”

Resolution 2024-15 approves a Conditional Use Permit in a Planced Commercial District (PCD) on the outparcel 1 Carnahan Village subdivision.

Director Grummer explained how this is right across from Dominoes Pizza. The proposal allows for a mixture of Residential and Commercial.
A development proposal with be provided at a later date should the Council approves the Permit.

Member Mosley confirmed that the site plan shown has not yet been approved, but is being provided to show their intentions. Director Grummer
commented that “There are a lot of expenses involved in architectural designs,” so the applicant is trying to confirm that the use would be
allowed before proceeding. There was more discussion about the current use of rental properties being done in this area. Apparently there is not
a lot of demand for Towne Homes as ownership, and the demand instead comes from rentals. Member Mosley expressed opposition to rental properties
and high density.

The motion passed by a vote of 7 to 1. Member Mosley asked for a role call vote.

The First Reading of Ordinance 1121 amends the Maumelle Land Use Plan and Map for the property known as 101 Millwood Circle.
This changes from Commercial to Institutional Use.

A drink was poured opened and poured very loudly into a glass, which caused a spontaneous laugh from everyone close enough to hear,
and prompted Mayor Norris to explain what had just happened to those farther away, saying “The Council is not laughing at the City Clerk”
as she read the next Ordinance title.

First Reading Ordinance 1122 amending the Zoning Map for 101 Millwood Circle.

Resolution 2024-16 approves a Conditional Use Permit for a Municipal Recreational Facility in an Open Space Zoning District at 101 Millwood Circle.
The motion passed unanimously.

The elected official of the Compensation Committee, Chairman Jeff Van Patton, spoke to the Council about the following ordinances.
City Code requires every even-numbered year that the committee be formed to reevaluate the compensation packages for elected officials.
The intent is to lay down the compensation packages for the positions, not necessarily any current individual in office. The recommendations
made fall right in the middle of other “peer cities” in the State of Arkansas, that are considered comparable to Maumelle.

The proposed changes would take effect in January of 2025.

During a discussion about the duties of City Clerk/Treasurer Tina Timmons, it was mentioned that this is National Clerk’s Week.
Clerk Timmons also serves as the president of two different boards that deal with her duties.

First Reading of Ordinance 1123 amends the Compensation schedule for the elected position of Mayor.

First Reading of Ordinance 1124 amends the Compensation schedule for the elected position of City Clerk/Treasurer. Mayor Norris commented about how
the City Clerk “does a lot more” than traditionally falls under this job description. Her handling of IT duties for both the City and Police Departments.

Member Mosley pointed out that the Ordinance as drafted for the City Clerk was $300 less than the committee’s recommendation.
A motion was passed to correct this.

First Reading of Ordinance 1125 amends the Compensation schedule for the elected position of City Attorney.

First Reading of Ordinance 1126 amends the Compensation schedule for the elected position of City Council. The 12% proposed, the largest increase,
only amounts to $900 annually per person. While other cities offer healthcare benefits, Maumelle does not. It was suggested this be added as
an option in the future. Also, the Council had previously declined to give itself a raise.

First Reading of Ordinance 1127 provides a penalty for repeated absenteeism by City Council members. After five consecutive absences from voting
meetings, on the sixth absence pay will be suspended until the Council person returns. There was some discussion about where the number of five
came from. Member Williams, who served on the committee, explained that any less than that “would be kind of a strange,” and any more would
be too much. None of the other peer cities considered by the committees have anything like this. Member Gronwald, who also served on the commission,
said that five missing meetings in a year was considered as another option. This is considered to be an accountability issue.

Member Holt clarified that the ordinance currently state five consecutive meetings, and after that a Council member would not be paid. He also
clarified that only the compensation would stop, but that they would retain their position on the Council. He felt that a total of five missing
days in a year was too much of a penalty.

Member Mosley agreed with Member Holt, and had “no problem with how it was written.”
He thanked Mister Van Patton and the committee members for their efforts.

Member Gardner also agreed, but it gave “him pause” because the last issue of excessive absenteeism was due to severe bad health.

Mayor Norris commented that only acts of Malfeasence could remove an elected official from their position.

Member Gronwald spoke about how “we all know when the meetings are every year,” and felt everyone does their “level best to schedule around them.”

Member Shinn asked about having a Zoom option a couple of times a year. Mayor Norris said that until Covid it was not allowed at all by State Law.
They made exceptions during Covid, but that was temporary.

City Attorney Thornton said that regardless of State Law, that City Code also required attendance in person.

Member Holt asked for a list of the Council’s attendance records. Mayor Norris considered that this might be a waste of the City Clerk’s time.
(A side note about my own attendance, which was not mentioned during the meeting, is that I have only missed a single meeting during my six years
on the Council)

I expressed my support for Ordinance, citing many complaints I had heard from residents in the past about excessive absenteeism on the Council,
and who felt they were paying for work not being done.

Another recommendation of the Committee was that the City consider adding an I.T. Position to protect the City from hackers “who seem more
aggressive every year trying to figure out ways to steal from all of us.”

Resolution 2024-17 amends the General Fund Budget to spend insurance monies for repairing hailstorm damage. Mayor Norris pointed out that insurance
matters are also another area handled by the City Clerk’s office.

City Clerk Timmons explained how she had filed 30 vehicle claims and 8 property claims, to give the Council an idea of the work involved.
She was able to combine several properties with only a single deductible being charged against the City.

Resolution 2024-18 requests Metroplan prepare a Transportation Plan for the City.
Member Mosley proposed this Resolution, citing that we need to consider the Maumelle roads maintained by the City and highways leading in
and out of the City, and consider ways to reduce traffic congestion.

Mayor Norris discussed how a transportation report was done for Little Rock, and how he and Director Scott Grummer had looked at it and wondered
how this would benefit Maumelle. He questioned exactly what it was that the plan was intended to figure out. Normally plans like this focus on a
specific area. He wanted to know exactly what Member Mosley wanted the plan to accomplish. There is a planning studies report that is available
from the Municipal League at no charge. The Council had previously allocated funds for an economist to evaluate the City. He felt a study that
focused on roadways only would provide only “a half picture.”

Member Mosley said he had asked for a copy of the Little Rock plan. Mayor Norris explained that he had gotten his early because he is on the committee.
Member Mosley is concerned about jobs leaving town, but said he was open to tabling until another meeting after he had time to read the Little Rock report.

Member Gardner talked about how he felt the City had “already started down this path.” Mayor Norris replied that his planning in general was going
down a “broader path.”

Member Williams agreed with Member Gardner. Mayor Norris talked about trying to coordinate ongoing planning, and proposed waiting until his strategic
planning had taken shape.

At this point the meeting was momentarily distracted by music coming from a “Cheer” event in the building next door.

Member Mazzoni advocating getting data from multiple sources, but felt that the plan proposed by Member Mosley was two or three steps down the road.

Mayor Norris suggested not doing a Plan until we had other Plans in place. A report that would form the basis of any Plan is already being done
by Metroplan.

Plans and reports have very different scopes about what goes into them. A report provides the data that drives the planning.

Member Mosley felt that transportation should be the “top priority” of any planning.
He felt that Metroplan had told him one thing, and told the Mayor another. He proposed to table his Resolution until the second meeting of June.

Mayor Norris asked the Council to vote the measure down instead of tabling it. “I see no reason to continue taking up time.” He further clarified
the difference between a report and a plan.

Member Gardner said he was No against tabling it. He agreed with the Mayor. He felt we were going down different paths for something that was
already in progress.

Member Mosley expressed disappointment about being accused that he has not done his homework. He explained that he was doing what Mister Covington
at Metroplan had said “This is something we need.”

Mayor Norris said the intention of trying to look like we are doing something is muddling up what we are doing, and then asked multiple questions
about the intent of the plan. He expressed the need of guidance of what the Council wanted.

Memeber Shinn said the economic plan is the matter of greatest importance before the Council. “If we want a corporate headquarters” it’s going to
add traffic. Other commerical endeavors want traffic, and other businesses want rooftops for citizen count. What he felt mattered is how we want to
proceed economically.

The Resolution failed by a vote of 7 to 1.

Ordinance 1128 declares Ordinance 1117 an Emergency and Effective Immediately. That ordinance increased the powers of Animal Services to serve
public safety. To accomplish this, all three readings were requested.

The motion to do all three readings of Ordinance 1128 passed unanimously.

Mayor Norris discussed how the White Oaks Crossing has finally started construction on the Roundabout and should be completed by Spring.
The Pickleball courts are progressing.

I confirmed that all the proper votes had been made during the motion to do all three readings on Ordinance 1128.

Member Mosley discussed his proposal to rename Towne Center as Lowery Lane, or some such. The Mayor felt it was inappropriate for the town center,
and suggested another place be picked.

Member Mosley discussed the importance for Council Members to attend Planning Commission meetings.

April 18, 2024 Update

Thanks to the Director of the Senior Center, Nichole Vogler, setting aside money in her budget to do a feasibility study to consider the possibility
and options to add an indoor aquatic center to the Senior Center, I spent the whole of Thursday afternoon in the Blue Room of City Hall, forming
an Executive Committee and a pair of focus groups.

The first thing that was evident was the enthusiam expressed by everyone for the project.

Just to be clear--this is a feasibility study, not a guarantee or promise of a pool being built. But it is our purpose to take a long hard look
at the viability of such a proposal.

Several designs were considered with George Deines, a representative from Counsilman-Hunsaker--who have extensive experience in constructing such
facilities. While the image shown here is possibly a little fancier than what we will end up, Mister Dienes will evaluate the input he recieved during
our meetings and return at a future date with proposal options.

As long as I've been on the Council, this is a need that has been expressed by so many Maumelle residents. I will keep everyone informed as we move forward.

April 15, 2024 Update

Tonight’s meeting of the Maumelle City Council was fully attended.

Beatriz Sousa, Director of Finance gave the Financial Statement Review. Some expenses that look high for this year are actually rollover
expenses from 2023, like the pickleball courts and other projects. The Street Fund expenses look high because of the purchase of a bucket
truck and a street scrubber truck, but the overall fund is healthy. The 2023 audit is currently on schedule for late May.

Member Mosley asked if a presentation would be made in May. Ms. Sousa reiterized that the report should be completed by May 15.
Mayor Norris said that the Council would get copies a week in advance and the report would be brought before the Council “as soon as possible.”

Mayor Norris moved the Gateway Park, budgeted 1.3 million, and for which we have also received a $120,000 grant for side paths,
and remediation has been sought for the $200,000 expense to tear down the old fire and police station building.

Consultant Mister Roberts made a presentation of the Gateway Park design, showing the latest diagrams for the Farmers Market and entertainment area,
and the pros and cons between Asphalt Parking and Crushed Granite and Concrete Lanes. Mayor Norris advocated the rainwater drainage into ground water
as opposed to the runoff into the drainage system with asphalt. Similar discussions were given for wetland trails.

I asked about the long term savings by taking the most expensive options. On one boardwalk the designers said we could expect to be doing repairs
within five years, as opposed to the more expensive design that should be good for at least 20 years before needing repairs.

Member Shinn talked about the “horrible” condition of the asphalt trails were when he attended the festival.

I made the point that saving money now might cost more in repairs down the line, whereas going with the better lasting designs now should ultimately
save the City in the longterm.

Member Mosley asked about the bathroom design that includes a third bathroom for families, and is handicap accessible.

The Council voted unanimously to go with the “top quality” plan.

Resolution 2024-13 amends the budget to authorize departments to spend insurance monies for hailstorm damage repairs. This allocates insurance
monies to pay for hail damage repairs.

The First Reading of Ordinance 1117 amends the code concerning penalties for violating Chapter 10, hazardous or dangerous animals, and animal license.

Mayor Norris discussed the frustrations when a recent dog bite came from a dog that had been cited twice for being at large two days before.
So he and City Attorney Andrew Thornton drafted this Ordinance to give Animal Services more teeth of their own.

The new Ordinance explands potential restitution for victim’s expenses, creates a new license category for puppies and kittens, and clarifies
euthanizing and impound authority over dangerous and vicious animals. It also changes the process of appealing a decision by Animal Services.

Linda Keezee discussed about how she moved to Maumelle because she felt it was a safe place to live. Now she feels people are moving here because
they can own previously banned breeds. She then discussed her recent experience where two unlicensed dogs accosted her at her front door
and one bite her. The owner of the dogs also owned another pit bull inside his house. Her injuries did not require stitches. Now when she walks
outside she carries pepper spray and other forms of protection. “That’s not Maumelle. That’s not why people move out here.” She discussed experiences
that other people had been in, some never reported. “It’s scary.”

Member Mosley asked what kind of breed was involved in one of the unreported attacks. It was an Akita.

Ashley Washum discussed how see runs on Maumelle’s trails to prepare for marathons. Her pet dog always ran with her, until it was attacked by
a “brown dog.” It took five strikes with a boat paddle to get the attacking dog to release her pet. Animal Control said the attacking dog had
repeatedly been issued citations for being at large. Ashley then showed her shoes that she was wearing at the time. She now runs with bear spray
and pepper spray, and has ordered a small handgun. There were issues with missing boards in the fence where the attacking dog lived.

Gary Washum, Ashley’s husband, also discussed the recent attack. Gary had previously served on the Planning Commission. He spoke about seeing many
dogs running loose in the City, usually not causing any problems. Then he spoke about seeing his wife’s and dog’s injuries, and the blood. “Some
of these dogs are huge.” He concern is vicious dogs as a whole, and feels that “there is something about certain breeds of dogs.” He also spoke about
the fences that are in disrepair in the City. He also pointed out that the handgun he ordered for Ashley had arrived, and “I’m not getting mauled.”

Fred Payton spoke about how sorry he was to hear about the attacks. He then pointed out about how many times he has been bitten by dogs of smaller
sizes. “They key that I see happening is that people don’t have their dog on a leash and they’ll attack another dog.” He had a small dog killed by
a German Shepard dog that was with a family passing through town. He advocated enforcing the leash laws and enforcing the inspections of fences and
homes of the dogs that are licensed. “The only way a dog can be out is if it’s on a leash.” He advocated expanding the 48 hour limit for claiming a
dog caught loose, to 72 hours to give owners more time to recover their pets.

Ms. McDaniel spoke about the time when Ms. Keezee was attacked. She questioned the ability of Animal Services having the training to deal with
offending owners, and being able to tell if they are being truthful, and suggested the Police do those interviews. “Please have someone who knows
how to do investigations do the interviews.” If a dog had gotten out and attacked someone, she did not feel that they should be allowed to quarantine
at home. “If they got out once, they’ll get out again.” She also advocating requiring them to have insurance. She suggesting having volunteers report
fence problems to Animal Control. She also spoke about having owned a terrier who was a show dog, that she could not walk with a leash because he was
too strong. She also spoke about the Diamond Point development, and expressed concerns over drainage.

Member Mosley asked about Ms. McDaniel’s pervious employment.

Mayor Norris pointed out that if the new Ordinance had been in place, then the recent attacks would not have happened. “We didn’t arm (Animal Control)
with the tools” to deal with repeat offending dogs.

Member Gardner asked about the impounding of offending dogs on a second occurance, if the dog had behaved in a vicious manner the first time.

Mayor Norris said behavior is not a consideration on a second offending dog.

Attorney Thornton said Code 10-81 allows Animal Services to designate a dog as a dangerous animal on the first occurance. When they designate it as a
vicious dog, it is not returned until either corrections have been made to contain them in the future, or by request to the City Council. Insurance
would also be required. If there is aggression, the dog can be impounded. In the recent incident, the dog did not show agreession in the first two instances.

Member Gronwald agreed with Mr. Payton that 48 hours is not enough time for a family to reclaim a stray dog before it is euthanized. She also
felt that If an animal is not reclaimed within five days by a registered owner is too short a window.

Attorney Thornton felt that the language was intended for dogs that bite, but felt it could be stated better and would write a new ordinance for
her that addresses this. He will also shorten the number of violation offenses from four to less.

Member Mosley talked about how the reason so many people had pepper spray during the attack where the dog was beaten off with a canoe paddle was
because it had been loose in the area earlier, threatening other dogs. He and his wife do not walk the paths South of Victoria. He asked if the
Million Dollar insurance policy was new.

Attorney Thornton said it was not, but had been moved from another category and placed into the vicious dog section.

Member Mosley asked about how if a dog is considered dangerous or vicious, they could petition the courts. The new Ordinance changes the appeal
to be filed with the City Council, and would require a two thirds majority vote to reverse any decision made by Animal Services. They also added
a requirement that the applicant would have to explain why they thought the decision should be reversed.

Attorney Thornton also pointed out how the euthanasia had been moved to the animal bite section in subsection G.

Member Shinn said he supported the changes being proposed to the length of time to reclaim a pet.

Member Gardner asked about suspending the rules and having all three readings of the Ordinance done tonight. There were multiple seconds.

Member Mosley advocating adding breeds as being dangerous. He felt pit bulls are totally different from other dogs.

The motion to have the second and third readings done tonight passed by a vote of 6 to 2.

Member Shinn talked about he no longer takes his dogs to Lake Willastein because there is always someone there with their dog off the leash.
Wards 2 and 3 have minimal problems with unleashed dogs. Ward 4 has a problem with escaped dogs. Ward 1 is notorious with Animal Services for having
owners who regularly walk their dogs without a leash. This information was provided by Animal Services.

Member Gardner advocated giving Animal Control Services more tools to work with.

The Ordinance 1117 passed by a unanimous vote.

The First Reading of Ordinance 1118 amends chapter 94-1 of the zoning regulations to permit indoor amusement and recreation establishments.

Member Gardner asked if we could do an emergency clause to make the law effective sooner rather than in 60 as currently designated by Code.

Member Williams suggested tying the emergency to the new Ordinance being proposed.

Mayor Norris said it would be best to split them.

Member Mosley expressed concerns that the ordinance did not include pit bulls, and would not have stopped the recent attacks.

Mayor Norris disagreed, and said it would have resolved at least one of them.

Resolution 2024-13 approves a conditional use permit for an outdoor amusement and recreation establishments.

Resolution 2024-14 to build a miniature golf course in the Maumelle Commercial Park Addition.

Roy Andrews and the owner of the Golf Course addressed the Council when Member Mosley asked about the noise that might be generated.
Mr. Andrews said they would play music within the noise and time limits as established by Maumelle City Code.

Member Williams pointed out that the resolution number was missing on the paperwork. Her motion to correct his passed unanimously.

Member Mazzoni confirmed that this was connected to the other resolution.

It passed unanimously.

The First Reading of Ordinance 1119 amends the City Code to prohibit the possession of certain dog breeds.

Member Mosley asked it the people who had spoken before might want to speak again.

Linda Keezee talked about how the dogs who attacked her were not previously considered dangerous dogs. “Can I get it changed to a vicious dog now?”
“The bite wasn’t bad enough” for them to be designated dangerous before.

Mayor Norris said they would run this past Animal Control for the next meeting.

Mr. Washburn said the new Ordiance “was a huge step” and thanked the Council for passing it. He talked about how Law Reviews are against bans against
any specific animal. “It’s not the dogs fault, it’s the owner.” He feels there is “a little bit of that,” but is concerned by how pit bulls have been
used in dog fighting for the last 140 years. He earlier had passed information to the Council about histories of dog attacks. “Some people are stupid,
and we’re going to have to do things to protect ourselves.”

Member Mosley said there have been four attacks since the ban was dropped, and didn’t feel the new ordinance doesn’t work. “Pit bulls attack,” and
advocating restoration of the ban. “There’s going to be more people hurt. There are going to be little kids hurt.”

Member Mosley then asked Member Gardner how he would vote. He declined to answer, stating, “You have the floor.”

Member Shinn talked about insurers are “changing their views about breed bans.” There have also been medical associates and Harvard Law Review that
gave a history of dog attacks, and how the different types of dogs responsible of those attacks had changed over the decades as different types of
breeds became popular. A Spanish study said that pit bull bans are ineffective, and most attacks are currently done by German Shepards, and recommended
the repeal of any ban because they are “Largely ineffective and a waste of resources.”

Member Mosley asserted the attacks would not have occurred if the ban had not been lifted.

Member Shinn pointed out that the dogs who attacked were not even registered in the City. Pit Bulls have always been here, even if they were not legal.

Mayor Norris commented about how people just did not register them. He also pointed out that if they are a Service Animal, they City cannot ban them.
Now they are registered and we know where they are.

I talked about my own experience from being attacked by a German Sheperd as a child. I know what it's like to be in the jaws of an animal.
So this is a subject I've paid close attention to throughout my life. Over the decades I've seen Great Danes and Rottweilers be considered the most
dangerous dogs out there. The breed considered the most dangerous has changed several times. I also pointed out how the dogs responsible for most attacks
that have occured in Maumelle, Labrador’s and German Sheperds, were not even being discussed. I felt the previous ordiance that dealt with all dog breeds
that was just passed was the best course. Otherwise, the only way to guarantee no more attacks would be to ban ALL dogs.

Member Gardner agreed with my comments, and said if we are really going to make things safer, then labradors should be banned. He also felt the recent
ordinance was "the way to go."

Member Mosley asserted that pit bulls are coming into town and the attacks are going to increase. He asserted that not banning pit bulls was not
caring about the community. He also made a motion to have all three readings made. There was no second.

Member Holt said this is not about one dog, it’s about all dogs. This is a people problem. “We’re civilized people,” but at some point we need to
“reason together.” “Pray for peace.”

I discussed how I’ve talked about Maumelle's dog issues with my lady post carrier, because who is more familiar with dog issues than your postal carrier?
Before the new ordinance, she saw acts of animal neglect and animal cruelty thoughout the City. Now, four years later, she does not see it at all.
So this is an aspect of the new ordinance having a positive effect.

Member Gardner made a motion to table the breed ban ordinance indefinitely. His motion passed by a vote of 7 to 2 (one No vote was in the bathroom).

Changing a Suspension Bridge name in honor of Robert Holloway, who designed it, was brought up for discussion by Member Gronwald.

Member Gardner talked about the impact that Mr. Holloway had in the design of Maumelle, and his support for the proposal.

Mayor Norris said this was first suggested in 2021, and how the bridge would be needing some improvements because of age.

Member Williams supported the change “whole-heartedly” and would like to see the bridge restored “back to its former glory.”

I supported her suggestion to rename the bridge now, and do the repairs later.

Member Mosley felt it would be best to get the bridge in pristine shape first.

Mayor Norris pointed out that there is no funding for improvements at this time.

Member Gronwald asked the City Attorney to draft a resolution to rename the bridge.

Member Gardner suggested we hold off on the resoltuion until the Hollowell family could state their exact naming preference.

Mayor Norris talked about how the eclipse was not the major event that was predicted. The event hosted at Lake Willastein was “a tremendous hit.
We’ve recieved rave reviews.” He credited the Maumelle Chamber of Commer and support from the City staff and department heads and volunteers.
“The totality was cooler than I thought it’d be.”

Member Gardner talked about meeting people from Kansas, Kentucky, and Louisiana, who had come to Maumelle to enjoy the event. The thing he heard most
was “Why don’t we do this more often.” Of course, we don’t have control over the sun and the moon.

Member Holt talked about his truck dying on him in the middle of a major intersection. He wanted to pay tribute to Sergeant Abby Lewis, Badge 1654, who stayed
with him the entire time waiting for the wrecker to arrive, and then took him home and helped him unload all his groceries. “She went way beyond her duties.”

Member Mosley said the eclipse celebration was a “superb entertainment value.” He credited Kellie Walls with the Maumelle Chamber of Commerce for the
quality of the bands she scheduled. “It was a really great event.” He also talked about how the City needed to name something after the late
Mark Lowery, suggesting renaming Town Center Road in his honor.

Member Shinn said how clean the park was maintained during the Blackout on the Boulevard by Parks and Recreation. He also talked about a recent
cleanup done by Public Works.

Member Williams also talked about the services done by Calvary Chapel done during the Blackout on the Boulevard.

April 5, 2024 Update

As the total eclipse of the sun on April 8th draws nearer, here are some details about what to expect.

A partial exlipse begins at 12:34 (all times shown are Central Standard time).
The total eclipse of the sun begins at 1:51.
The maximum exclipse occures at 1:52.
Total eclipse ends at 1:54.
The partil eclipse ends at 3:12.

Maumelle is already seeing a huge wave of visitors as many people who had planned to view this event in Texas,
have moved their plans to Arkansas because of anticipated cloud cover in the Lone Star State.

I'd heard that earlier today Kroger actually ran out of gas at their station as a result of this influx.
If you haven't already stocked up on food and other necessities, now would be a good time

Otherwise, you might consider taking advantage of the many festival events scheduled by the City of Maumelle
and Chamber of Commererce (see the bold area of my April 1 notes for more details, or visit the website).

April 1, 2024 Update

Tonight’s meeting of the Maumelle City Council was an event almost as rare as a total eclipse off of the sun, when we had a full quorum in attendance.
More on the actual eclipse of the sun will be discussed later in these notes.

Mister Casey Covington, the director of Metroplan addressed the Council about how they work and plan to support Maumelle. Metroplan is a 50 year old
planning organization for Central Arkansas that focuses on transportation planning activities. Historically, when new births were compared to deaths,
the trend of growth was the greater. In recent years the annual birth rate has dropped below the number of deaths, with the 64 and older age group showing
the biggest increase. The areas of growth in home building averages 10 miles outside of Little Rock, which includes Maumelle. Our city currently has 2030
developable acres, or 24% of the city area that is outside the 100 year flood plain. Currently 78% of housing consists of single-family homes, with 21%
multi-family, and 1% of other. According to the assessor, Maumelle has close to 200 homes valued in the $200,000 range. Of people living in Maumelle,
88% of workers transit to other cities for their employment. Over 80,000 cars pass over the city limits every day.

Member Mosley “had a whole list of questions,” starting with where their funding and their authority came from. They are a federal agency assigned by the
state and run by local officials. Member Mosley asked about how the Biden administration is advocating a nationwide push toward mixed use planning.
Mister Covington said this was a plan that they had already been working on for years. He advocated that the city do a study for long term traffic
planning. Member Mosley also expressed his concerns about development possibly causing new traffic problems in the future. Mister Covington said that
trying to stiffle growth might cause troubles from a legal standpoint. Trying to restrict growth “Brings up a lot of legal questions.”

I asked about a new river bridge at Palarm. He has also seen plans that now put it in Mayflower. He does not see “the kind of money” coming in to support
building another bridge any time in the future. When I asked where all the newly passed state sales tax money6 was going, he declined to speculate.
He said ARDOT’s and Metroplan’s current planning is focused on maintenance and not on growth. He did feel that the Maumelle Blvd would be expanded,
but not necessarily the stretch in Maumelle. He did not believe that we will see another bridge built during his time. I expressed the opinion that
it feels that Maumelle traffic has been left out of long-term traffic planning.

Member Gardner asked about how Maumelle multi-family compare to other cities. He felt that these other cities were more in the 30% area of multi-family.
He advocated communities where people can walk from their home to a restaurant. Member Gardener complimented Metroplan on the Greenbelt plan. Mister
Covington complimented Maumelle as a great city with a lot of deficiencies, especially with Maumelle Blvd.

Member Mazzoni asked about mixed-use and if it is growing throughout the communities they represents. “I can point to three successes and one failure.
That always happens…. Lifestyles are changing.”

Member Mosley asked about high-density housing and how it will affect jobs and traffic. He didn’t see the kind of jobs coming into Maumelle to give
workers employment in the City. Mister Covington felt Maumelle would benefit from meeting “quality of life expectations within the city.”

Member Mosley following up on my comments about how Director Bennet had pledged to have Maumelle Blvd guaranteed to be expanded to six lanes if the
permanent sales tax was passed. It was passed, and then ARDOT backed off that commitment. Mayor Norris and Mister Covington both confirmed that the
widening has now been added to ARDOT’s top tier of projects. It previously was not.

Mayor Norris then talked about creating quality of life in a community and making the City someplace where people would like to live.

I asked about the discussion of widening Maumelle Blvd., and to clarify if the expansion of the Blvd would be the entire blvd or just the section in North
Little Rock. Mister Covington confirmed that the expansion would only be in the North Little Rock section. I advocated that this would not properly
deal with traffic problems in Maumelle, and at the very least the expansion should be extended to South Odom. Mister Covington agreed with my
assessment and indicated his intent to encourage ARDOT to extend the widening of Maumelle Blvd to South Odom at the very least.

Kellie Walls from the Maumelle Chamber of Commerce, and Maumelle's Economic Development Director Courtney Dunn,
discussed the plans that the City and Chamber have put into place for next week’s Total Eclipse of the Sun.
There will be no vehicle or golf cart traffic within Lake Willastein. Handicap and cart parking will be at the Center on the Lake. Club Manor will be
closed and shuttles arranged to move visitors from designated parking areas to the park. Police, Fire, and First Aid stations will have stations set up
within the park. Public Works services will all be delayed one day next week, so consider Monday as you would a “snow day.”

The festival kicks off this Friday, with hot air balloon rides on Saturday and Sunday. There will be 40 vendors and food trucks. Commemorative shirts
and glasses are being sold to help finance the event. Every 30 minutes a new band will play.

The cost to attend the Carnival area with rides and games around Lake Willastein is a $20 wristband, which will cover all expenses other than food.
You can then enjoy unlimited rides throughout all four days of the Festival. The entertainment, balloon rides, kids zone, and fishing derby are all free.

All the details pertaining to this event can be found at:

Doctor Ramsey addressed the Council about biking in Maumelle. He had two different incidents on Club Manor where “I was nearly killed by drivers” a year
ago. Just this week two different drivers “came straight for me” and he was forced to crash off the road. “This city has a lot of offer… but the important
thing missing at Club Manor and Odom” is they are unsafe. He told about another biker who was also nearly hit, and asked for the planned construction of a
roundabout in that area to be expedited.

Mayor Norris said the Club Manor redesign is waiting on ARDOT to approve the plans since federal monies are involved. The roundabout is currently being
redesigned in hopes of qualifying for grant money to help fund the construction.

I added that I had heard from multiple people in the last week who asked for something to be done with this intersection.

Mayor Norris indicated that the current plans needed to be redesigned. I asked how long it might be until such a grant might be applied for.
He did not know a time when the next grants opportunity might happen “six months or a year?” He said he would discuss the possibility of not
waiting during his Mayor’s comments.

Council Member Mazzoni gave the Planning Commission report and discussed matters that will not be coming before the Council for some time.

The third reading of Ordinance 1113 adopts and enacts supplemental provisions of the Maumelle City Code. The Ordinance passed unanimously.

The third reading of Ordinance 1114 amends the Master Street Plan to realign the proposed collectors in the areas of northwest Maumelle,
near the Diamond Point Sub area.

Member Mosley expressed how he felt this would be a high density usage. He asked City Attorney Thornton is Maumelle could deny county access to
Maumelle’s City streets. No one had ever heard of such a thing being done. “There is no basis to deny it.” The evidence we have about the increases,
if the whole development was built out, would not exceed the capacity of the streets as they were designed. It would be within the guidelines of our
City Code. Increased traffic is not a basis to cut off access.

Member Mosley felt “there is nothing positive in the development that will benefit Maumelle.”

Member Gardner pointed out how the Planning Department has explained this is a low density housing project, and that if you want business growth
then you need population growth.

Member Mazzoni expressed a concern about rush hour traffic might contribute to create accidents. Director of Planning and Permits Scott Grummer
said the City is anticipating continued growth to the Northwest, and that the traffic long-term will go in the direction of Settlement Road toward
Highway 365. “We can look at further improvements if needed in the future.”

Member Mosley asked if Director Grummer “had something in mind.”

Mister Grummer and Mayor Norris said there had been public safety discussions, and there was discussion that at some point in time a traffic signal
may need to be placed. The problem is a hill with a blind curve coming up to where Ridgeland intersects with Odom.

The most feasible long term plan might be a roundabout. “It is an intersection that causes a lot of insecurities but not a lot of wrecks.”

Mister Grummer pointed out that by law we have to provide mutual aid to the area even though they are not part of the city. So the city would not be
adding any new burden by approving this Ordinance.

Member Holt asked about if studies had been done, and if traffic being directed to Highway 365 and questioned that road’s ability to handle the congestion.
Mister Grummer said the staff did a study and the current road system is sufficient to handle the load. Member Holt wondered if more analysis should be
done before a vote was taken. At this point a motion to pass had already been made and seconded for a vote.

Mayor Norris said that traffic analysis were included in the studies that had already been done. “This is maybe the most thorough analysis that has ever
been done for a street plan. The numbers show what the numbers show.”

Member Mosley again questioned the safety impact at Ridgeland and Odom. Mister Grummer said that intersection is so far away from the area that is being
developed that he would never ask the Planning Commission to even consider that as part of their approval process. He also complimented the planning of
the development having taken traffic flow into consideration.

Mayor Norris commented about how the conversation had shifted to things that were far outside the actual development. When Member Mosley suggested
the developer should maybe pay for a traffic signal at Odom, Attorney Thornton said something so far away from the development, which has been on
the City’s radar for “quite a while” would legally be considered as a City problem. “This Ordinance does not address the intersection at Ridgeland
and Odom… which is so far away.”

Member Mosley talked about how he felt the developer should pay for any road improvements, and made a motion to send the Ordinance back to Planning
to find a way to pay for any improvements at Ridgeland and Odom.

Member Grunwald asked if this had been sent back to the Planning Commision already. It had not. She pointed out how the meeting had only discussed
the negatives of the development, and asked Mister Grummer about the positives. Mister Grummer said the annexation of the development would benefit
the City with a couple of different sources of tax revenues that otherwise would go to the county. “Providing access to this area… this is what the
staff felt offers the best opportunity.” “There are a lot of positives.” The developer provided a solution to the Diamondpoint traffic difficulties,
as well as providing big sections of green spaces and low impact population. Member Grunwalk pointed out that a traffic study could not yet be done
since the traffic was not yet there. She did not understand what was holding this project back.

Member Gardner said that in some areas of traffic concerns that were brought up, he is often the only car during rush hour traffic.

Member Holt asked if there was a timeline to keep the Council from sending it back to the Planning Commission. Mister Grummer said that there was
nothing more that his department could do. “We’ve done a tremendous amount of work on this. I’ve done my due diligence, and what is in front of you
is the best plan.” “We’ve provided good numbers… there’s nothing here that warrants any further concern from our standpoint.” Member Holt complimented
the Planning Commission, but expressed a concern that some people were opposed to any development being done and suggested we go back to the Planning
Commission “one more time.”

Member Gardner said the Planning Commission has done their role of interpreting out Code. Sending it back would be “wasting their time.” “Now we’re
asking them to do something that is outside their scope.” He said the Council may need to consider solutions for the matters. “This is getting old…
attempts are being made to shelf projects.” This drew a round of applause from the gallery. “Now we’re sending this back because we don’t like an
intersection a mile or so away.”

Mayor Norris said these matters discussed for sending the Ordinance back do not fall under the scope of the Planning Commision.

Member Holt said he felt the Planning Commission plans from the safety standpoint, and the City Council is in charge of taking care of the people,
laws, and code. Member Mosley replied “well said.”

The motion to send the ordinance back to the Planning Commission by Member Mosley failed by a vote of 6 to 2.

The Ordinance passed by a vote of 5 to 3.

The third reading of Ordinance 1115 amends the code to require the Site Plan review to align with the approval process. Mister Grummer said this
established a deadline to avoid conflicts with code changes. The Ordinance passed unanimously.

The third reading of Ordinance 1116 amends the Maumelle City Code concerning the Planned Commercial District Zoning (PCD). Member Mosley asked
Member Mazzoni what he thought about the changes being made. Member Mazzoni said the Planning Commission had met all his concerns. Member Mosley
confirmed that a sentence that had been omitted earlier had been included in the final language. He said that if the City Council decided that they
wanted to rezone it to be all apartments, they could. He felt this is a plan to sneak apartments in. This is zoned to be 100% commercial on abutting
streets, which would also require large parking areas. They City Council retains the right to approve or disapprove any developments that might be
proposed in the future. Member Mosley asked if the owner had any plans. Mayor Norris said that the owner had originally asked about building apartments
and were told “Not just No, but Heck NO!” So new plans were drawn up that still included apartments, and those were also rejected. At some point in the
future they will provide new plans for the mixed use. The Ordinance passed by a vote of 7 to 1.

Resolution 2024-11 amends the budgeted revenue for the $2400 grant for radar and moves the monies to the Vehicles Capital in the Grant Fund.
The Resolution passed unanimously.

Resolution 2024-12 amends the 2024 Youth Council Fund Budget. These donations were monies that were not previously on the books. The City Attorney
described it as “Accounting housekeeping.” There are Zero city funds in this budget, with all the monies having been gathered through fundraising
to pay for trips to Washington D.C. and other places.

Member Gardner wondered if there was a better way to handle monies like this than the Council establishing these different funds. This is different
from Grant monies, where the tracking is largely intended to make certain that the City is reimbursed for expenses. Mayor Norris felt the benefit
outweigh any negative. Member Mosley expressed his opposition. Mayor Norris was surprised by his opposition and said the point was for all monies
coming into the city to be on the books and controlled by the City Council. After that explanation, Member Mosley changed his vote.

The Resolution passed by a unanimous vote.

Metroplan has awarded Maumelle a $120,000 grant for the Gateway Park. Mayor Norris explained that the reason he wants to wait on the roundabout
at Club Manor and Odom South, is he assumes the next grant will be opened up sometime this year. Because of the other projects currently being approved
by Metroplan, then a grant for the roundabout “would check a lot of boxes.” He asked if the Council wanted to proceed with existing budget that would
require cutting back on a number of amenities.

Members Gardner and Williams both said we need to see something more concrete to make a decision on. They both felt that going cheap and cutting
corners was not the way to go.

Member Mosley talked about how sales tax receipts looked to him to be down, and he thought the Planning Commission will be asking the Council to
do a new long term traffic study.

March 25, 2024 Update

Tonight’s meeting of the Maumelle City Council was two members short, so all unanimous votes will show on the records as 6 to 2,
since all absentees count as a No vote.

Kyle Elmore with Forvis Accounting gave an update on the 2022 audit. “It is going well.” It has done well with testing and a draft has been made which is
in the process of being reviewed. Right now we are looking at a four week review process and hopefully it will be completed by May.

Member Mosley confirmed that the audit will be filed within 10 days of completion, possibly even before the Council sees it, depending on when it is ready.
He also asked Mr. Elmore about how some of the larger cities have an auditor on staff. He replied “Some do and some don’t,” and deflected the question
as being better asked of someone else. He added that a committee might speed up the process during City Council meetings.

Mary Nelson with the Financial Department gave the financial report. Capital Expenditures have increased because of three new police cruisers being purchased,
as well as Parks and Recreation improvements. Street Funds revenues are up. Sanitation, Police, and Fire funds look good. The Finance Department
continues to integrate .Gov software, which will include an improved ability to accept online payments.

Member Mosley asked about the settlement payment for Park on the River. It is due in 90 days.

Second Reading of Ordinance 1113 adopts and enacts supplemental provisions of the Maumelle City Code. There was no discussion.

Second Reading of Ordinance 1114 amends the Master Street Plan to realign the proposed collectors in the areas of northwest Maumelle,
near the Diamond Point Sub area.

Member Mosley confirmed this dealt with Ridgeland and Diamond Point Drive. Mayor Norris said it realigns the street plan, including in an
extra-jurisdictional district. He said he did not have a problem with the roads “on its own,” but disliked the establishment of the Stoney Mountain
neighborhood. He felt the housing proposed is “below code.” His concern is that should all the related Ordinances pass, that within a year it will
add traffic, and worried that residents in the area are unaware of this development. “Do we want Maumelle to remain a bedroom community” with easy
access in and out of town? He worried about the Boulevard traffic once again getting clogged up. He advocated delaying votes until Metroplan could
give a presentation at the next meeting.

Member Grummer asked City Staff Jason Lyons about Stoney Mountain being high density. Mr. Lyons said that they would not, that it is overall low
density for RI, medium density at worst, conceding that high density is in the “eye of the beholder.”

Member Mosley said his biggest problem with the development is the access will be through Diamond Point Drive. Mr. Lyons said most of the new ingress
and egress will be on a newly established road. A previous development in this area was denied in 2004 because the developer only planned for a single
road of access, which was proposed to be a private road. Mister Lyons added that the current development has pushed the roadway as far south as they
can to provide more room between the traffic and homes.

City Attorney Thornton asked about Diamond Point was designed for traffic of 2500 trips per day. Existing traffic and
anticipated traffic combined would still be below that threshold. Everyone along Diamond Point was given a notice about the proposal.

Mayor Norris spoke about the concept of high density, and how the smaller homes had “aesthetically pleasing” green and open spaces included.
The actual buildings themselves are what were reduced in size to meet the high demand for homes with smaller lots. Hypothetically they could increase
the lots sizes and reduce the green spaces without even asking for a variance.

Member Mosley confirmed that this property can also be accessed by Hwy 365, Mister Lyons said this area had a lot of growth potential, and anticipated
traffic flowing in the direction of 365 as the developments grows. This might happen in 5 to 10 years. The expenses for building these roads would be
borne by the developers. But “nothing gets built without approval of these roads.”

Member Mosley asked about the City’s obligation to provide access from county roads. Attorney Thornton said the City cannot deny such access.

Member Holt spoke to a builder and a resident. The resident was opposed to developing the land. He asked if this dealt with the properties being
discussed. Mister Lyons said the property is planning to be annexed into Maumelle. “These are typical R1 lots.”

Mayor Norris clarified that the proposed development is single family detached homes.

Member Morris asked about the square footage. The minimum of 1200 is already greater than the 800 minimus size that would have been allowed under
R1 zoning. “They are right in line with their neighbors.”

Second Reading of Ordinance 1115 amends the code to require the Site Plan review to align with the approval process. There was no discussion.

Second Reading of Ordinance 1116 amends the Maumelle City Code concerning the Planned Commercial District Zoning (PCD).

Member Mosley said he had planned to ask Member Mazzoni what he thought of recent changes made to this Ordinance’s language, but he was absent.
Member Mosley is concerned that voting for this was a vote for apartments. “I guarantee you’re going to get apartments.”

Mayor Norris said that was a “non-accurate representation” of this Ordinance. Single family homes are not apartments. Mixed use is not apartments.
Mayor Norris felt that Member Mosley was confusing the public by “calling everything apartments.” He asked if Member Mosley is opposed to Mixed-use.

Member Mosley replied that the citizens do not want apartments to be built and he was opposed to anything that might make that happen.
He added that the Mayor’s clarification was helpful.

Mayor Norris was assertive that the wording was to assure that “we’re not going to get apartments.” If there is something that would allow them in PCD,
he would champion making the changes to stop apartments from being built. No one in the city wants apartments in these areas “at all.”

Attorney Thornton asked Mister Lyons about where mixed use are focused, which is mainly high traffic areas where you would not be placing single family
homes. The whole point of mixed use is to encourage foot traffic over vehicular. PCD does not allow residential by right, and there have to be community,
planning, and council meeting to create a variance. “You’re not going to see high-rises.” A business owner might open a business on the ground floor,
and live on the top floor. “We don’t want high density apartments in the town center.” This Ordinance is focused on commercial property.

Member Gronwald spoke about her understanding of mixed use and how It can lead to meeting the needs of the residents by providing more community
based businesses. “I think this is the way to go.”

Member Mosley asked Mister Lyons if a business was located in the front of a building and the rest were apartments. Lyons replied that it would take
approval from the planning and city council, and parking access would also need to be taken into consideration. “It’s all how it’s done.” Every factor
would be reviewed and community input would be sought. He doubted that density would be a problem, and said the focus would be on commercial.

Attorney Thornton mentioned how the Council had added text to require 100% commercial on the ground floor on properties abutting a city street.
Unique characteristics would require Council approval for variances.

Member Garner asked to have a corrected page added to the next packet.

Mayor Norris apologized to Member Mosley for earlier having had a strong reaction to his misunderstanding of the language. Memeber Mosley said he was
trying to represent residents.

Resolution 2024-05 approves an Economic Development Service Contract between the City of Maumelle and Metro Little Rock Alliance. This is an annual contract.

Jack Thomas with Metro Little Rock discussed their initiatives past and future. They are also marketing Maumelle to find development partners both
regionally and nationwide. A regional manufacturing council is being established. The cost is $5100 with a $1000 reimbursement.

The Resolution passed unanimously.

Resolution 2024-09 approves a conditional use permit for Stony Mountain subdivision.

Member Mosley made a motion to table this motion until the next meeting, so the traffic situation can be further discussed. The motion failed for lack of a second.

Attorney Thornton clarified that the minimum size of homes to be developed would be 1200 square foot. The language on the Resolution showed 1000.

Member Williams said she was fine with the language as it was.

Member Mosley asked about the progress of Pinancle Heights. Mister Lyons said the first phase has had a road and cut-de-sac built.
Member Mosley felt this Resolution needed to be voted down.

Member Gardner said that the developer could by right have built a much larger neighborhood, and the conditional use request is to add more green space.

Mayor Norris said by right that they could do that.

The Resolution passed by a vote of 5 to 1.

Resolution 2024-10 authorizes the Mayor to execute a conveyance for Stony Mountain subdivision. This states the subdivision's intent to be annexed
into Maumelle and to dedicate the streets being built to the City.

Attorney Thornton mentioned how the conveyance was required because the plans include a small strip of City land.

The Resolution passed by a vote of 5 to 1.

Mayor Norris said a briefing will be held at the next meeting about the upcoming Eclipse, and the events planned around it.
He also discussed the four inch rain event that dropped nearly the equivalent of a month’s worth of rain in a few hours recently in Maumelle,
resulting in flooding all over town, and worse in certain areas. The Fire Department was using flat bottom boats to rescue residents from flooded areas.
Parks and Rec opened the community center and the Senior Center helped provide transit. Assistance was also given by businesses and neighborhoods.
The Mayor’s Chief of Staff, Deb Rouse, paid out of her own pocket to secure a hotel room for one family with a handicapped person and several young people.

Member Gardner asked for updates from City Services about areas that tend to be trouble spots. He talked about the extra work done by Public Works
to clear the streets.

Member Holt spoke about how the Council meetings can become tiresome, and how sometimes along the way a good ordinance gets changed into
something different. He commented about how the Council is required to “do an awful lot in a short period of time.”

Mayor Norris advocated that in those situations the Council has the option of tabling things that get into “information overload.”

Member Mosley agreed with Mister Holt about getting more advance notice concerning upcoming proposals. He had gotten a phone call from a lady who
said her dog was attacked by a pit bull in Victoria Circle. Mosley visited Animal Control, where he was told that there were a total of three dogs
bites in the last week in Maumelle. One involved a girl putting her fingers through a fence and was bitten. Another was a dog that entered that backyard
of other dogs. The case with the pit bull was sitting on a front porch, saw the lady jogging with a small dog and attacked the smaller dog.
Member Mosley once again advocated going back to the old law that focused on certain specific breeds instead of all dogs that might attack.

Mayor Norris spoke about the three incidents. “The most frustrating thing from our perspective” is the dog’s owner had been cited twice for him being loose
and “at large” in the previous two days prior to the attack. The Mayor advocated “giving Animal Control the tools they need to prevent” this in the future,
by impounding that dog after the first citation.

Member Mosley discussed how this had been a problem dog, and despite the owner being given a ticket, it was still loose at large the next day.

Everyone can agree with making the penalties stricter to help prevent negligent owners from continued acts of irresponsibility.

Member Gronwald asked about feedback from ARDOT on Ward studies being done in Maumelle, to which the Mayor said we still have not heard back and would
probably need to push them for action.

Member Mosley asked about the relocation of power poles that was paid to be done in April 2023 that still has not been done. When Entergy relocated
their lines, it was discovered that Comcast would also need to move their lines before the poles can be moved.

City Attorney Thornton discussed the decision of the Supreme Court dealing with City Official’s public media accounts, and guidance will be coming soon.
The case arose from a City Official blocking someone from one of his accounts.

City Clerk Timmons announced the annual Easter Egg hunt this Saturday morning at 9AM at Rolling Oaks.

March 18, 2024 Update

Tonight's meeting of the Maumelle City Council has been postponed until next Monday. Too many members were on holiday for us to achieve a quorum.
Instead, here is a list of Blackout on the Boulevard Festival activities planned for the solar eclipse.

March 4, 2024 Update

Tonight’s meeting of the Maumelle City Council was one person short, so all unanimous votes will show a count of 7 to 1,
since absentees count as a No vote.

Alfreda Hoover addressed the Council about her shaved ice permit being denied because she did not have a permanent address in Maumelle.
Her previous location had been sold, and she is searching for a new location. The City Clerk’s Office concern was that the business
could operate as a Pop-up without an owner’s consent. The City Attorney explained that she needed written permission from a property owner.
Ms. Hoover is interested in participating in City events, and questioned how some trucks list their personal home addresses, with business
locations listed as tentative, but were granted a permit. She gave other examples like this, including a dog grooming service that travels
to residents to do their work. She feels transient permits are inconsistent.

City Attorney Thornton suggested that this be made into an agenda item for the next meeting, so we can include all Ms. Hoover’s materials.

City Clerk Timmons said her permit was NOT denied, but is currently on hold until she could discuss the matter with the City Attorney.

Member Mosley proposed putting the matter on the next agenda.

I proposed that we delay it until two meetings following, since it is anticipated that the Council will only have the bare minimum in attendances,
which might unfairly tip any vote against her. She would require 100% support.

City Clerk Timmons also pointed out that the previous lease submitted was expired. There was some disagreement about what information was
provided when. Some of the information had been provided to the City Clerk by the Health Department.

Member Mosley amended his request to match with my suggestion of dealing with this matter during the first meeting in April. This passed unanimously.

Mayor Norris then proceeded to give his State of the City report. Since his speech will also be given during other events, and will be available elsewhere,
I’ll focus on the high points.

This was the Mayor’s 6th State of the City address. Construction is underway to open Pickleball Courts in Spring, and new bike path planning
has been made, which will connect to the Greenbelt Trails that are planned to pass through Maumelle.

Work is underway on the side path connecting Lake Willastein to Club Manor, as that area is planned to become the City's Center.
The All Inclusive playground, which provides access to children of all abilities, as been very successful.
The Diamond Ballpark was dedicated to former and first Maumelle Mayor Burch Johnson.

The Police and Fire Departments have recieved their largest pay increases in history, and new positions added.
Monies were allocated to create a Maumelle Police and Fire Training center.

He gave special mention to Deb Rouse, his new Chief of Staff, for her efforts to keep City agendas running smoothly.

Courtney Dunn has kept the Community Development growing by recruiting new businesses, and promised a major announcement in the next few weeks.

The River City Boat Festival in 2023 was another success, and planning continues for the anticipated crunch of visitors for the 2924 solar eclipse.

Last year Maummelle was voted Volunteer Community of the Year for the 16th time.

The City’s most popular page on their website is the one listing pets up for adoption.

The City Attorney, Andrew Thornton, was on call 24 hours a day, staying actively involved in policies, Council questions, and assisting the police.

Tina Timmons City Clerk’s office has progressed on the upgrade of the City’s hardware and software.
She was appointed President of the Arkansas City Clerks association.

Judge Rita Bailey processed over 2000 cases filed by police and animal control officers in 2023.

The Finance Department led by Beatriz Souza has actively pursued catching up with audits while bringing new .Gov software systems online,
which will provide greater transparency on fees due and paid. Renegotiated interested rates on deposits also gained he City an increase
on interest monies collected. The unaudited annual report for 2023 shows the City to be “in great shape, except for the Sanitation Fund.”
Rates will either need to be increased, or service decreased to bring Sanitation back in line.

There were two commercial building fires and one residential building fire in Maumelle last year. The Council has approved new additions to
the department. Fire Station One had renovations made, due to water damage, and had one truck rebuilt and a new river boat added to
their equipment. They continue to stay active with training programs. Chief Burford completed an Advanced Officer Training course.

The Maumelle Police Department employs 33 officers and 13 civilians, under Chief Cory Pickard. Last year 12 new officers were added.
More than 8000 training hours were logged. Violent crimes were up 12 to 83. Property crimes descreased, except for motor vehicle theft, which increased.
There were 310 traffic accidents reported, and 15 vehicle pursuits. The department’s previous canine has retired, but a new canine and handler have been hired.

Human Resourses, led by Doreen Mathis, implemented a new payroll program, which is still ongoing. Turnover for the City was down to 8% last year,
a significant drop from the prior year's 23%.

Planning and Permits Department, let by Scott Grummer, is responsible for the City’s planned growth. Tractor Supply Distribution, which will become
active next month, described the City’s services as the best they have encountered. Several facilities around the City have made significant
improvements, with 109 residential permits granted. Most were upgrades. Home values are averaging $121 per square foot.

Senior Services saw 350 member visits per work day at the Center on the Lake, overseen by Nichole Vogler.

There was a brief recess in the Mayor’s speech, while a search was made for missing latter pages, which were lost during a conflict of jobs in the copier.

On site Flu shots were also given at the Center on the Lake.

Parks and Recreation led by Phillip Raborn maintains the parks and activity fields throughout the City. The Community Center has added other
activities like Martial Arts training, and saw a 26% increase in water aerobics.

Lake Willastein continues to be an event center throughout the year. Playground equipement has been ordered to replace the current, dilapidated fixtures.

Lake Valencia has had infrastruction repairs made to improve safety and asthetics.

Public Works has 38 employees and maintains a multi-million dollar fleet of vehicles.

The Sanitation division added a new sanitation truck to the existing fleet. Maumelle’s recycling rates are nearly non-existent, having sold tons
of bundled cardboard and other recyclable waste. A study currently being done is expected to recommend the first rate increase in 23 years.

The City’s Street division crew has 5 employees maintaining the City’s hundreds of miles of roads. The budget for street overlays were doubled
by the Council, and money allocated for new walking and biking paths and other improvements.

Animal Services has held a variety of adoption events throughout the year. They have adopted out over 250 animals. There were 260 reports of animals
at large and 90 fence inspections made to help reduce this. A total of 41 animals were euthanized, and the City was given a No Kill status.

Council Member Shinn gave the Planning Commission report. A large portion of their meeting dealt with an additionto the Northwest that is just
outside the City, which is might later be annexed. Most of the other information discussed will be on tonight’s agenda.

The Third Reading of Ordinance 1112 to create an Audit Committee. Member Mosley said the auditors had recommended it.

Member Mazzoni worried that a committee might have a life of its own, and wondered when it would end. He also wanted the audits to be done on time.

Mayor Norris said the committee would exist in perpetuity. He did not feel this would improve the speed of the audits.

Member Gronwald talked about other cities that have audit committees. She did not see it speeding up the audits, but was more as educational tool for the
Council. She questioned language that only allows Council members to serve. The examples she studied had a different mix that included residents with a CPA.

Mayor Norris confirmed that only Council members would serve the committee.

Member Mosley said he would love to have residents included, especially with a CPA. The intent is that it is a standing committee.
“We went 8 months in stall mode. It was stalled out,” and felt Ms. Mathis “totally underestimated the work she had left to do.”

Member Gronwald said her research said there would only be three meetings a year, and the Council was a small part of it.

I expressed the concern that the Council already has access to the auditors, and did not feel the mechanics of scale justified adding an extra
level of interference that might delay the current effort to catch up with the audits. Once that is done, I might reconsider in the future.

Member Holt expressed his concern about complicating matters, but felt a casual setting for discussion might be a benefit.

Ordinance 1112 failed on a vote of 4 to 3.

The First Reading of Ordinance 1113 adopting and enacting supplemental provisions of the Maumelle City Code. There was no discussion.

The First Reading of Ordinance 1114 amends the Master Street Plan to realign the proposed collectors in the areas of northwest Maumelle,
near the Diamond Point Subdivision area. Scott Grummer gave an overview of what this Ordinance does. The Planning Commission had approved a redesign of
Diamond Point Drive out to Settlement Road, as well as other roads that might be turned into collectors. Proposed connections to Settlement Road would
help control the traffic as the area sees growth in the future.

When I first ran for office, I had flagged this area as an important area for growth, with the potential of quicker access to Palarm Creek.
Unfortunately, I have since been told that ARDOT is no longer considering a river bridge from Palarm to Hwy 10 in Little Rock.
That plan has since been targeted to happen at Mayflower.

Member Mosley talked about how this would allow 240 new houses. He felt the housing was too condensed, and that they initially won’t have access to Hwy 365.
He felt this create traffic congestion, and asked what obligation the City had to provide them access. When Mr. Grummer explained the City would
provide emergency services, he asked why they did not ask for annexation first. Mr. Grummer explained this had to do with timbered property being
taxed less in the County, and he also countered that this would NOT be considered a high density housing area.

City Attorney Thornton commented about how changes to the Master Street plan was not contingent to annexaction.

The intention here is to keep Diamond Point from becoming a wide collector road on Emerald Point West that could build into people’s front years,
and instead provides a plan for new roads to serve as collectors for the areas of new growth.

Member Gronwald asked if the lots had been increased in size. Mr. Grummer said no, but the setback had been increased.
She did not see this developement having the potential to increase traffic on the boulevard.

Member Gardner said the new changes would route traffic differently. He felt the growth would happen whether part of Maumelle or not,
and felt the City should take control of that growth.

Several years ago, Mr. Grummer and I discussed the potential of a River Bridge, and I asked if there had been any long-range planning about the
possibility of converting one of the proposed roads into arterial access to HWY 365 and Palarm Creek.

He said Settlement Road would be an Arterial. Another plan had been sidetracked by private land, which is why it was not included in the plan,
but as the City grows he felt that we will need to consider as community growth continues in that direction.

Member Mosley asked about the daily traffic on Diamond Point and Ridgpoint might be. Mr. Grummer replied that the estimates would be around

1175 at one and 1063 vehicles in another area, which will be built to handle 5000. Other details were not immediately available.

Member Mosley asked how many potential neighborhoods might access those roads.

Mayor Norris said it was planned for growth. If Ridgeland eventually connects with HWY 365, most of that traffic will be moving in that direction,
not on the Boulevard.

Member Mosley wanted to know who owns the land where the road would go, and questioned a potential for legal action. Mr. Grummer said Mr. Ken Norman
bought the land which included the development in 2007. City Attorney said the Planning Commission had approved one plan, but there was an appeal,
and the City prevailed. He did not feel legal matters would be reopened. City Staff also support the current plan.

Mayor Norris said redesigning the subdivision and routing the traffic down the collector would not reeach the point of collector traffic.

Member Mosley still questioned if the roads would be able to handle the traffic.

Mr. Grummer replied that Staff said it would be difficult to calculate that far down the line, and limitating factors would be connecting
to sewer and utility, not traffic.

Mayor Norris spoke about how difficult it was to predict future traffic counts.

Mister Walter Pace addressed the Council about Ordinance 1115’s street plan. He felt Mr. Grummer had been very helpful,
and said he would like to talk with him more before making his comments.

Member Mazzoni talked about hoe the intersection at Ridgeland and Odom already needs a light.

Mayor Norris said that years ago it was determined to put in a stop sign, but felt stopping traffic on a blind hill could create a hazardous situation
and possible collisions. Putting blinking lights as an advance warning might be something to consider. He added that surprisingly there are very
few wrecks in that area, even though it does not feel safe.

The First Reading of Ordinance 1115 amends the code to require the Site Plan review to align with the approval process.
Mr. Grummer gave an overview about the intent to align the site plan to eliminate conflicts with Code.

Member Mosley noted that site plans will have a new expiration, but Mr. Grummer said extensions could be applied for as Codes change.

The First Reading of Ordinance 1116 amending the Maumelle City Code concerning the Planned Commercial District Zoning (PCD).
Mr. Grummer explained that this had been sent back to the Planning Commission and they had made significant changes to alleviate the Council’s concerns.
The main change added 9 criteria on approving or denying a request, and used the Take Five Oil Change as an example that the land around a proposed
development can be planned in coordination, taking into consideration the environment it creates.

Mayor Norris said this would affect mixed use, and asked how these changes enabled the City to prevent a bunch of apartment complexes from being built in a PCD.

Attorney Thornton said that would require City Council approval, and that the City had several areas of criteria that could add flexibility and add
requirements for lots abutting public or private streets. Those would have to be 100% commerical. It also puts in density limits per average,
in addition to other qualitative guidelines.

Mr. Grummer gave an example of how a C2 zoning would allow a hotel, and the City could not oppose it. With PCD the Council could deny it.

Member Mazzoni confirmed that external lot coverage would apply if an applicant wanted an R2 zoning on everything.

Attorney Thornton that there was text where the Council could wave the 100% requirement should the property meet a certain set of requirements.
Mr. Grummer explained that difficult topography might not allow street frontages to be developed, and felt it was a good addition. This one sentence was
approved by the Planning Commission, but accidentally dropped from the version submitted to the Council.

Attorney Thornton read the additional text aloud.

Mayor Norris asked how this would be impacted if someone wanted “to put a big fountain in.” There was no discussion about it.

Member Mazzoni said that approvals coming from the Planning Commission can only be passed, rejected, or sent back for revision.

Mayor said the wrong version was sent over and the addition would make it correct, and what the Planning Commission approved.

Member Norris confirmed that the City Council could make a waiver under specific characteristics should the remaining guidelines and criteria be met.

The motion to add the text passed on a vote of 6 to 1.

The Ordinance had its First Reading done again.

Member Gardner asked Mr. Grummer if this gave the Council more control? Mr. Grummer confirmed this.

Member Mosley motioned to remove the sentence that was just added. His motion failed for lack of a Second.

Resolution 2024-06 approved the sale of two 2016 Ford Interceptor for the police department. It passed uananimously.

Resolution 2024-07 amends the 2024 General and Grant Fund Budget to transfer funds out of Building Capital and into Vehicle Capital to buy a security
system and cameras for the Police Department. They were given a $50,000 grant, which requires this transfer of monies. The motion passed unanimously.

Resolution 2024-08 authorizes Mayor to partner with the Maumelle Area Live, Work, Play Foundation, to benefit first responders.

Mayor Assistant Sue Rouse discussed previous funds raised to help Police Chief Pickard with recent medical bills. They City spent no money and the Chamber did
the fundraising. It is being considered to be done again as a Non-Profit, this time to benefit First Responders with any needs their families might have.
Last year it was done through the FOP, but felt it would be better this time to run it through the WLP foundation of the Maumelle Chamber of Commerce.

Member Gardner asked why the Council needed to do this since no public funds were involved.

Attorney Thornton said municipalities cannot donate to individuals, so this was a transparency action.

Member Gronwald felt this was “more clearly tax deductible.” She added that some Cities also provided an emergency fund. She asked if the wording
“other purposes” would allow types of fundraisers.

Attorney Thornton said that since we are using City Staff, we need to articulate the public benefit. To expand the intent would require additional language.

Mayor Norris said we are already able to partner with the Chamber on events like Christmas. This particular item was for the benefit of certain people.

Member Mosley questioned the need to partnership with the City.

Chief of Staff Rouse said that partnering with the community was good PR for the City. “People have been asking for this.”

Chamber Director Kellie Wall discussed the makeup of the LWP committee, and how it requires a member of the Council to be on it. She also confirmed
that all the monies raised would go to provide benefits, but all the work would be done by volunteers. The Resolution passed by a vote of 6 to 1.

Election of President Pro Tem for March 18th Meeting. Mayor Norris discussed how so many members of the Council planned to be out of town for the next meeting,
when he will also be unavailable. He rescheduled the next meeting to take place on March 25. The motion passed unanimously.

Member Shinn mentioned getting a complaint about an Ice Cream Truck being too loud. He heard it on Sunday, and it took 12 minutes to come into sight.
It was a yellow shcool bus with a bunny on the side, and felt that it was indeed too loud.

Chief Pickard said residents could call the police about this.

City Clerk Timmons confirmed that this was not a permitted solicitator.
We have a rogue Ice Cream truck prowling in the city.

Member Mosley discussed online comments about the City receiving a grant, implying that it was new, but that the funds were actually dispersed long ago.
The Tourism Deparment had recently released a list of recipients who were awarded grants last year.

Member Mosley asked about recent roof leaks at the Community Center.

City Clerk Timmons said this was due to recent hail damage, and insurance would be taking care of this.

Member Mosley expressed his disappointment that the audit committee did not pass.

City Attorney Thornton updated that Ms. Timmons of Summit signed the settlement agreement today for Park on the River,
and it would be on the Mayor’s desk very soon.

February 22, 2024 Update to the Update

Mayor Norris just sent the following.
I can confirm that I've had no false alarms due to cell phone failure in several hours now.

"It is our understanding that all of the outages have been resolved. The police department will continue to monitor for a short
while to ensure that we don’t receive any emails from someone unaware that the system is restored, but going forward all emergency communications
should be directed to 911.

"Special recognition goes out to the Police Department for adapting quickly to the situation. They also made sure that School Resource Officers were
in communications with the schools. The Fire Department also sent personnel to all the nursing homes in the city as well as Audubon Apartments to make
sure folks were informed. Folks at the Center on the Lake were also informed about the situation and how to contact us for emergencies. Additionally,
my office was in contact with the press to get the word out through traditional media, and was updating the public on social media, and the city website.

"Nobody likes to see events like this, but I’m proud of City staff and how quickly everyone shifted gears to ensure emergency responses were as available
as they could be under the circumstances.""

February 22, 2024 Update

911 down, and false alarms being triggered.
Mayor Norris sent the following message about the ATT nationwide outages in Maumelle. I can also confirm that, in addition to making 911 calls difficult,
ATT is also causing false alarms to security systems. I've gotten three burglar alarm warnings already today, with the trouble signal BF, which means backup failure.
That's a fun thing to wake up to in the middle of the morning!

"As you may be aware, ATT is suffering a nationwide cellular outage. North Little Rock recently sent out an emergency broadcast notifying people in the area
that they are having troubles with their 911 system. I have verified that Maumelle’s 911 center is still largely operational. It appears, however, that some
individuals are still unable to dial 911 (it appears as though may be limited to some calls originating on the network ATT). Until the network is restored,
individuals that are unable to call 911 may send an email to This email address is being actively monitored for the duration of the
network issues. (Ordinarily this email address is NOT actively monitored and it not a good way to report an emergency.)

"The Police Department, Fire Department, and my communications folks are doing everything we can to spread the word."

February 20, 2024 Update

Tonight’s meeting of the Maumelle City Council was the rarest of hen’s teeth.
We had full attendance!

Finance Director Beatriz Sousa, gave the financial report for January 2024, and explained about how the expenses seemed higher because of
end-of-the-year fluctuations while numbers are finalized. Funding accounts are still healthy. All information requested by the auditors has been provided.

Council member Mosley discussed about how the auditors would address the Council in March, and had said that Ms. Sousa was very responsive to their requests.

The third Reading of Ordinance 1109 Amending Section 2-64 concerned the order of business at Council meetings.

Member Mosley commented about how we already had similar launguage on the books, and felt that “we’re good to go on this.”

The Ordinance passed unanimously.

The third Reading of Ordinance 1110 amends the definition of “Family” for the purposes of zoning regulations.

Member Mosley discussed limiting the number of unrelated persons living in a household, and how City Attorney Thornton had told him about State
and Federal requirements allowing up to 8 persons, so he withdrew his previous objections.

The Ordinance passed unanimously.

The third reading of Ordinance 1111 accepts and confirms the dedication of certain streets and drainage in the development known as Stone Canyon Addition.
The Ordinance passed unanimously.

The second Reading of Ordinance 1112 amends code to create an Audit Committee.

Member Gardner discussed how this was amended in the previous meeting, but the packet provided to the Council contained the old language.
City Attorney Thornton read the minutes from the last minutes and the changes made, striking education requirements and removing limits on how many can serve.

Member Mosley discussed about how as many people who want to serve can now do so, along with the need to address weaknesses identified by the auditors.

Mayor Norris asked if he wanted to set controls on the Financial Department. He said No, it would follow up on suggestions made by the auditors.

Resolution 2024-02 approves a preliminary development plan of lot 1, Express Addition at the corner of Crystal Hill Road and Maumelle Blvd.

I asked Planning Director Grummer to discuss the Greenbelt path that was not shown on the opposite side of the street. He also added that a crosswalk
was not shown for the intersection, and that this oversight would be addressed.

Member Mosley asked Memeber Gardner if he had any comments, who discussed information provided by the City Attorney about the options
Council Members have when approving. Member Mosley expressed his support.

The Resolution passed by a vote of 6 to 2.

Member Mosley discussed the 2021 Audit Memo. The auditors mentioned how in the past that there was not a good separation of duties.
Mayor Norris asked how he felt an audit committee would help with matters such as this. Member Mosley replied that they could follow up with
the Financial Department to make sure they were addressing the concerns.

Mayor Norris said auditors are required to report to the City Council about certain things, and asked if they would now be required to
write down everything discussed while processing the information. He said that there was never been a year when verbal difficencies had not been reported,
and how we have a very small Fiancé Department, which makes it difficult to serparate out some duties.

Member Mosley discussed how the Finance Department had been getting behind for “abut 10 years now,” and if it was not needed in the future we
could disband it then. He also said that the two previous Finance Directors had expressed that “everything was good” as far as internal processing
of the information. Mayor Norris said that did not match with his recollection.

Member Holt commented about how a committee would allow Council members to more easily discuss revelent matters, since we are currently restricted b
y State Law to only discuss matters of the City during City Council meetings. “It has some good points, but it’s not going to solve all our problems.”

Mayor Norris said the City Council does not oversee every step of the Financial Department, like purchase orders and such. He did not want to oppose
the committee out of concerns for how it might look. But he also felt “I’m not really sure what it’s designed to do” and was concerned that it might
be “a hinderance” on the Finance Department being able to do their work. They are already asking for extra help to speed up their own process.
He felt committee meetings would be interruptions on their work. “Do you know how important 40 hours of uninterrupted work can be to the Finance Department?”
His point was that it could be a distraction that would actually slow down the audits, rather than speed them up.

Member Shinn talked about all the previous audits that were late, and wondered why we would add this now when we are starting to catch up.

Member Mosley said he had not thought about it until last fall when we had another Fiancé Director leave, and new delays were encountered.
He talked about how bigger cities hire internal auditors, and felt this was “a good sign of progression.” “If I were Mayor, I’d welcome it…
and would probably push for legislative audits.” He also pointed out that the committee would have no authority, and would only serve in an advisory fashion.

Resolution 2024-04 supports the Maumelle Friends of the Animals personalized Fire Hydrant Program in the City. This deals with patrons paying to have
CAW fire hydrants painted with a Dalmatian design. This Resolution shows support for the organization in their negotiations with Central Arkansas Water.

Member Williams made a motion to include a letter in our document packet that was provided by Friends of the Animals.

The letter and Resolution were both passed unanimously.

The Metropolitan Transportation Plan 2050 was discussed. Mayor Norris supported some of the core policies of the Plan, such as optimizing the existing
network before expanding it. He also discussed its recommendation for mixed used in housing.

Member Mosley expressed his concerns over the previous gridlock and does not want to see that happen again. He has called ARDOT,
and “there is nothing about another entrance” currently being planned for Maumelle.

I discussed how ARDOT is not planning for Maumelle’s growth. Member Mosley and I had both attended a presentation given by ARDOT in 2019 when they
were asking voters to approve turning the temporary State gas tax permanent. We were clearly told that one of the first projects, should it pass,
would be the wideing of Maumelle Blvd. The tax passed, but then ARDOT suffered a memory lapse and said that wideing would be part of their long-range
plans, and not an immediate project. According to a chart in the Metropolitan Plan that Mayor Norris shared with the Council, it appears that the
widening has been moved up to the 20 year priority list--but only from Instate 430 to Counts Massine in North Little Rock.

Mayor Norris talked about the tiered package that ARDOT was selling back then, and how the Maumelle Blvd was then included in their top 10 to happen in
the next 10 years. He also confirmed that the widening would just be between Counts Massie and interstate-430. He did not feel that the current traffic
patterns are what they were five years ago.

Member Mosley mentioned how the Plan talked more about equity and inclusion, "catchwords popular on a federal level,"" but did not see a lot of attention
to traffic conditions.

Member Gardner mentioned unplugging cords when not in use, and for people to turn off interior lights when not in use,

I asked Planning and Permits Director Grummer about recent changes made by the Permits Department, that now require the contractor to submit photos of the
completed work, something that was previously done by the Permit Department, and asked if this was a temporary measure due to damage that recent storms
caused to so many houses in Maumelle.

Director Scott Grummer confirmed that this was temporary. Last year they had around 22 rooffing permits, and in recent weeks have had between 120 to 130
permit requests, with hundreds more anticipated. He also warned about roofers trying to take advantage of residents, and encouraged citizens to make
certain that all contractors are approved by the city.

Member Mosley asked if the remodeling of Crystal Hill Road was a done deal.

Mayor Norris said the contractor’s work has concluded, but that Public Works is still working on making improvements like sprinklers and getting
Entergy to replace lights, plus other landscaping work.

Director of Public Works Mike Hogan said his department had inspected a spot that had been cut out, undercut, and replaced near to Ms. Watkins house.

City Attorney Thornton encouraged everyone to vote, and how early voting is now open, and many court positions are on the ballot.

City Clerk Tina Timmons talked about the “incredible influx of solicitors,” and how you can see an active list of who is legally authorized to
solicit in Maumelle on the City Clerk’s office webpage. “We take vetting incredibly seriously.” Background checks are made and the police and City Attorney
are consulted when questions about an application are raised. She did not mention it at this time, but told me previously about one solicitor
physically threatening her when he was not approved. This is certainly not the type of people we want coming to your door.

Right now there are under 10 roofers that have been vetted.
The City Clerks office has received 60 or 70 applications so far, and less than half passed the first background check.
Every person in their workforce is checked.

Mayor Norris confirmed that the background checks are on criminal history only, and NOT a recommendation of their service. That’s a whole other matter.

So PLEASE be careful in dealing with any roofers who might come knocking on your door.

February 5, 2024 Update

Tonight’s meeting of the Maumelle City Council was once again one member short. It’s a rare thing whenever we have a full quorum.
By rule, all absentees count as a No vote.

Tricia Moran addressed the Council about Lake Willastein and advocating renaming the suspension bridge in honor of Robert Holloway,
who engineered and designed the bridge and park.

Alan Bruce Wagner spoke about Maumelle Forward, and the development of the city center. He feels Maumelle needs a destination like a University,
Museum, or amusement park. Otherwise he feels that Maumelle will remain nothing but a bedroom community catering to single family housing.
He apologized for bringing a problem without offereing a solution, but feels this is something that needs to be address.

Judge Mackie Pierce, who is a Circuit Judge for the area, announced his intention to run for higher office in Little Rock District Court.

Phillip Raborn with Parks and Recreation gave a department report. Currently he has all staff positions filled, which is something that hasn’t
happened for a couple of years. They are seeking lifeguards and aquatic staff for when the pool opens in Summer. He discussed other events being
planned and how the pickleball courts are under construction. Unfortunately, the recent rains have delayed this. Softball is being registered and
the solar eclipse is an event that is coming soon.

Council Member Mosley asked about his department’s involvement in the eclipse. Mister Raborn replied that right now they are working on parking,
and are anticipating huge numbers. He explained that the Maumelle Chamber of Commerce is planning a number of activities.

Member Mosley also asked about the takeover of Park on the River on September 1st, and when people will be able to make reservations.
Mister Raborn mentioned that he could work with Team Summit should anyone contact them first and be interested in the later date. They are still
“trying to iron out everything” to “get out the kinks.” They have needed repairs already budgeted.

City Attorney commented about how the actual takeover will happen on October 1st.

Mayor Norris complimented the Parks and Recreation department for the number of projects they have going on.

Member Gardner gave the Planning Commission report. The Commission approved the placement of an oil change company and another item that will
be coming before the Council.

The third Reading of Ordinance 1103 amends the City Code to include a category of Special Use Commercial (SUC).

Member Mosley suggested tabling the ordinance since another, related ordinance had been sent back to the Planning Commission.

Director of Permits and Planning Scott Grummer explained how the two ordinances are completely different things, and how we do not currently
have a mixed use zoning. He felt this would help promote development of the city center, and is not directly tied to the other ordinance.

Member Mosley disliked the idea of mixed use and felt it would damage “our commercial zoning.” He felt we should not “push this through”
because he felt it would “open the door to large scale apartments.”

Member Mazzoni felt “this is just setting up for the potential” of mixed use.

Director Grummer said this ordinance does not designate how much the mixtures would be, and how that will be decided in the other ordinance.
Having the new land use category now would alert developers that Maumelle is open to mixed use. It is not intended for large residential developments.
Leaving it as it is would make the area less pedestrian-centric. If the ordinance were approved, the next step would designating parcels as this
new land use category, but even if the ordinances were approved then residential apartment complexes would not.

Mayor Norris explained that this is a vote for or against mixed use.

Member Holt said it was his understanding that we are just opening up the format to allow this type of zoning to be used. He felt this is
“a professional step” and suggested that a professional come in and teach Maumelle how to use this. He felt we could be a star city if we
used a united design concept. He supported the ordinance, provided it had proper planning.

Member Mosley again proposed tabling the ordinance until mid-April. “I don’t know that we want them here in Maumelle” and suggested the city
concentrate on single family housing. He was concerned we might “make a big mistake” and recalled the recent traffic problems that occurred
before the third entrance was built.

Member Shinn discussed being in a downtown city in Texas, and how it had multi-use businesses with housing above them. The area had grown since then,
and did not feel this is a complicated issue. “It’s being done everywhere.”

Mayor Norris added a story about a resident’s concerns when a known apartment builder bought a tract of land. The Mayor explained that he was not aware
of any Council member who was an advocate for building apartment complexes. The resident then discussed his preference for mixed use.

Member Gardner discussed how “the council is very good about talking and delaying things” and how all this ordinance does is create a category.
“We are creating a shell” that can have things put into it.

Member Williams said “this is not complicated” and discussed similar developments in Little Rock, how they were beautiful and fun to walk around.
“It did bring in commercial, and there are people living there.” She felt bringing in mixed use would enhance the walkability areas in the city.
“We don’t need to be stuck in the 1970s or 80s.” “This is not going to hurt us.”

Member Mosley expressed concern about how the City had previously turned down a townhouse proposal and felt this was an end-run to try and get around that.
He felt that a vote for this was a vote for apartments.

Member Shinn said “”I’m not going to fall for fear mongering.”

Member Gardner agreed, and opposed tabling the measure. He felt it was okay for people to be opposed and welcoming the diversity of opinion.

Member Holt said we have discussed it and felt we should move forward, and rescinded his second on Member Mosley motion to table the ordinance.
There was no other second, so the motion failed.

Member Mazzoni said he did not feel it was fear mongering, and welcoming the discussion.

Member Mosley then made a motion to direct the Mayor to bring in a member of ARDOT to the next City Council meeting. There was no second,
but Mayor Norris said he felt it was a good idea, and he planned to do this. Member Mosley also suggested that Metroplan send a representative
to talk with the Council about our long term traffic plans.

The ordinance passed by a vote of 6 to 1.

The third Reading of Ordinance 1104 amends the Land Use Plan and Map for the property known as 1605 Club Manor Drive.

Member Mosley asked the City Attorney about language in the ordinance, and expressed his opposition.

City Attorney Thornton said they were from Code.

The ordinance passed by a vote of 6 to 1.

The third Reading of Ordinance 1106 amends City Code to add a new section regarding Cash Bonds posted and deposited with the City.
The ordinance passed by a unanimous vote.

The third Reading of Ordinance 1107 was one I sponsored, which amends Home Business/Occupation Definition to waive the license requirement
for an occasional refreshment/lemonade stand operated by a minor.

Member Mosley said we need more lemonaide stans and supported it.

Member Gardner joked about needing a possible change to the age of 17 for his two boys.

The Ordinance passed unanimously.

The Third Reading of Ordinance 1108, which I also sponsored, updates the annual business registration and Solicitor fees.

The ordiance passed on a vote of 6 to 1.

The second Reading of Ordinance 1109 amends Section 2-64 concerning the order of business at Council meetings.

Member Shinn asked if the Council could still add things to the Council packet.

Mayor Norris and Attorney Thornton said they could.

Member Gardner asked about residents wanting to pass out information. City Attorney Thornton said if it was a public comment, that would be fine.
But if it were concerning something already on the agenda, then the Council would need to vote on it. Member Gardner felt this might “bog things down.”
Attorney Thornton said it would not limit the public’s ability to pass out information.

Mayor Norris said this would only codify what we already do in the processing of Council packet information.

Member Mosley said his intent was to strengthen the requirements, but that added language had instead softened it from “what it was before” but that
the “intent was still there” and suggested tabling it.

Attorney Thornton said his intention was to protect the Council from having a decision opposed in court because of a decision not to table a
late addition to the agenda.

The second Reading of Ordinance 1110 amends Maumelle Code definition of “Family” for the purposes of zoning regulations. Member Mosley asked if
there were anywhere in Maumelle that might be affected by this ordinance. Attorney Thornton said he was unaware. Member Mosley suggested striking
some of the language. Director Grummer said this might cause some problems and that there are situations where several veterans might be living
in a home, and making changes that removed the allowance of up to 8 unrelated people to live together might restrict their ability to do so.

Mayor Norris said there was no way to track that unless someone complained.

Director Grummer said this is more of a matter of cleaning up antiquated language, and that there are instances where multiple people might need
to share a home and expenses.

City Attoney said the language was an alternative to assisted living.

Member Gardner talked about his expertience with houses like this and how it would not change the way the city does business.

Member Williams asked the City Attorney about possible legal implications for restricting group homes.

Member Mosley made a motion to limit housing to 4 people, down from the current limit of 8. The motion to limit occupancy failed for lack of a second.

Member Gardner pointed out that if the language were stricken totally, it would allow groups of more than 8 unrelated individuals to occupy a single home.

The Second Reading of Ordinance 1111 accepts and confirms the dedication of certain streets and drainage in the development known as Stone Canyon Addition.
There was no discussion.

The second Reading of Ordinance 1112 Amending Code to create an Audit Committee. Member Mosley discussed his proposal and his hope to help the
city establish better internal controls and catch up on our delinquent audits. He suggested changing some of the language should it encourage some
of the other Council members to support it.

Member Gardner asked Attorney Thornton about how the Council cannot delegate authority to a committee, and the committee would only be able to meet,
request information, and make recommendations to the Council. He felt that the Council members themselves could already do all those things,
and that “it has the feel of meddling” and creating “busy work” that would not help the City catch up on anything. He did not see the purpose
and questioned what good it would do. “We need to protect the City from ourselves, sometimes.”

Member Mosley said the Council had not been involved in the past. He did call them a lot, and “wished everybody else had” and that the committee
would do what he had been doing to make sure things were moving along. There was an instance where six months passed before the auditors had certain
questions answered. “We’ve been cited for deficentcies two years in a row” and he worried there were other problems we were not yet aware of.

Member Shinn discussed his mother’s experiences dealing with accounting, and felt that requiring a formal education level to serve on the committee
might not be the best way.

Member Mosley made a motion that all Council member be allowed to serve on the committee, if they were so inclined. He agreed that selection should
not be by degree. Other volunteers would require the Council to appoint them.

Attorney Thornton said he felt this was a measure to hold additional meetings of the City Council.

Member Mosley disagreed.

Member Gardner felt the Council was already interested in audit meetings, but questioned having more Council meetings.

The motion to adjust the language passed unanimously and Ordinance 1112 went back to its first meeting, which City Clerk Timmons immediately read.

Member Mosley asked if the Council would have administrative duties. Attorney Thornton did not think this was a legal question, but more one of philosophy.
It depends on what someone felt the City Council’s role was.

The Board of Sign Appeals was convened to consider a sign variance request for The Reserve at Country Club.

Director Grummer explained how ordinance kept the City from approving the sign, but staff did approve of the size after considering the size of the
roundabout where it would be placed along with landscaping that would “highly improve” the area. He confirmed that no lighting was currently
planned for the sign.

Member Gardner talked about how large the area was and that putting a little sign in the area would “look massively out of place.”

Member Mazzoni asked Attorney Thornton read the City Code regarding the Council’s ability to approve this variance.
Mayor Norris added that about how the road had originally been planned as an arterial collector.

Member Mosley asked about the size of the wording. Director Grummer confirmed that only the wording did not fit inside the code,
but that the frame of the sign did.

Member Mazzoni asked what difficulties might occur if the sign was not approved.

The applicant, Lloyd Andrews, said the intent years ago was that the road would be a circular road that connected with another, but that didn’t happen
and was now a dead end with a large roundabout. Their goal was to keep things in proportion and to let people know that the road was ending and
that they should slow down.

Mayor Norris read code that applied to the Council’s decision process in connection to the shift in the nature of that road.

I commented about the City’s need to limit the size of signs so that they did not become a distraction, but did not feel that was a concern
in this situation. I also complimented the curved design of the sign.

Mayor Norris commented about the number of cars that drive right through roundabouts, inadvertantly straightening them.

Member Mosley questioned if this might encourage other developers to enlarge their signs. Attorney Thornton said anyone can request the Council to
consider a variance. Mayor Norris explained about how different situations require different solutions. Director Grummer concurred with that assessment.

Member Mazzoni asked about the necessity to notify drivers. Applicant Andrews said that was the intent.

Mayor Norris asked if any members of the community would like to comment. None did.

The variance passed by a vote of 6 to 1.

Resolution 2024-02 approves a preliminary development plan of lot 1, Express Addition, at Crystal Hill Road and Maumelle Boulevard.

Director Grummer discussed how the Planning Commission gave it a 'Do Pass' recommendation. “That type of use is the type you would find in that area,
so it is a sufficient use.” The only concern discussed by the Commission dealt with drainage, and they requested changes for this and to reduce
traffic conflict. City Staff also gave their recommendation.

Member Mosley asked to hear from the applicant.

Andrew with Take Five Oil Change discussed their other franchises and said this would add to their footprint of growing into the area.
He said they are an express service that would not try to upsell you any unneeded repairs. Customers will not get out of their car,
and the parking was for employees only. The drive around was added to the design at the request of the commission, which would enable people
to change their mind and leave, and would also avoid traffic stacking out onto the road.

Member Mosley wished him well and welcomed him into Maumelle.

Member Gardner asked Attorney Thornton about how the Planning Commission does reviews, and how they follow City Code.
If it meets code they have a duty to pass it. He asked if we approve this resolution, would the Council see it again.

Director Grummer explained in a Planned Commercial District that there are no specific setbacks that they have to meet, only using the Code as a guide.
If the Council approved the plan, it would be a done deal and would not come back again before the Council.

Member Gardner asked if we voted against it, “what would that do?”

Attorney Thornton said he would need more specific reasons than “that’s not the type of business” we like.

Member Gardner called it the busiest corner in the entire city, and worried about how that entire corner might be developed in the future.
Thinking about it gave him “heartburn.”

Attorney Thornton said he did not know what else might be developed on that lot, and commented about how it had never been developed previously.

Director Grummer said this was the “type of discussion” we might get into about the town center. But to this specific parcel, there has been other
interest in that area, and indicated it might increase demand to develop the area. It might also diminish other development plans.

Mayor Norris said the Council’s job is to shape developments, and suggested the City Attorney educate the Council about their role in creating
Planned Urban Developments.

Member Shinn discussed about how the junkyard of abandoned cars had been cleared out and the area had been significatly upgraded.

Member Mosley complimented Member Gardner’s question. People can “show you a pretty picture” and once they get approval then build something else.

Director Grummer commented that any changes would go back to the Planning Commission for approval, and then they would go to the Council.
He is currently working with the land owner, and Courtney Dunn, Director of Development for Maumelle, had no concerns with the future development.

Member Shinn inquired about tabling the motion until more information is provided about the Council’s responsibilities with PUDs.

Member Mosley said such a motion was not unreasonable and second the motion.

Director Grummer discussed how “the applicant has worked extremely well with this type” of unique spaces.

Member Gardner advocated for tabling, and wanted more education about “what is good for this area.”

Director Grummer expressed concerns about how the property owner had tried previously to unsuccessfully develop this property.
We said that if the Council rejected the plan, we would need to provide a good reason for it.

Mayor Norris asked if this delay would cause any problems for the applicant.

The applicant said it could upset the timing of purchases and possibly the property owner.

The motion passed by a vote of 6 to 1.

The applicant said that Council cannot dictate how properties are developed, and told about how he had run into similar problems with other Councils.
When they held the public meeting, no one from the public expressed any opposition.

This will be voted on during the next meeting.

Member Gardner said for the applicant should not take this “as a precursor” of what will happen in two weeks. We only had a few days to examine the motion,
and welcomed more time to consider it.

Member Holt talked about how “something of this magnitude” required an opportunity to “sleep on it.”

Resolution 2024-23 was brought up for a vote to add this motion to appropriate funds for the construction of the pickleball courts.
To delay it might delay the construction of the courts.

Member Mosley expressed his opposition to the short time of consideration, and preferred to wait two weeks before voting.

The motion to consider the motion passed by a vote of 5 to 2.

Mayor Norris discussed the monies previously appropriated, and how the resoltuion was required to carry over appropriations from last year.

Member Mosley proposed tabling the measure, but that failed for lack of a second.

The Resolution passed by a vote of 6 to 1.

There was no other business before the Council.

January 22, 2024 Update

Delayed one week because of last week's blizzard, tonight’s meeting of the Maumelle City Council was one member short,
so all unanimous votes will be recorded as 7 to 1, since all absentees count as a No vote.

Tricia Moran addressed the Council on behalf of the FOA, Friends of the Animals, about the custom painted fire hydrants, giving them a
Dalmatian appearance. This is done on a charity donation basis and Central Arkansas Water has verbally agreed to do this,
but there are concerns about hydrants being painted over before their term was up. Because of this, FOA is asking for a
formal agreement with CAW put into writing. They asked for the Council’s help in making this agreement happen.

Finance Director Beatrix Sousa was out of town, so Senior Accountant Mary Nelson gave the financial report. There are still journal
entries to be made from 2023, which should resolve any discrepancies for the one month period. Staffing shortages have kept the
Sanitation Department below budget. Police and Fire are over budget, but this should reverse as taxes are collected.

Council member Mosley asked about the 2022 audit. Ms. Nelson said the auditor has been given everything they’ve asked for and are working on it now.
“You should pleased.”

The Second Reading of Ordinance 1103 amends City Code to Provide a New Land Use Category and include a category of Special Use Commercial (SUC).

Member Mazzoni expressed his concern over some of the wording and questions if it accomplishes the intent. He is concerned that a developer
might abuse the zoning code in Ordinace 1105.

Member Mosley shared member Massoni’s concerns. He felt it would make it easier to build apartments and high density housing in Maumelle.
Director of Planning and Permits Grummer had added some wording to address their concerns, but member Mosley did not feel that it would work for 1103 and 1105.

Director Grummer addressed the land use language. He pointed out that issues like population density was dealt with in the language in 1105.
The point of this change in Land Use is intended to encourage walkability and development in the Town Center.
He asserted that it would not allow apartment buildings.

Member Mosley expressed his opposition to high density housing, citing that this is something voters have told him that they do not want,
and that he is definitely a No vote.

City Attorney Thornton asked Director Grummer to describe the difference between the Land Use Map and the Zoning Map. He said this is for the
Council to say how we want our City to grow, and how to Zone it.

Member Holt asked how this matter came about, and how housing sales nationwide are the lowest in recent years. Director Grummer replied that it
was a result of a study done several years ago about how to help Maumelle grow as a City, and how to revitalize the Town Center area for mixed-use
opportunities. It had been on his agenda since he first took the job, and a developer's recent interest in the land has accelerated the need.
He emphasized the need for diversity in housing to provide opportunities for people to move into the City. He feels it will help grow Maumelle.

Mayor Norris talked about how he ran for office on a platform of economic development. He has since completed several courses that educated him on
how to do this, along with a fact finding trip to Northwest Arkansas to see how their communities are thriving. He also talked about how markets
are changing and Big Box stores and Malls no longer have the demand they once had. His goal with these new ordinances is to create purchasing
options for new residents, and to create a destination experience in the town center. Our current regulations are prohibiting the new reality,
and without change we will not have the amenities where people can accomplish the trifecta of “work, live, and play” in a local area.
Our code currently does not allow developers to build these.

Member Holt talked about a convention speaker discussing this type of plan, but his concern is that it is done in a balanced way.
He felt that the housing developers might “cherry pick” the areas.

Member Mosley asked if Mayor Norris is pushing for this, or if developers are.

Mayor Norris said this is an idea he had been working for years on creating a comprehensive review of the code to make it more dynamic and
responsive to needs. The urgency of this popped to the forefront when developers started talking about building mixed use properties for certain
parts of town. He advocates certain types of development of non-traditional housing.

Member Mosley discussed the Maumelle Forward plan made previously, but felt that plan was heavily influenced by developers and did not think
“these nodes” are something we should do.

Mayor Norris countered that planning is not a bad thing, and that this is more of a matter of declaring “where we want to go” to help Planning know.

Member Norris expressed a concern that the ordinance rewrite might allow apartments next to the Kroger building, and other places.

Mayor Norris said that is a prime location for a mixed use development with a primary purpose of commercial, with residential being a secondary
use as approved by the planning commission and City Council. He talked about killing plans that only had token commercial and were heavy into
residential for the same area. These plans were discouraged immediately.

Director Grummer talked about how language has been changed to remove allowances for residential, and provides language that gave the Council the
authority to decide what should be developed.

Mayor Norris talked about the City will have more authority, ability, and more leeway in deciding what will be built on the planning level and
Planning Commission, so that by the time the proposals reach the Council any problems should have been addressed.

Member Shinn talked about the commercial real estate, and how things have dramatically changed in recent months. Maumelle houses are selling,
albeit slowly, but asking prices are being met. He felt commercial developments have not been happening is because the properties
are overpriced. A small group of people own the land along the interstate and they set the prices. He wanted Maumelle to be comparable
with other cities like Conway.

Member Mosley expressed a concern that should the city administration change, they might take advantage of it in the future.
Mayor Norris said that these matters would ultimately be decided by City Staff and the City Council.

Director Grummer said the reasons for these changes are to meet the needs that residents have been expressing to him.
He felt the flexibility would allow us to build a town center that would better meet the needs of the community.

The Second Reading of Ordinance 1104 amends the Maumelle Land Use Plan & Map for the property known as 1605 Club Manor Drive.
This deals with the property directly across from the old Sonic that is now a Dominoes.

City Attorney Thornton asked Director Grummer to discuss how the area had changed in recent years, and the new PCD would work better to help develop it.
He said that he had not heard any opposition to this change.

Member Norris talked about how the Council had previously rejected a towne home housing project for this same area. He was concerned that someone might try again.

Director Grummer discussed how if Ordinance 1103 were to fail, 1104 would likewise fail.

The Second Reading of Ordinance 1105 amends the Maumelle Zoning Code code for Planned Commercial District (PCD).

Mayor Norris said he feels the language currently discourages anyone who might want to develop high density housing in the area. He also said
that he was not opposed to adding extra language to reinforce this intent. Creating mixed-use is the intent. He agreed that a bunch of apartments would
not be in the City’s best interests.

City Attorney Thornton discussed the procedure of amendments to the maps and regulations, and how they have been given a Do Pass by the Planning Commission.
The Council cannot make changes, and any changes would need to be sent back to the Planning Commision. He felt this restricted the Council too much,
and will soon be introducing an Ordiance to give the Council more options. Director Grummer elaborated more on the language detailing this.

Both Director Grummer and Attorney Thornton felt these Ordinances will provide the Council with greater flexibility.

Member Mazzoni like the “intent of this” but is concerned about intent being lost because of manipulation of the written word,
and felt that the protections were only token measures.

Director Grummer countered that too much language can end up being restrictive.

Mayor Norris talked about the need “to get this right,” and how important it was to give the control to the Council. He felt the tools are there as
it is currently written, and it was up to the Council to decide how to use it. He considered that our current code is outdated and restrictive.

Member Mosley motioned for sending the ordinance back to Planning Commission to have extra safeguards added.

Member Mazzoni confirmed with Attorney Thornton that if the Ordinance was sent back then a decision would not be made until some time in March.
He was not certain if the Ordiance will then revert back to the first reading.

The motion to send the Ordinance back to the Planning Commission passed.

The Second Reading of Ordinance 1106 amends the City Code to include Cash Bonds posted and deposited with the City. There was no discussion.

The Second Reading of Ordinance 1107 amends the Home Business/Occupation Definition to allow an occasional refreshment stand operated by a minor,
aged 16 or younger, without requiring a business license. There was no discussion.

The Second Reading of Ordinance 1108 amends Annual Registration Fees for business registration and Solicitor Permit fees. There was no discussion.

A meeting of the Board of Signs Appeals, to deal with a requested variance on a sign application. This signage for a Residentail subdivision
development to be placed on the roundabout entrance. Director Grummer said the sign would be appropriate for the area, but was denied because
it exceeded the language in City code.

Member Williams asked about the lighting on the sign and size of the sign. These facts were not included in our packet, and a motion was made to
table the measure until that information was made available. The tabling motion passed and the board of sign appeals adjourned.

Two Planning Commission Appointments for recently vacated seats was applied for by John C. Jones and Alice Fulk.
Both applicants made presentations before the Council, and both were unanimously approved.

Outgoing Commissioner Fisher was acknowledged for his 20-plus years of service with a round of applause.

Resolution 2024-01 authorizes the Mayor to Execute A Settlement resolution regarding unpaid rent for Park on the River.

City Attorney Thornton explained the resolution. He has obtained revenue figures from Team Summit, He focused on the time when the property was
under contract, which was a simple calculation. The time period after the lease expired was more difficult because of language in the contract
which required an action by the City Council to continue.
He also took into consideration any Unlawful Enrichment, which can work both in favor
and against the City. He did not feel that he could charge for entire months when the property was only used for a handful of days. By calculating
the days of actual usage, coupled with the unpaid balance of the contract before it expired, and came up with a settlement total.

Miss Janet Watkins addressed the Council on this matter. She lives a quarter of a mile from Park on the River. After 35 years in the real estate business,
and “to my way of thinking” you should pay rent for every day it is in your possession, and urged the Council to vote No on the proposal. She felt that
Summit owes $68,000. “She owes this bill, she should pay it.”

Alan Bruce Wagner also addressed Park on the River. He had previously emailed his concerns. He advocates that neither party did what they needed to do,
and how access was granted for 28 months without being under contract, and responsibility for the bill needs to be paid. He advocated charging for
the access and revenues generated. “I don’t want to put someone over a barrel and rip them apart,” but wondered if Maumelle taxpayers are
“being ripped off” since a new lease had been generated with Summit, and felt that law then connected the liability for the time period bridged.
He also expressed appreciation for the efforts of the Public Works duering the City's recent issues with “Ice Terrors.”

Mayor Norris said that while he was the sponsor of the resolution, it was Attorney Thornton who dealt with all the details.

Attorney Thornton said he could find no example of laws that would compare with this situation. There is no formula in Arkansas Code to cover this situation.
He also can make no guarantees of what the City might collect if we chose litigation. So he worked on a compromise proposal.
The amount he suggested was “about” what he thought the City might win should it go into litigation.

Member Williams asked the attorney that if we did go month by month, because there was no contract would we have any legal standing. Thornton confirmed this,
based on the language in the contract and the City was not acting like the contract existed, so he felt it was best to pursue revenues generated for the
time period in question.

Member Mosley complimented Attorny Thornton for dealing with “a tough assignment” and looking at it from all sides. He felt his standpoint had been considered,
even if he leaned the other way. He felt the contract should be applied as if it were still in force, and declared that he would be a No vote.
The property was not being offered to anyone else during this time period. He felt that around $68,000 was owed to the City.
“We’re trying to do the right thing” and felt it had been argued out in a constructive manner. He also confirmed if Ms. Timmons had the
authority to enter into this agreement.

Member Holt asked about the contact that had been made with Ms. Timmons of Team Summit. Attorney Thornton said he had corresponded with Ms. Timmons
about the revenue figures. Member Holt asked if Ms. Timmons felt she had taken advantage of the oversight made by the City. He asked if she was taking
advantage of the situation. Attorney Thornton said he has not had that type of conversation with her. Member Holt said Ms. Timmons is a
“very shrewd business person,” and questioned how she had said nothing when the billings stopped.

The total proposed settlement is $31,000 and change, should it be accepted by both parties.

Member Mazzoni asked for clarification about how the problem would not have occurred had the City continued to do billing. Attorney Thornton taked about
the language that said the contract would not continue. Member Mazzoni felt “a lot of mistakes on both side” but did not feel we have legal footing to do anything else.

I discussed about how the waters were muddied with the pandemic, and how the unjust enrichment was a double-edged sword, where it was not fair for either
party to take advantage of the other. If there had been a contract, then I would have advocated collecting the full amount. But that is not the case here.
Should we take the matter to litigation, we would probably end up close to the number being proposed, but would also incur extra expenses and legal costs.
This is a matter of a compromise, where neither party is happy.

Mayor Norris talked about how the proposal is NOT a compromise, splitting the difference, but is the money legally owed to the City.

Member Holt asked if the contract had been extended. Attorney Thornton said it would have been a figure closer to $68,000 had the contract still been in effect.
Member Holt asked “what would a reasonable person do” in connection to Team Summit’s actions. Maumelle had been inept by not billing, but Team Summit had
continued to operate and prosper.

Attorney Thornton said that he did not feel that the time period of the lapsed contract as being worth $40,000. If a new contract had been proposed during
the height of the Covid Pandemic, there might not have been a contract made. Should the Council vote No, then he would need direction on how the Council
wanted to proceed. Civil litigation would take a couple of years, involve a lot of expenses, and the City could potentially get nothing.

Member Holt advocated that the City pursue civil litigation. Attorney Thornton replied that there was no contract under which he could pursue legal action.

Member Williams confirmed that this is not a compromise, but what the City felt it was lawfully entitled to. Attorney Thornton replied that it was
his best estimate of what the City was owed.

Member Shinn talked about reaching out to a utility company when he had not been billed. “Yes, the City was not doing their part” but he struggled with
Team Summit never bringing the lack of billing up.

The vote was 5 to 2 in favor. By tone of voice, myself and others were not happy about voting Yes, but felt it was in the best interest of the City
to resolve this matter this way.

The First Reading of Ordinance 1109 amends Section 2-64 concerning the order of business at Council meetings.

Member Mosley proposed this ordinance, and how items would be introduced with a handout right before a Council meeting. He proposed crucial documents
needed to be publicly shown prior to a meeting. Attorney Thornton had done some research, and felt that the City already had code to deal with this.

City Code 264 required materials to be submitted to the City Clerk in advance, and proposed adding a disclaimer that a motion could be made to table
such items until the next meeting.

Member Mazzoni discussed how new research might be allowed, or not. Attorney Thornton said it would be up to the Council to decide where or not to allow it,
or table it until the next meeting.

Mayor Norris called it a “good ordinance.”

The First Reading of Ordinance 1110 amends the Maumelle Code definition of “Family” for the purposes of zoning regulations. This removes outdated
language such as “retarded persons” and replaces it with “mental illness.”

The First Reading of Ordinance 1111 accepts Dedication of certain streets and drainage in the development known as Stone Canyon Addition.
Member Mosley expressed his support.

The First Reading of Ordinance 1112 amends Code to create an Audit Committee. Member Mosley proposed this ordinance, and said this is a result of
discussions with auditors about methods that would help the City catch up with our delinquent audits. It would be a committee of three people
with an accounting background.

City Attorney Thornton reminded everyone that the Council cannot delegate authority to a Committee. The committee can only offer advice to the Council.
They would have authority to meet, to request information and make recommendations to the City Council.

Member Gronwald asked where the number of three came from. She felt that representation of each Ward should be involved.
She wanted to know who would chose the members.

I asked if this would be a permanent committee, or only until our current delinquency is resolved.

Member Mosley said it would be a permanent committee.

Member Williams said administrative duties belong elsewhere, and not with a legislative body like the City Council.

Mayor Norris was concerned about the City Council appointing members with a focus about educational qualifications. He has questions about the
purpose of the committee and how they would perform their functions. Right now there is no closed door to asking auditors questions.

Member Mosley said he liked member Gronwald’s suggestion to include more members in the committee. He talked about the Council being above the Mayor,
and how we are responsible for the audits.

Member Williams expressed that she did not see a committee as being necessary. She felt this was our business, and we should make it our business.

Member Mosley considers Maumelle to be a “fairly sophisticated City for our size” and felt a committee would help.

Mayor Norris doubts what the impact of a report from the committee might be. He cautioned creating an overly busy committee that might actually end up
hindering more than it would help the accounting department.

Member Mosley talked about “staying in the loop” in case a problem were identified.

Mayor Norris said auditors are already going through the books and will notify the finance department about changes that they feel should be made.
He questioned where the committee would be involved in that process. What would they be reviewing? He also clarified that every year a new committee
would be selected.

Mayor Norris discussed about how Maumelle had closed for snow days based on rules established by the State.
Snow crews have sometimes spent days at Public Works while dealing with the recent snow event.

Maumelle was selected to be one of 7 Volunteer Cities in Arkansas. This is an award recognizing the activism of community volunteers.

Maumelle’s two rain gardens, that also service to help with drainage, were also recognized on a state level.

Member Shinn said he had received three complaints about in inability to use the tennis courts because someone is monopolizing the courts
for a commercial enterprise to teach tennis.

Member Morris talked about seeing his first Pickleball match, and how the players seemed to be having fun. He suggested that ARDOT (Arkansas Department
of Transportation) send a representative to the Council to discuss the proposed widening of Maumelle Boulevard, and the possibility of a new interstate entrance.

Mayor Norris said he would make the request.

City Attorney Thornton discussed the request by the MFOA, and said the Mayor had already asked him to draft a letter of support for the hydrant plans.

City Clerk Timmons clarified how declarations of income by all elected officials should be submitted to her before the end of the month.

January 2, 2024 Update

In tonight’s meeting of the Maumelle City Council FINALLY had a full quorum, with all Council persons in attendance.
Unfortunately, Mayor Norris tested positive for Covid and had to miss the meeting.

While we were waiting for the meeting to start, I confirmed that last Thursday’s Public meeting about the property at Crystal Hill and
Maumelle Boulevard dealt with creating an exemption to put an Oil Change Center in that location. Eyes rolled when I was told about the proposal
for what is "a beautiful part of the City.""

A vote was taken at the start of the meeting to have Council person Williams preside in the Mayor’s place.

Member Shinn gave the Planning Commission report. Both matters are on tonight’s agenda.

Council Meeting Protocol being established at the start of every year was the first order of business.

Member Mosley discussed having all documents in the Council packet before every meeting and wanted to insert an item that declares that all
documents will be included in the council packet. He was concerned about memos being issued right before a meeting. City Attorney Thornton
advised that this change would require the passage of an Ordinance.

First Reading of Ordinance 1103 Amending City Code to Provide a New Land Use Category to include a category of special Use Commercial (SUC).

Director of Planning and Permits Scott Grummer discussed how this amendment would create a mixed use category.

Member Mosley asked if the matter could not be handled under the C2 category, and questioned the need. Director Grummer mentioned recent changes in C2,
and said a new zoning category would proved “more strength” to the planning and offer more flexibility in the developing areas. City Staff has
recommended the change. Member Mosley was worried that this might allow apartments to be built on commercial property. The mixed use intent
of the Zoning would only allow apartments to be built on the upper floors of a development that had Commercial development on the ground floor.
He also discussed how references in the Maumelle Forward plan to the “Maumelle Village” dealt with the business centers between north and south Odom.

Member Gardner asked Mr. Grummer to confirm that this rewrite would allow both flexibility and increased restrictions to avoid residential density.

Member Mosley talked about the land across from the old Sonic (now Dominoes) and how a developer wants to change their land use to this new category.
Mr. Grummer said that was a recommendation from the City Staff. Right now the land is listed as institutional, which is no longer appropriate.
Parcels around it have been changed, but not that particular piece of property.

First Reading of Ordinance 1104 Amending the Maumelle Land Use Plan and Map for the property known as 1605 Club Manor Drive.

Director Grummer addressed this change, which dealt with the property across from Dominoes that was discussed in connection with the previous Ordinance.

Member Mosley expressed his opposition to this change. He questioned if a hospital or clinic could be there, but was told no other kind of commercial
development could be done.

Member Gardner commented about how Baptist had previously owned that land, which is why it was zoned that way, and commented how he felt this would
be a good change.

Member Mosley commented about previous zoning change requests for towne houses that had been denied for that property.

First Reading of Ordinance 1105 Amending current code concerning Planned Commercial District (PCD).

Directory Grummer discussed how this was a modification to accomodate a mixed-use planned development. The previous language would have allowed certain
types of light industrial that would not be appropriate in the town center. It would have allowed small warehouses. Residential can only be
allowed with a mixed commerical development. The new language would promote more open space developments that encourage people to congregate. One of the
goals was to encourage cultural development within the City. Any residential use as part of a mixed use would require approval from the City Council,
allowing the Council to decide what would be consider appropriate for the area.

Member Mosley expressed criticism about any residential being allowed in a commeiical setting.
He felt homes in Maumelle should be limited to single housing because of previous problems in traffic congestion prior to the opening of the third entrance.

Member Gardner asked if any other Ordinance would need to be adjusted for these types of developments. Director Grummer commented about the flexibility
provided in a PCD (Planned Commerical Development). The goal is to create a walkable community. No other changes would be required to accomodate this.

Member Mazzoni stated how he was uncomfortable about residential, and suggested adding a percentage limitation. He made a motion to put in a percentage,
seconded by Member Mosley, to added such a limitation. Director Grummer asked if the motion could be tabled until the next meeting, to give him time to
evaluate the situation. Member Massoni withdrew his motion. Member Mosley expressed concerns about “percentages of what?” Square footage was the reply.
His concern was if someone else were doing Mr. Grummer’s job in the future who might have a different interpretation.

First Reading of Ordinance 1106 Amending City Code to add a new section regarding Cash Bonds posted and deposited with the City.
City Attorney Thornton explained recent difficulties in accepting a cash payment.

First Reading of Ordinance 1107 Amending Home Business/Occupation Definition to allow an occasional refreshment stand operated by a minor aged 16 or
younger without requiring a license.

This is my third attempt to encourage the entrepreneurial spirit in young people by allowing them to operate “lemonaide stands” without requiring a license.
City Attorney Thornton suggested breaking this out from the update of the business license fees and handling this change as its own ordinance.

Member Gardner confirmed that when his boys turned 17 they would then have to buy a permit.

First Reading of Ordinance 1108 Amending Annual Business Registration Fees. This is a revision of the measure I introduced earlier in 2023 and includes
changes suggested by City Clerk Timmons. As discussed during the budget meetings, the City Council has a feduciaury responsibility to not only be
responsible in how we spend the City’s monies, but in how we collect for services provided by the City. In much the same way the the Park on the River
was overlooked, the business license fees have also been overlooked and neglected for some time. The last revision to the business license fee schedule
was over 20 years ago, and the fees charged for solicitor’s permits has not been adjusted in nearly 40 years. Before this proposal we had the cheapest
fees being charged in the State, and after the proposed increase we will STILL be the lowest in the state—they are that woefully out-of-date. The fees
being charged have not been enough to cover the cost of collecting those fees in recent years.

Member Mosley expressed pleasure that the home based business license remained the same.

City Clerk Timmons talked about how she had made low suggestions to keep the increases low.

Member Gardner said he was glad this was brought back up. He questioned allocating a percentage of the fees to police and fire.
He asked if I would consider dropping that.

Member Mosley agreed with Member Gardner.

Member Gronwald discussed her support and liked the plan to show how the monies would be dispersed.
She also epressed agreement in how solicitor fees need to be raised.

I explained how this was a transparency clause to show businesses how their fees are being spent. The General Budget is already allocated at 50% going to
police and fire, so this was an example of "six of one, or half-a-dozen of another."
I also mentioned that I’ve never had a single person express a desire to have more solicitors knocking on their door.

City Attorney Thornton announced that he had just received the requested information from Team Summit concerning the Park on the River,
and would have a recommendation on how next to proceed ready for the next meeting.

January 1, 2024 Update

The City of Maumelle, and the many assets we offer to businesses relocating here,
was the subject of a double-page feature in a 2020 issue of Business View Magazine.
It can be seen hanging in the hallway of City Hall, near the Blue Room

Maumelle City Council
2023 Notes:

Here is a link to all my notes pertaining to Maumelle's City Council during 2023.

Maumelle City Council 2022 notes.

Here is a link to all my notes pertaining to Maumelle's City Council during 2022.


Maumelle City Council 2021 Notes.

Here is a link to all my notes pertaining to Maumelle's City Council during 2021.

Maumelle 2021

Maumelle City Council 2020 Notes

Here is a link to all my notes pertaining to Maumelle's City Council during 2020.
Maumelle City Council 2020

2019 City Council Notes:

Here is a link to all my notes pertaining to Maumelle's City Council during 2019.
Maumelle 3rd Entrance under construction

Here is a link to my 2018 Campaign page.
Michael for Maumelle City Council

photo by Shannon Odom


proposed rezoning map


Click on the map below to find your voting ward:

Maumelle Ward 3 Map

The State of Arkansas has it's own long-range planning, called Long Range Intermodal Transportation Plan (LRITP), with a vision that reaches to 2040. You can access the public record of this plan on the following link:

Here is Maumelle's current long-range plan.
All images and text are © 1984-2018 Michael Tierney.
Wild Stars ® is a Registered Trademark of Michael Tierney
Little Rocket Publications TM is a Trademark of Tierney Incorporated